

Total Downloads: 55,751 - First Release: Sep 25, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 13, 2018

5/5, 160 likes
  1. Can I remove this command?
    /ipanel hide and /ipanel show
  2. Open the file through InfoPanel.cs notepad ++, line 1469
    Str + =" <b> <color = # ffa500ff> / ipanel <hide | show> </ color> </ b> - To hide or show the panel. \ N ";
    remove it
  3. This did not remove the command, just hid which command is in /ipanel ;/
  4. I removed ;)
  5. I'm sorry guys but it would my server not make more unique.
    Please for understanding

    Best regards
  6. ......except that no one is joining or not joining your server based on your InfoPanel configuration because no one knows what it looks like until they have already joined. Sharing your config cannot possibly hurt your player count.
  7. Is it possible to replace the online players on the panel?
  8. I want to let the balance on the left side of my life, but is a bit strange after some minutes :(

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  9. For the dark effect under? Share your config file I correct that for you (send me a private message)
  10. I set Bottom left panel to false and the "store" still shows up?? Don't know how to remove store.
  11. so after much dicking around today i've managed to add some color and my economics to the infopanel i downloaded from a few pages back (1st image)

    what i'm wondering is how have people added social media links/icons like the 2nd image??

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  12. Don't worry, I already did my own version and better version :D
  13. Have some GUI Interface to change the config?
  14. @Nogrod Config for this plugin is still pretty complicated and the community has to keep relying on other peoples configs instead of configuring their own. Is there no way it can be simplified to make it easier? The whole top left dock but the thing it applies to are actually in the bottom right of the screen way this thing works is mighty confusing.

    An idea I had for the config of the UI.

    Chat command, edit position of box X, brings up an outline of the box, which you can then move around with arrow keys, maybe other keys to enlarge or shrink, basically so the whole thing could be done in game.

    At the very least some sort of breakdown of terminology or an image showing how the terms relate to the parts of the screen would be useful.

  15. I agree with @Corrosive, this would definitely be helpful to the community.
  16. That would be incredibly difficult. It is not a simple plugin, you have to familiarise yourself with Rust UI if you'd like to understand everything in the config file. X & Y minimum values are 0, that would be the bottom right of your screen. X & Y maximum are 1, that would be the top left. If you need help post your config here, good luck!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2016
  17. how to add rp point in infopanel?
  18. You should make a video teaching everyone on how to configure the plugin.
  19. upload_2016-11-27_20-17-1.png Any one can take this config :)

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