GUI Shop

GUI Shop based on Economics. Supports NPC

Total Downloads: 11,480 - First Release: Aug 29, 2015 - Last Update: May 3, 2018

5/5, 38 likes
  1. Hi! I am trying to get the shop NPC to sell a "Heli Attack" command to a predefined location. I am running the HeliControl plugin on the server, and tried with the following config in GUIShop:
    "Heli Attack": {
          "buy": "1000",
          "img": "",
          "cmd": ["callheli pos -1749 17 -459 1"],
          "cooldown": "0",
          "sell": "1500"
    After buying a "Heli Attack", the heli icon (in InfoPanel) is active for a second, but soon becomes blank and no heli arrives. Anyone got an idea how to make this work?

  2. hmm try maybe this, i use the player pos who is buy it

        "Call a Heli": {
          "buy": "250000",
          "img": "",
          "cmd": ["callheli $"],
          "cooldown": "86400",
          "sell": "0"
  3. Thanks for the tip! I found out that in order to get the heli to actually spawn in a predefined spawn location (that I have set with Heli Control plugin) I need to use default rust commands. It won't work with Heli Control commands. It is important that the heli actually spawns in the desired location, because I don't wish it to fly over places outside of our "heli zone". I cannot figure out how to send a default Rust command ( or heli.calltome) from this plugin, is it possible?
  4. hmm try this:

    "cmd": ["spawn patrolhelicopter \"x y z\"" ],

    "cmd": ["spawn patrolhelicopter \"100 0 -74\"" ],
    otherwise i dont know :/
  5. Hey dIMjIM, you are so cool! It worked, thanks a zillion times!!! The heli now spawns in the locations I wanted it to.
  6. Im trying to modify the code to fit my server but no matter what I do it keeps giving me errors in the console, can some1 share their code with me so i can use that or try to compare it plz?
  7. I know I have seen a guishop screenshot of a copy of this plugin with actual "categories" shown when you open /shop across the screen. How do I obtain this and how much do I have to pay ? :)

    I would like this.
  8. The shop is automatically increasing prices the more an item is bought and decreasing the sell price the more the item is sold. How do I disable this?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2017
  9. "Shop - Shop List": {
    "chat": {
    "buy": [
    "all your items"

    "description": "",
    "name": ""
    [DOUBLEPOST=1507666043][/DOUBLEPOST]how do I change the format?
    I want to show the balance only an integer without fractional.
    {0:d} does not work
  10. Hi, so i am trying to get this config to work. i have ran this through the json checker but to no luck i modified this so it can be used by /shop so i do hope someone can tell why it is blank when i do /shop

    Attached Files:

  11. "Shop - Shop Categories": {}
    "Shop - Shop Categories": {
    "Animal Fat": {
            "buy": "20",
            "img": "",
            "item": "animal fat",
            "sell": "12"
    .... next items 
  12. so what do i need to add to my json to fix it???
  13. Need items move to "Shop - Shop Categories": { Here }
  14. Soo where "Shop - Shop Categories": { Here } is i need to add the catagorys of each type but then that leads me to this question how can i put the items in each catagory?? like i said i am very much clueless on this so a example catagory setup with some of my items in there in working code format would be great being im not exactly picking up where u going all the way i understand how it works but how would i link the items with the shop?
  15. Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2017
  16. Anyone want to setup a shop for me - this is way to time consuming for me.
    Obviously i will pay for your time.
    Add me on steam - same name

    I can show you the exact shop i want copying so pretty easy for someone who knows what they are doing.

    Also one final thing i added the economics mod - yet it doesnt give the player a set amount of money every hour - am i missing another mod for this ?
  17. Rewards for Rust | Oxide
    try this :)
  18. I'm stuck with selling Kits. For example, when I'm trying to sell a kit "Engineer",

    "Engineer": {
    "buy": "50000",
    "img": "",
    "item": "inv.giveplayer $ kit engineer",
    "cooldown": "0",
    "sell": "0"

    I already made a kit for "Engineer" and stored in database. However, when I reload the Kits.cs, console shows :

    [GUIShop] ShopCategory: Engineer Unknown item: inv.giveplayer $ kit engineer

    How can I fix this ?

  19. try this :

    "cmd": ["inv.giveplayer $ kit engineer"],