GUI Shop

GUI Shop based on Economics. Supports NPC

Total Downloads: 11,481 - First Release: Aug 29, 2015 - Last Update: May 3, 2018

5/5, 38 likes
  1. But I mean, I want players to do /shop and see the categories like this screenshot_36 —
  2. No idea how to do that I'm afraid, looks cool though
  3. Ok, np thank you
  4. Can someone please assist? Just trying to set this up for a simple scrap shop, but every time I add the scrap it wont show up! I just want to make scrap sellable for 100 eco coins. And then those coins can be spent on the items listed. What am I doing wrong? Code and file are below.

        "Message - Bought": "You've successfully bought {0}x {1}",
        "Message - Error - Building Blocked": "You cannot shop while in building blocked area.",
        "Message - Error - Command Multiple": "Can't buy multiple",
        "Message - Error - Cooldown": "This item has a cooldown of {0} seconds.",
        "Message - Error - Cooldown Amount": "This item has a cooldown and amount is limited to 1.",
        "Message - Error - Invetory Full": "Your inventory is full.",
        "Message - Error - Invetory Slots": "Your inventory needs {0} free slots.",
        "Message - Error - Item Doesnt Exist": "WARNING: The item you are trying to buy doesn't seem to exist",
        "Message - Error - Item Not Set Properly": "WARNING: The admin didn't set this item properly! (item)",
        "Message - Error - Item Not Valid": "WARNING: It seems like it's not a valid item",
        "Message - Error - No Action In Shop": "You are not allowed to {0} in this shop",
        "Message - Error - No Action Item": "You are not allowed to {0} this item here",
        "Message - Error - No Buy Price": "WARNING: No buy price was given by the admin, you can't buy this item",
        "Message - Error - No Chat Shop": "You may not use the chat shop. You might need to find the NPC Shops.",
        "Message - Error - No Econonomics": "Couldn't get informations out of Economics. Is it installed?",
        "Message - Error - No NPC": "The NPC owning this shop was not found around you",
        "Message - Error - No Sell Price": "WARNING: No sell price was given by the admin, you can't sell this item",
        "Message - Error - No Shop": "This shop doesn't seem to exist.",
        "Message - Error - Not Enough Items": "You don't have enough of this item.",
        "Message - Error - Not Enough Money": "You need {0} coins to buy {1} of {2}",
        "Message - Error - Not Nothing": "You cannot buy nothing of this item.",
        "Message - Error - Redeem Kit": "WARNING: There was an error while giving you this kit",
        "Message - Sold": "You've successfully sold {0}x {1}",
        "Shop - Balance": false,
        "Shop - Shop Categories": {
            "Scrap": {
                "buy": "100"
                "img": "",
                "item": "scrap",
                "sell": "100"
            "Wood": {
                "buy": "100",
                "img": "",
                "item": "wood"
            "Stones": {
                "buy": "100",
                "img": "",
                "item": "stones"        },
            "Metal Fragments": {
                "buy": "100",
                "img": "",
                "item": "metal.fragments"
        "Shop - Shop Icon Url": "",
        "Shop - Shop List": {
            "chat": {
                "buy": [
                    "Metal Fragments"
                    "scrap"            ],
                "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this shop",
                "name": "Scrap Shop",
                "sell": [

    Attached Files:

  5. You missed one bro :p
  6. Thank you for the catch!

    So here is the issue I am having - the code is correct now, checked with JSON Validator. See blow. But Scrap is still not showing up after reload. See attached pic.

        "Message - Bought": "You've successfully bought {0}x {1}",
        "Message - Error - Building Blocked": "You cannot shop while in building blocked area.",
        "Message - Error - Command Multiple": "Can't buy multiple",
        "Message - Error - Cooldown": "This item has a cooldown of {0} seconds.",
        "Message - Error - Cooldown Amount": "This item has a cooldown and amount is limited to 1.",
        "Message - Error - Invetory Full": "Your inventory is full.",
        "Message - Error - Invetory Slots": "Your inventory needs {0} free slots.",
        "Message - Error - Item Doesnt Exist": "WARNING: The item you are trying to buy doesn't seem to exist",
        "Message - Error - Item Not Set Properly": "WARNING: The admin didn't set this item properly! (item)",
        "Message - Error - Item Not Valid": "WARNING: It seems like it's not a valid item",
        "Message - Error - No Action In Shop": "You are not allowed to {0} in this shop",
        "Message - Error - No Action Item": "You are not allowed to {0} this item here",
        "Message - Error - No Buy Price": "WARNING: No buy price was given by the admin, you can't buy this item",
        "Message - Error - No Chat Shop": "You may not use the chat shop. You might need to find the NPC Shops.",
        "Message - Error - No Econonomics": "Couldn't get informations out of Economics. Is it installed?",
        "Message - Error - No NPC": "The NPC owning this shop was not found around you",
        "Message - Error - No Sell Price": "WARNING: No sell price was given by the admin, you can't sell this item",
        "Message - Error - No Shop": "This shop doesn't seem to exist.",
        "Message - Error - Not Enough Items": "You don't have enough of this item.",
        "Message - Error - Not Enough Money": "You need {0} coins to buy {1} of {2}",
        "Message - Error - Not Nothing": "You cannot buy nothing of this item.",
        "Message - Error - Redeem Kit": "WARNING: There was an error while giving you this kit",
        "Message - Sold": "You've successfully sold {0}x {1}",
        "Shop - Balance": false,
        "Shop - Shop Categories": {
            "Scrap": {
                "buy": "100",
                "img": "",
                "item": "scrap",
                "sell": "100"
            "Wood": {
                "buy": "100",
                "img": "",
                "item": "wood"
            "Stones": {
                "buy": "100",
                "img": "",
                "item": "stones"        },
            "Metal Fragments": {
                "buy": "100",
                "img": "",
                "item": "metal.fragments"
        "Shop - Shop Icon Url": "",
        "Shop - Shop List": {
            "chat": {
                "buy": [
                    "Metal Fragments",
                    "scrap"            ],
                "description": "You currently have {0} coins to spend in this shop",
                "name": "Scrap Shop",
                "sell": [
    [DOUBLEPOST=1501626303][/DOUBLEPOST]OMG I GOT IT, one LOWERCASE "S" ruining everything. FML

    Attached Files:

  7. can someone post the shop config file? i cant get any items to show up in my store
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2017
  8. Can I get a premade config for the shop with all the items in the game with reasonable buy and sell prices? Also how do I make different shops for multiple NPCs?
  9. yo i added the plugin to my server and then i added it to an AI but everythime i do /shop or i go to my AI it says Couldnt get informations out of Economics. is it installed?
  10. Hello, I am a moderator on a Rust server and we are currently using this plugin. We are facing a problem and I would like to know if its our fault/rust's or a bug with your plugin. So we have added the water bottle but when the players buy it they get an empty bottle. In the past it gave a bottle with 120ml. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  11. hi in the config i change blueberries to gears and apple to teck trash and when i restart my server it dosent let me use the shop on my pc any more. also where it says weapons smith i tried to add that to an npc and it didn't work either
    [DOUBLEPOST=1502499292][/DOUBLEPOST]hi again how do i sell high quality metal cuz i do "high quality metal" and it dosnt work
  12. Dear Developers,

    I have no idea where I had to put this but I pay 5$ - 10$ if someone wants to set up my shop in my rust server. I have not really time to do it myself because of my work in RL, so i'm searching someone who could do this for me.

    I have the shop already added in a NotePad++ file but not with the config.file codings done so that have to be added.

    The plugin GUIshop is already been added only it has to be filled in with my items for the shop!

    I ask to do:
    - Buy/Sell
    - Images 0f the items.
    - 32Items (5 Are already added)


    If you are intrested in a job of 30min - 1hr work for 5$ - 10$ add me on one of the contacts below.

    Email: [email protected]
    Discord: #4987 Wolfsketch
    Skype: jasoncoolnr3
  13. Have sometime if you need help
  14. sure send me and I'll send you the things you have to add in
  15. Hello, gonna ask again since last time didnt get an answer. Any idea how to add a water bottle that actually has water? Used to work in the past but now it doesnt. Thanks in advance!
  16. Can I have an answer from the devs or at least people that know stuff about the plugin please?
  17. Someone of u have the config of shop already?
  18. how can i remove 'all' button? <-- buy button 1 10 100 1000 all <-- this !
  19. look this post: