

Total Downloads: 21,436 - First Release: Oct 21, 2014 - Last Update: Mar 9, 2017

5/5, 35 likes
  1. The didnt break give, it's just exacly what i wanted lol
  2. So we cant give ourselves a stack of 500,000 wood etc is that what you're saying?
  3. I can as my stackable is 100 000 on my server lol.
    But yeah .. You'll just have to use your Wood before giving you more xD
  4. So what do I need to change in order to be able to stack it?
  5. ItemsConfig plugin.
    You can edit most everything from an item with it.
    Change in "Wood"
    Stackable: 1000.0
    To 100000.0
  6. do u think u could make it liek it was before for admins u could just do /give wood 432532 etc instead of having to put our own name in each time
  7. Yeah i thought of à way ^^
  8. Hi, with the new version, I have to type my full playername to use the command --> /give "[GG] Der Hans" "wood" 100
    This made the tool very uncomfortable. Please fix
    I'd like to use "/give wood 100" instead, as before.

    Thank you
  9. Nope
  10. You can do /give Hans XX XXXXXX
  11. Reneb updated Give with a new update entry:


  12. Alright! Thanks a lot
  13. Reneb, there is an error in your script thatt effect giving kits.

    Line 44:
    object findplugin = pluginsfullib.Find("Kits2");
    Should be ("Kits") obviously.
  14. Lol yeah xD
  15. Turns out there is another one in the messages (I believe).

    Line 278

    (I might be getting the hang of this lol)
  16. Reneb updated Give with a new update entry:

    minor fix

  17. Big Qustion ? when you Stack a Lantern. whit example 3. take the Stack down in hand And set the first lantern.

    after that you Need to split it, up

    Is there anyway to fix that so you can keep set The lanterns whit out spiltting it up ????