

Total Downloads: 18,016 - First Release: Jun 8, 2016 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

5/5, 56 likes
  1. @Fujikura One of my players has found a slight bug! We have it sat where ONLY the thrower of the signal can access the crate, but upon that person accessing it, if an opposing player comes up while he is in it? He can access it at the same time as the thrower and snag their loot! Any way to fix this? This wasn't an issue before, but due to Facepunch's new multiple players in one crate rule, it seems to have bugged this :)
  2. Its desigend that way, that the plugin does not block anymore looting when the initial player did started the first looting of the crate.
    FacePunch's multi-access strategy cannot be blocked. Maybe its possible to do the unlock after end of first looting.
  3. Yeah that's what I was wondering! Thank you for the input on this matter. I'll see if I can find anything that might be helpful, but in the meantime, do you think that could be added in with this plugin? If not no worries! :)
  4. Fujikura updated FancyDrop with a new update entry:


    Done :)
  5. Sorry, this is kind of new to me so I want to double check i'm doing this right.. If i set the config like this does that mean airdrops will happen every 30 minutes?

    "Timer": {
    "Cleanup old Drops at serverstart": true,
    "Maximum minutes for random timer delay ": 35,
    "Minimum minutes for random timer delay ": 30,
    "Minimum players for timed Drop": 1,
    "Remove builtIn Airdrop": true,
    "Reset Timer after manual random drop": false,
    "Use Airdrop timer": true
  6. between 30-35 minutes, if at minimum one player is online.
  7. Hey, how do i make it so I have drops in 4 different locations every 4 hours? for example: 12 PM Airdrop lands at airfield, 16PM airdrops lands at sattelite etc...
  8. Example. Replace te numbers after topos with X and Z coordinates
      "Timers": {
        "log to console": true,
        "RealTime": {
          "12:00": "topos 12 34",
          "16:00": "topos 34 56",
          "20:00": "topos 56 78"
        "ServerTime": {
          "18": "massdropto 0 0 5 100",
          "6": "massdrop 3"
        "use RealTime": true,
        "use ServerTime": false
  9. Thanks, Can you also check for betterloot? I have no idea what I did wrong because it wont work...
  10. Someone that can help me? I disabled special effects when the airdrop lands but it still makes the sound when it lands. Also It does not drop 3 items max It still drops 6 items although I put it on 3 max and 1 minimum. Also the loot does not spawn in what I want it to be. I also changed the speed of the plane and it still flies at the same default 75 speed. but in the code it is set to 100.

      "Airdrop": {
        "Default radius for location based massdrop": 100,
        "Delay between Massdrop plane spawns": 0.33,
        "Disable SupplySignal randomization": false,
        "Massdrop default plane amount": 5,
        "Multiplier for (plane height * highest point on Map); Default 1.0": 1.0,
        "Multiplier for overall flight distance; lower means faster at map": 1.25,
        "Prefab effect to use": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/survey_explosion.prefab",
        "Prefab effect to use at spawn by night": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/player/onfire.prefab",
        "signal rocket explosion timer": 15,
        "signal rocket speed": 15,
        "Use special effect at reaching ground position": false,
        "Use special effect at spawning by night": false
      "DropLight": {
        "Frequency for blinking": 0.25,
        "remove Light once landed": false,
        "Time for pause between blinking": 3.0,
        "use SupplyDrop Light": true
      "DropSettings": {
        "DropDefault": {
          "additionalheight": 0,
          "crateAirResistance": 1.0,
          "cratesGap": 50,
          "despawnMinutes": 15,
          "includeStaticItemList": false,
          "includeStaticItemListName": "regular",
          "includeStaticItemListOnly": false,
          "itemDivider": 2,
          "maxCrates": 1,
          "maxItems": 3,
          "minCrates": 1,
          "minItems": 1,
          "planeSpeed": 100,
          "useCustomLootTable": false
        "DropTypes": {
          "custom_event": {
            "additionalheight": 0,
            "crateAirResistance": 1.0,
            "cratesGap": 50,
            "despawnMinutes": 15,
            "fireSignalRocket": false,
            "includeStaticItemList": false,
            "includeStaticItemListName": "custom_event",
            "includeStaticItemListOnly": false,
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "maxCrates": 1,
            "maxItems": 3,
            "minCrates": 1,
            "minItems": 1,
            "notificationInfo": "Custom Stuff",
            "planeSpeed": 100,
            "useCustomLootTable": false
          "dropdirect": {
            "additionalheight": 0,
            "crateAirResistance": 1.0,
            "cratesGap": 50,
            "despawnMinutes": 15,
            "fireSignalRocket": false,
            "includeStaticItemList": false,
            "includeStaticItemListName": "dropdirect",
            "includeStaticItemListOnly": false,
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "maxCrates": 1,
            "maxItems": 3,
            "minCrates": 1,
            "minItems": 1,
            "planeSpeed": 100,
            "useCustomLootTable": false
          "massdrop": {
            "additionalheight": 0,
            "crateAirResistance": 1.0,
            "cratesGap": 50,
            "despawnMinutes": 15,
            "fireSignalRocket": false,
            "includeStaticItemList": false,
            "includeStaticItemListName": "massdrop",
            "includeStaticItemListOnly": false,
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "maxCrates": 1,
            "maxItems": 3,
            "minCrates": 1,
            "minItems": 1,
            "planeSpeed": 100,
            "useCustomLootTable": false
          "regular": {
            "additionalheight": 0,
            "crateAirResistance": 1.0,
            "cratesGap": 50,
            "despawnMinutes": 15,
            "fireSignalRocket": false,
            "includeStaticItemList": false,
            "includeStaticItemListName": "regular",
            "includeStaticItemListOnly": false,
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "maxCrates": 1,
            "maxItems": 3,
            "minCrates": 1,
            "minItems": 1,
            "planeSpeed": 100,
            "useCustomLootTable": false
          "supplysignal": {
            "additionalheight": 0,
            "crateAirResistance": 1.0,
            "cratesGap": 50,
            "despawnMinutes": 15,
            "fireSignalRocket": true,
            "includeStaticItemList": false,
            "includeStaticItemListName": "supplysignal",
            "includeStaticItemListOnly": false,
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "maxCrates": 1,
            "maxItems": 3,
            "minCrates": 1,
            "minItems": 1,
            "planeSpeed": 100,
            "useCustomLootTable": false
      "Generic": {
        "Admin messages color": "silver",
        "AuthLevel needed for console commands": 1,
        "Broadcast messages color": "white",
        "Chat/Message prefix": "Air Drop",
        "GUI Announce command": "announce.announce",
        "Lock DirectDrop to be looted only by target player": true,
        "Lock SignalDrop to be looted only by target player": false,
        "Prefix color": "cyan",
        "Prefix format": "<color={0}>{1}</color>: ",
        "Show message to admin after command usage": true,
        "Time for active smoke of SupplySignal": 210.0,
        "Unlock crates only after player stopped looting": false,
        "version": "2.6.7"
      "Notification": {
        "Maximum distance in meters to get notified about landed Drop": 1000,
        "Maximum distance in meters to get notified about looted Drop": 1000,
        "Notify a player about incoming Drop to his location": false,
        "Notify a player about spawned Drop at his location": false,
        "Notify admins per chat about player who has thrown SupplySignal ": false,
        "Notify console at Drop by SupplySignal": false,
        "Notify console at timed-regular Drop": false,
        "Notify console when a Drop is being looted": false,
        "Notify console when Drop is landed": false,
        "Notify console when Drop is spawned": false,
        "Notify console when Drop landed/spawned only at the first": false,
        "Notify players at custom/event Drop": false,
        "Notify players at custom/event Drop including Coords": false,
        "Notify players at Drop by SupplySignal": false,
        "Notify players at Drop by SupplySignal including Coords ": false,
        "Notify players at Massdrop": false,
        "Notify players at Random/Timed Drop": false,
        "Notify players at Random/Timed Drop including Coords": false,
        "Notify players when a Drop is being looted": false,
        "Notify players when a Drop is being looted including coords": false,
        "Notify players when Drop is landed about distance": false,
        "Notify Players who has thrown a SupplySignal": false,
        "Notify Players who has thrown a SupplySignal including coords": false,
        "use GUI Announcements for any Drop notification": false
      "SimpleUI": {
        "SimpleUI_Enable": false,
        "SimpleUI_FontSize": 25,
        "SimpleUI_HideTimer": 10,
        "SimpleUI_Left": 0.1,
        "SimpleUI_MaxHeight": 0.1,
        "SimpleUI_MaxWidth": 0.8,
        "SimpleUI_NoticeColor": "1 1 1 0.9",
        "SimpleUI_ShadowColor": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5",
        "SimpleUI_Top": 0.05
      "StaticItems": {
        "DropTypes": {
          "custom_event": {
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "itemList": {
              "explosive.timed": 1,
              "grenade.f1": 3,
              "rifle.ak": 1,
              "rifle.bolt": 1,
              "pump.shotgun": 1,
              "ammo.shotgun": 250,
              "ammo.rifle": 250,
              "ammo.pistol": 250,
              "explosives": 15,
              "metal.refined": 100
            }      },
          "dropdirect": {
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "itemList": {        }
          "massdrop": {
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "itemList": {        }
          "regular": {
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "itemList": {
              "explosive.timed": 1,
              "grenade.f1": 3,
              "rifle.ak": 1,
              "rifle.bolt": 1,
              "pump.shotgun": 1,
              "ammo.shotgun": 250,
              "ammo.rifle": 250,
              "ammo.pistol": 250,
              "explosives": 15,
              "metal.refined": 100
          "supplysignal": {
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "itemList": {
              "explosive.timed": 1,
              "grenade.f1": 3,
              "rifle.ak": 1,
              "rifle.bolt": 1,
              "pump.shotgun": 1,
              "ammo.shotgun": 250,
              "ammo.rifle": 250,
              "ammo.pistol": 250,
              "explosives": 15,
              "metal.refined": 100
      "Timer": {
        "Cleanup old Drops at serverstart": true,
        "Maximum minutes for random timer delay ": 50,
        "Minimum minutes for random timer delay ": 30,
        "Minimum players for timed Drop": 2,
        "Remove builtIn Airdrop": true,
        "Reset Timer after manual random drop": false,
        "Use Airdrop timer": true
      "Timers": {
        "log to console": true,
        "RealTime": {
          "03:00": "topos 12 34",
          "06:00": "topos 34 56",
          "09:00": "topos 56 78",
          "12:00": "topos 12 34",
          "15:00": "topos 34 56",
          "18:00": "topos 56 78",
          "21:00": "topos 12 34",
          "24:00": "topos 34 56"    },
        "ServerTime": {
          "18": "massdropto 0 0 5 100",
          "6": "massdrop 3"
        "use RealTime": false,
        "use ServerTime": false
  11. When using BetterLoot also for Drop loot content, then the item amounts are taken from there.
    You need also to reload the plugin after config changes. Some hoster need also a restart to let plugins accept new config files.
  12. Okey, the plane travel is working. But my loot is still messed up and I have no idea what i'm doing wrong.

    In the custom config I want to create 4 Different Groups (Ammo,Weapons,Dynamite,Materials) Then I put this in the other config ""useCustomLootTable": true" On all of them. Then I did "oxide.reload FancyDrop" Then i go into game spawn a airdrop and I still dont get the items I put into groups. This is the code.

      "Categories": {
        "Ammo": {
          "ammo.pistol": 250,
          "ammo.rifle": 250,
          "ammo.shotgun": 250,
        "Materials": {
        "Dynamite": {
        "Weapons": {
          "AK47 With Ammo": 1,
          "Bolt Rifle With Ammo":1,
          "MP5 With Ammo":1,
      "Items": {
        "C4": {
          "explosive.timed": 3
        "hoodie": {
          "hoodie": 1
        "pants": {
          "pants": 1
        "tshirt.long": {
          "tshirt.long": 1
        "tshirt": {
          "tshirt": 1
        "WoodArmorSet": {
          "wood.armor.jacket": 1,
          "wood.armor.pants": 1
        "coffeecan.helmet": {
          "coffeecan.helmet": 1
        "bucket.helmet": {
          "bucket.helmet": 1
        "jacket.snow": {
          "jacket.snow": 1
        "riot.helmet": {
          "riot.helmet": 1
        "metal.plate.torso": {
          "metal.plate.torso": 1
        "metal.facemask": {
          "metal.facemask": 1
        "jacket": {
          "jacket": 1
        "PistolRegular": {
          "ammo.pistol": 250
        "PistolFire": {
          "": 10
        "PistolHV": {
          "ammo.pistol.hv": 10
        "RifleRegular": {
        "RifleFire": {
          "ammo.rifle.incendiary": 8
        "RifleHV": {
          "ammo.rifle.hv": 10
        "RifleEXP": {
          "ammo.rifle.explosive": 8
        "ShotgunShells": {
          "ammo.shotgun": 250
        "ShotgunSlugs": {
          "ammo.shotgun.slug": 4
        "AK47 With Ammo": {
          "rifle.ak": 1,
          "ammo.rifle": 30
        "SMG with Ammo": {
          "smg.thompson": 1,
          "ammo.pistol": 15
        "Bolt Rifle With Ammo": {
          "rifle.bolt": 1,
          "ammo.rifle": 15
        "Custom Smg With Ammo": {
          "smg.2": 1,
          "ammo.pistol": 20
        "LR300 With Ammo": {
          "rifle.lr300": 1,
          "ammo.rifle": 30
        "MP5 With Ammo": {
          "smg.mp5": 1,
          "ammo.pistol": 30
        "M92 With Ammo": {
          "pistol.m92": 1,
          "ammo.pistol": 30
        "Mining Ore": {
          "mining.quarry": 1,
          "surveycharge": 10
        "Traps": {
          "trap.landmine": 3,
          "trap.bear": 3
        "HQMetal_Large": {
          "metal.refined": 100
        "targeting_computer": {
          "": 1
        "cctv_camera": {
          "": 1
        "gunpowder": {
        "lowgradefuel": {
          "lowgradefuel": 250
        "DropTypes": {
          "custom_event": {
            "additionalheight": 0,
            "crateAirResistance": 0.5,
            "cratesGap": 50,
            "despawnMinutes": 15,
            "fireSignalRocket": false,
            "includeStaticItemList": false,
            "includeStaticItemListName": "custom_event",
            "includeStaticItemListOnly": true,
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "maxCrates": 1,
            "maxItems": 3,
            "minCrates": 1,
            "minItems": 1,
            "notificationInfo": "Custom Stuff",
            "planeSpeed": 100,
            "useCustomLootTable": true
  13. (22:02:25) | Failed to call hook 'cdropToPlayer' on plugin 'FancyDrop v2.6.7' (InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.)
  14. how do i make a static item list for this amazing plugin friend ? :)

    and also sometimes theres nothing in the crates and i even waited 5 sec after it touched the ground and min items is 4 ?? any1 know this problem
  15. Cannot confirm or reproduce with any possible input for that command.
  16. CHR


    got also reports of empty supplys...
  17. Update AlphaLoot ;)
  18. Code:
          "regular": {
            "itemDivider": 2,
            "itemList": {
    I did this and then put usestaticlist: True and I still get Cameras and pants how do i fix this?
  19. includeStaticItemListOnly > true
  20. I did that and i still get pants and stuff..