1. Try updating Rust:IO and removing the plugin Broadcast.
  2. I will, I will give you a Feedback.. So what does this mean?? I Can't use Anymore Broadcast?? (that's kinda critical when i need to Give Important Info to players... they won't listen to me :D but they will listen to what the server has to say hahaha)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1442697934][/DOUBLEPOST]Does The Blue Means It had No Problem Installing Due to Updated Plugin??? Which Is Working Perfectly Fine???
    Red Means... It will Still Work (lol i hope) But the plugin Is Outdated? .........
    What Does this Mean.PNG
    [DOUBLEPOST=1442698307][/DOUBLEPOST]What's Up With the Compilation?
    ( I Deleted all the Plugin to reinstall Again To See the Problems (I had to Cuz The server Crashed or it was not responding Once i pushed all the mods into it))


    Is this Critical? Will this Effect Anything?? Does this Mean I Can't Run certain Mods due to Some Reason??/ Should i keep it Low profile on mods? Did i make a Mistake Doing Something???? Was the Server Suppose to be Shutdown to Install the plugins??? (I never had to do that..) this is the first time all this is happening to me. I just want to load all the plugins with no Problems And Overwrite them with my Old JSON File So i can't have to Modify Any Default Files...
  3. Not sure about this, what I would say however is to update your server with oxide again, if you get the same error, then I would say just pm Wulf and he should have a fix for it soon.
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Let's keep the reports here. ;)
  5. ^ I'm experiencing the same issues.

    I have already installed the new "snapshot" listed above. I have also reinstalled Rust:IO and unloaded / loaded all of the plugins one by one but the issue persists.

    I have attached two (2) logs. If there's anything else I need to provide, please let me know.

    Thank you.

    Attached Files:

  6. ok ok.... -thinks- like I Said.. I'm lvl 0 Coder.. ( was lvl -1 3 weeks ago and there are 100 levels lol)

    I know Oxide Works Perfectly. cuz i tested that. in-game and rusty. oxide.reload Any plugin.. it have me response even if I typed oxide.reload (it would ask which mod to reload) So After i deleted all the plugin... I installed 1 by 1.. and tested them out... First i tested AdminProtection. No Problem it said this but with adminProtection
    > oxide.reload admintickets
    [Oxide] 4:14 PM [Info] Unloaded plugin Admin Tickets v1.5.72 by LaserHydra
    [Oxide] 4:14 PM [Info] Loaded plugin Admin Tickets v1.5.72 by LaserHydra

    And it used the [Info] So i'm Guessing Info (Cuz i always read info never read debug or what not) I'm Guessing this plugin works Perfectly. Nothing wrong i went to the game and typed /ap and it gave me protection. nothing wrong perfect... 1 mod out of 80.... lol next... Ticket... it was successful with Info i went to game and typed /ticket hello. Boom it sent to admin perfect!... same with auto-door-open... I went to open a door that was not mine. it worked fine. then you told me not to install the autobroadcast and i did anyways to see what reaction it will have... Boom there was over 20 lines full of crap said about it...


    Then at the buttom it said unloaded loaded all those loads and stuff... so i said mmm maybe it works.. so i went to in-game and typed /bcast hello... (unknown Command) <--- Means it doesn't work.. So i uninstalled it... next Plugin... AutoCommand

    [Oxide] 4:19 PM [Error] Failed to load plugin autocommands (IOException: Sharing violation on path c:\games\108_61_100_188_28026\1233121\ruste\server\1233121\oxide\plugins\autocommands.lua)
    [Oxide] 4:19 PM [Debug] at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    and then it's down hill I started to keep adding mods...

    What Does this Mean.PNG

    And then bunch of Debugs File Arrives...

    this morning i literally made new Plugin Folder.. and went to plugin Mods... and Choice which ones to use Cuz i knew i had to update them. So i started to Download them 1 by 1.. took me an hour... i set them all in 1 folder.. and ran them in Plugin Folder for the Gameserver site... then it was working fine... So I wanted to over write them using the JSON file i had saved (I should have just put all the NEW JSON Files in another folder and took my Sweet time Copying and Pasting new Script Config 1 by 1, but no i just over written) After that all this happen... and debugs and stuff.. that's my assumption....

    Step by Step. What Would You Recommend For this Situation :)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2015
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You can fix ALL of the "IOException: Sharing violation on path" errors by simply reloading plugins that get those. They mean that your FTP client was still using the plugin after you uploaded it and the server tried to load it during that time. Your Broadcast plugin command was not working, because the plugin wasn't actually loaded.
  8. Oh 1 more thin.. lol even everything goes well... out of 80 plugins i only get maybe 20-30% of config files back from it. And i know how many Config FIles i must have.
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Not all plugins have config files, so I'd recommend checking their Overview pages to see if they actually have one.
  10. What Does this mean? I Started to Reload All The Plugins... And it Keeps Doing this lol...

    I Understand that. But i have 80 Mods.. And before this Darn Update. I know i had Atlist 40 At List. i know it's more. But now i'm getting less then 25.. I don't know if it's Cuz of plugin Updates Not requiring Anymore Config Files.. but that's odd

    Update: oh i forgot to Say... your right it's just me because once i restart the server.. the server isn't gonna function again. but the Config Files will add Like it's Suppost to.. this sucks so if there is server restart.. it's not coming back online. but the Config files will be above 40. wonder why it's this.... something it's crashing or preventing server from working again (in order to work. i will be forced to take the bad plugins out. but since i don't know which plugins is messing the server... i'm forced to delete them all)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2015
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The "already reloading" and "failed to compile" are bugs with the compiler, which is what we are trying to track down. That's the purpose of this thread.

    If you've never loaded the plugins successfully before, the configs won't be generated. Config files don't just disappear unless they are being deleted by you or are host though. You don't need to delete anything for updates either generally.
  12. ok ok... we are getting somewhere now... i Reloaded all the Plugins in Rusty. And it kept saying the same thin... Needs reloading... and Well I Then Restarted the Server... it Actually came back up... and All the Config's poped up. i'm in the Game Server at this momment... it's working like it should...

    Now everything is Default. For me To Over Write the Default File to what i had before Server Update.. How Should I Approach this?

    1. Take the Old JSON File that Has ur Data And Rewrite it Over the New Updated JSON?
    2. Open NEW Updated JSON And Paste the OLD JSON Data?
    3. Waste Additional 200 Hours Configuring the Data Manually?
    4. Do Nothing And Stay Still, Therefor the Server Won't Crash Or Act Up, So That You Won't Have To Bother Wulfy Anymore.?
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    For oxide/data files, your server needs to be offline for them to be overwriten. For oxide/config files, they can be added anytime, but the plugins would need to be reloaded after replacing the configs. You can reload ALL plugins using "reload *" in your console.
  14. Any help would be appreciated.

    Attached Files:

  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin