
Prevents items from being crafted if the player's inventory is full

Total Downloads: 2,138 - First Release: Mar 29, 2016 - Last Update: Feb 18, 2017

5/5, 9 likes
  1. Alright, toxic comment here. Just lost 10k gunpowder due to this plugin. Was out raiding and these cunts who had been roofcamping all day had a full chest of charcoal and sulfur. I was like "Fuck it, lets no carry it, imma turn it into gunpowder already". Was gonna craft while running home, but suddenly it said inventory full, item not crafted, while still having well over 10k+ crafting. Please fix this, as it is honestly extremely annoying.
  2. It is not just about this plugin, it is about the plugin your server use @Psifio , it is called "stack size" thing afaik, I fixed this losing items for no reason on my server and I am fine with that now but I don't remember how I did it
  3. @Wulf There is a problem gunpowder crafting , Sulfur and Coals disappear when the bag is full
  4. @Wulf

    Plugin 'CraftSpamBlocker' is using the Lang API but has no messages registered