Copy Paste

Copy and paste your buildings to save them or move them

Total Downloads: 21,524 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 14, 2018

5/5, 83 likes
  1. Not sure if they're even in-game so this is just a curiosity question... In Fortify there are xmas lights that you can place but when pasting the structure in those xmas lights are missing. I take it that is a Fortify only thing?
  2. Ok, waiting fix.
  3. miRror updated Copy Paste with a new update entry:


  4. Is there a way to do not pick up Raidblock and Combatblock?
  5. For some weard reason, my battlefield almost as wide as savas island got fully copied, except the towers made of double door frames for the search lights.

    Only 2-3 levels got pasted back, the rest on top is gone.
    Does this sounds familiar to anybody?
  6. For copy full map use command: /copy allmap each false radius 200000
  7. This copy's all placed structures on the map back? That would spare me a lot of time and datafiles in storage xD

    And what about the boxes on the beach with savas island, would give no problems? There are defaulth large boxes with guns and clothes on the beach, they have to respawn, but need al lights in the structures because of the chambers. Think Gonna try first and play with the radius, lol sorry for not reading the overview in the right way :p
  8. Is there a way just admins can use this?
  9. unless u give players permission then they CANNOT use this.
  10. nevermind
  11. tomhud I have just got this and without giving myself permission i can use it
  12. are you logged in as admin if so try it as a player
  13. I have a question how do you make the floor/stories copy radius bigger, in only copys 2 floors how can i make that bigger?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2017
  14. It doesn't work for me. help
  15. Hi! It does not work for keys (lock), the key that spawn no longer works for the lock :(

    Other than that, very good plugin, thank you! :)
  16. New to the plugin and loving it so far.. was wandering if there was any sites or forums where people can share their builds.
  17. check out - fortify on steam
    it has a steam workshop and if u have the program then u can download them to your computer.
    Once there its pretty easy to copy the json file to your cut and paste folder.
  18. thanks m8. its a nice little design program.
  19. Is there a way to assign ownership of all the pasted items - that have ownership - to the person pasting the item - or to make it save the previous ownership?

    I have issues with ownership after pasting a building although I do wonder if I copied it priority updates to this plugin, maybe that's creating the issue.
  20. When I paste a building back half the 1st level is underground. any suggestions?