Building Grades

Allows admins to easily upgrade or downgrade an entire building

Total Downloads: 21,398 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

5/5, 49 likes
  1. found an issue for buildings with mixed owners, i'll post an update soon...
  2. That would explain it, the clan buildings where the one that caused it.
  3. Hi,
    I really like your plugin, but there is one thing missing I think.
    That would be upgrading types of building blocks.
    like /up <opt:grade> <opt:type> -> /up 2 foundation(maybe with short numbers)
  4. Nogrod updated Building Grades with a new update entry:


  5. not working
    BuildingGrades.cs(285,32): error CS1061: Type `BuildingBlock' does not contain a definition for `UpdateSkin' and no extension method `UpdateSkin' of type `BuildingBlock' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  6. you need to update your rust & oxide
  7. not update release ....
  8. My plugin says in oxide.plugins command ['BuildingBlock' does not contain a definition for 'update skin' and no extension method 'update skin' of type 'buildingblock' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  9. Permissions not working.
  10. today there was the 4th update for this week.

    same as above update your rust & oxide

    which exactly?
  11. ok working, with update
  12. What update was it for? Any description regarding it?
  13. it says buildinggrades.cangrade does not exsit. when i do grant group admin buildinggrades.cangrade
  14. download the new update of plugin
  15. I have still the problem happens.
    > reload BuildingGrades
    [Oxide] 1:58 PM [Error] BuildingGrades plugin failed to compile!
    [Oxide] 1:58 PM [Error] BuildingGrades.cs(285,32): error CS1061: Type `BuildingBlock' does not contain a definition for `UpdateSkin' and no extension method `UpdateSkin' of type `BuildingBlock' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    i got this error i deleted plugin not config is showing up in my config folder. this showed in Rusty when i reloaded plugin.
  16. Found solution, clan interfering with plugin friend, unload pulgin clan, and cupboard for friend work perfectly ^^
  17. you are not using the latest rust & oxide
  18. Ummm yes i am. no offense but im running latest oxide or i wont be able to connect to my own server and same with 5 friends no offense.
  19. you need oxide 1783 or higher, it is only 2 days old...this weeks there were already 4 patches...
  20. I have a question as I cant test it for a few hours and need to inform my gamers.
    If they have a frag base for foundation but everything else is wood, if they use /up 2 will it only upgrade the stone or will it also downgrade the frag foundations?
    saves me having to try refund them if it downgrades the foundation. Thanks