

Total Downloads: 11,685 - First Release: Jul 31, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 27, 2018

5/5, 81 likes
  1. yeah, I've heard some weird things happen at gameservers .

    I'm sure you have tested the plugin on both servers. home and remote ?
  2. I have, indeed.
    I write+test on home server, then push to my public server, then you guys get it.
  3. i test botspawn and another spawn plugins launchsite.and also that another bots not shoot launcsite area so looks like bots attack easily and move more outside that area/areas,i just testing that 1 area.when i spawn bots outside monuments area they attack and shoot more.
    also looks like botspawn and another bots not fight they are close without shooting
  4. @Shadow 8 + @Krazy J
    It's a long shot, but I'm leaving this version here for you to test.
    It's v1.0.9 but with animal_ignore completely removed to rule out performance issues.

    While I've had zero issues with that option, and I spawned shit tonnes of animals and bots to test, it's still worth ruling out.
    Needless to say, the "Ignore_Animals" option in config is redundant in this version - No need to remove or edit your config, though.

    Everyone else, unless you're having issues, there's no advantage to this version or reason to download it.

    Attached Files:

  5. they attack litlebit more but still bots attack and moving better outside monuments areas.
    i dont know if that can do anything
  6. Bot Firing Range ~ BotRadius

    Attack distance is problematic

    I see the player long distance attack easily KO AI
  7. While they are a little glitchy, they are still in early development, but I love this plugin so far.

    However, I don't know if anyone has asked this yet, but is there a way, skin ID (somehow as I know radsuits don't have skins) or another plugin or otherwise but able to change the color of the radsuits somehow? Is there a way to host a skin online and have the mod reference it? I don't know how this would work when the body is looted. The players on my server like this plugin but they wonder if coloring the radsuit is possible somehow.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2017
  8. Hi,
    Thanks for the feedback.
    Honestly, I know nothing about skins whatsoever. It might be worth asking in the skin-related plugin threads.
    I can look into it a bit too - It's a cool idea. :)
  9. I know certain mods allow you to customize the Skin ID of items and such given in kits or something... So... I bet it is possible somehow... Maybe if the skin reference is hosted by a third party, online dropbox or something... I am curious nevertheless.
  10. you are able to change the skin of a skin-able item within the actual kits plugin itself, this only works for items that are able to have skins so this probably wouldn't work for the radsuit as you arent able to skin it.
    not sure if this is any help for you, however i thought id mention it :)
  11. you can use customsets plugins or skin plugins to get skins you server.then add items with skin for kit
  12. I know that much, but I know you can make custom skins, put them on the workshop and get them into the game as unofficial skins. I've seen servers have t-shirts in their autokit with logos on it instead of the typical tshirt skins. Is it possible that the radsuit can be done in the same way?
  13. I haven't tested this version yet. I'm curious what the largest map you have tested on? I think I saw you say something about up to 6k?

    I backed up my server again and wiped just the map itself, 4500 @ 5% Fire Rate and changed to a 3000 map, keeping all the settings and plugins I have installed Fire Rate increased by 95%. Then I changed to a 3500 map. The fire rate for a 3000 and a 3500 map is about the same, probably a 3-5% different but they still fire at a very good speed. (maybe too much)
    They seem to use some guns better than others, Shotguns are best, and they seem to ignore bot_fire_range, (we were about 100m away from a monument, and their range was set to 20. They were still shooting at us)
    Also, setting Ignore_Animals True or False doesn't affect the fire rate at all but it does work as intended. Although, when they aren't ignoring animals, They shoot constantly. (at eachother, at animals, at us lol) Its a major war zone.

    I haven't tested a 4k map this time, but I'm sure it will be in between what the 4500 map fire rate is and the 3500 map fire rate is. Just not sure why map size has to do with fire rate (haven't figured that one out yet) for some server owners.

    I would like to help test things with you on your server. If that is an option? :) i'd be very interested to see the difference you are noting.
  14. sadly i believe not as you cannot skin the radsuit i believe
  15. I cant get any bots to spawn on my server at (example) Launchsite, i set launchesite to true ?

    is there a command list for this plugin ?

    thx for help
  16. Hi,
    There are no commands other than the console commands bot.respawn and bot.count.
    Those are really there for troubleshooting more than anything. bot.count will tell you how many active AI the plugin has spawned on your map.

    Installing, setting Launch Site to 'true', and reloading, is all that's required to spawn the default number of scientists at that location.
  17. What do you mean with reloading ? =)
  18. Oh.
    That'll be why it doesn't work.

    With any oxide plugin you will need to reload the plug before config changes take effect.
    Typing oxide.reload PluginName in console, observing case and ignoring extensions, will reload the plug.

    In this case edit your config then, in console, type oxide.reload BotSpawn
  19. ok just typed oxide.reload BotSpawn, still nothing happens still 0 of 120 bots
  20. i use 4k map