

Total Downloads: 1,687 - First Release: Dec 19, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 20, 2018

5/5, 12 likes
  1. [Oxide] 10:22 [Warning] 'BoobyTraps v0.1.6' plugin is using deprecated hook: OnPlayerLoot - fix pls
  2. what is the way the chance works?
  3. What ever you set the number to in the config, say 8, makes it a 1 in 8 chance.
  4. Thanks! :)
  5. Does this still work with latest Rust update(s)? also if I do random, will the players here a ticking or something to warn them about the blow up?

    also if it blows up is everything that was in the chest/airdrop/package destroyed?
  6. [Oxide] 11:51 [Warning] 'BoobyTraps v0.1.6' is using deprecated hook 'OnPlayerLoot', which will stop working on Thursday, 19 May 2016. Please ask the author to update to 'OnLootEntity'

    heads up for @k1lly0u
  7. Find this in the script OnPlayerLoot and replace it with OnLootEntity use notepad++ to edit the file

  8. [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnLootEntity' on plugin 'BoobyTraps v0.1.6' (InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.)

    That occurs when I do as you said and replace the function name from OnPlayerLoot to OnLootEntity
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2016
  9. I see a few more bits of code needs changed coder will need to update the plugin
  10. EDIT: Use plugin below
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2016
  11. You cant change the name of the plugin and I don't need my name added to the script does not need added so below is the correct one if you can delete the one above before its downloaded and used by someone

    Attached Files:

  12. G'day

    I am getting the following message when I upload the plugin, any ideas?

    (16:02:03) | [Oxide] 16:32 [Info] [BoobyTraps] EntityOwner is not installed, players can set traps on any other players box
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Do you have the EntityOwner plugin installed?
  14. k1lly0u updated BoobyTraps with a new update entry:


  15. /traplist - unknown command
  16. Anyone that knows the Permission line exactly written to give moderator friend granted to use BoobyTraps?
    or must i give him admin too?
  17. Read the overview everything you need is there
  18. it is probably that i a noob to being a server owner. but some of these plugins seem easy as in type in chat or in console... but typing what i see in the commands i see in the overview give me message "invalid command autotraps........... bla bla" what am i doing wrong forgive me but i am just now trying to figure out how to run a modded server. and would like this plug in as long as i can make it not auto trap random boxes... i would love it only to trap boxes that players trapped.
  19. You need to set "Options - Autotraps - Airdrops" and "Options - Autotraps - Loot Containers" to false in the config, its not a command
  20. Kinda Request - Optional Toggleable , Traps Replenish.
    If they get Triggered, after a amount of time. They are set again.

    and / or

    on the same idea.- Zone support. enable auto traps like in XY zone only

    ( I kina building ATM a huge Area that is like a Radtown/Pvp/loot /quest Area )