

Total Downloads: 1,922 - First Release: Feb 11, 2016 - Last Update: Nov 12, 2016

5/5, 7 likes
  1. 3.6.5 need update
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Quickfix (untested) for Hurtworld update:
  3. Cheers mate, feel asleep waiting for ya last night :p Will be updating everything shortly
  4. Noviets updated AutoClean with a new update entry:


  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Well, trying to get to bed earlier for the wife, so can't really stay up for Aussie updates. ;)
  6. autoclean is taking out shacks...might want to make them immune.
  7. It seems to reset the check counters for me every time server restarts. Any way to get these to remain through restarts?
  8. Need this to stop deleting shacks and the items within shacks
  9. Noviets updated AutoClean with a new update entry:


  10. Noviets updated AutoClean with a new update entry:


  11. The "/prune" command will not delete the Kanga motorcycle?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2016
  12. /prune only cleans up your log folder, it does not remove anything from the game. It's simply to remove objects that not longer exist in the game from the log which it checks.

    If you want to Destroy a motorcycle you could use AreaNuke, and use something like: /areanuke 3 Kanga
  13. Noviets updated AutoClean with a new update entry:


  14. Hey Noviets, Thanks for updating! I appreciate it. As i said before when we spoke, if you got the shack fixed i would put it back in my server again, and i have it loaded it back in again as of this morning! Great job! :D
  15. It still cleans out chests within shacks upon testing. So gotta use /clean with care and keep it on 48 hours or more for now. However it is near perfect now, and much less laggy. Thank you :)
  16. Because of an error I am trying to use this plugin.
    I set the check every 60 seconds for 24 times.
    After this the server hangs and doesnt clean up the items.

    Items are more then 2000+ so that might cause the long lag.
    But after it nothing has been removed. (still 2000+ items ingame)
  17. That's too short, set the checks for longer. Also the items won't get removed until the 25th check, if you have it set for 24. But yeah removing 2000+ items at once will cause a 30 to 60 second lag spike so you don't want the checks to be less than that.
  18. Thanks so it should work?
    I did this just to force an auto clean. Next time i use it as it should be as default. (Every 48 hours)
  19. You can force it just by typing /clean 25 times (since you have it set for 24 checks). It will always be the next check after the final which triggers the delete. Copy and paste, obviously. Spread each out by a few seconds to avoid forcing server crash.... cleaning all the junk out that fast can be quite a hefty process.
  20. With the new sleepers feature, I am hoping this doesn't remove them now too