1. I have same problem to after open server few minute later server get crash .i try to wipe many time when i m loading oxide i cant access ruty player list and after few minute get crash
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Please do not use all caps when posting. I've edited your post above.
  3. Hello, on Saturday morning I noticed one of my Rust servers wasn't starting so I tried restarting it and reinstalling Oxide but neither worked so I ended up figuring it was a corrupt save so I deleted the save restarted the server and it was fine. This morning I awoke to the same problem. IS there another way to fix this without wiping the server for the 3rd time in 5 days? Thanks!
  4. Check logs to see why its doing it, it might be a problem with the hosting server hard drive
  5. This is an issue all around rust right now with a Unity update.

    There's two ways of fixing this, one is to use this plugin SaveMyMap for Rust | Oxide and set CustomSaves to 0 so it saves a backup every time the server saves and make sure to save the server before you restart, then if the map is corrupt simply load the latest CustomSave.

    Secondly, not sure if this 100% works, but just after the server starts up (where the "Server startup complete" message is displayed) and save the server 2-3 times then type quit.
  6. Yes. I know few servers which was wiped after restart.
    But i dont know for what the "storage" and "users" folders. Should we backup them with *.sav file or not?
    what happens when if i remove this folders?))
  7. That is the new storage system since the .db files were removed. I along with many other owners of larger servers have always removed those two folders when we wiped the server and we haven't had any issues. The storage folder is for signs and paintings which makes sense to remove when you wipe the server.

    I'm not sure about the users folder, but we all remove that too.
  8. might of found the problem
    the this problem happened again today for me but thankfully @Rusty plugin brought it back to life again

    before i used rusty plugin ive contacted my host to use their repair kit and this showed up
    Our repair script ran on your server and gave the following output:Processing saltifiedmain:
    Refreshing hardlinks:
    config/config.vdf was missing or corrupted and was replaced.
  9. Same problm
    Can you pls report to facepunch about bug with map corruption?
  10. Rusty's plugin just runs server.save 4 times when the server has started up, spamming server.save is just as effective as his plugin.
  11. Should i save only my .sav file when i backup my server, or i need to backup too the "storage" and "users" folders? The "SaveMyMap" dont dsave this folders. What would be when i restore from backup only the .sav file without this folders.
  12. I have fixed this issue on my own server about 10 times now since it's been happening like 3-4 times a day. If anyone needs help fixing their own server, I'd feel bad if you had to wipe :p, contact me on steam. Steam Community :: Ankawi
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2017
  13. Facepunch is well aware of the issue.

    They've done a fix but it will not be live until the next update on the 27th.
  14. The Wierd thing is that it is I have 6 servers and it's just this one that's doing it exactly every 2 days. It is doing it again today but luckily I had a back up of the save this time. Thanks :)
  15. where did you hear this from ?
  16. I have direct contact with the developers.
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Technically nearly everyone here does. ;)
  18. Yes :)
  19. I have breakfast with devs everyday, except on the weekends.