Weapon Damage Scaler

Allows scaling of player damage per weapon/ammo/skin/prefab

Total Downloads: 1,411 - First Release: Jan 3, 2016 - Last Update: Dec 4, 2017

5/5, 8 likes
  1. It should work fine if you add it manually.
  2. can we get a plugin that changes armor defense value? i love heavy plate armor and the dynamic it adds but it's just so underpowered
  3. Hi, can you add npc "body" and ammo vs type (like 5.56 explosive against armored have bonus but HS have malus) ?
  4. Is the Global Damage Scale for all players or all players that have the permission?

    And is there a way to Modify the Damage for a Skin by the SkinID?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2018