
Allows players with permission to become truly invisible

Total Downloads: 22,657 - First Release: Nov 3, 2015 - Last Update: Jan 9, 2018

5/5, 75 likes
  1. so u want it on 24/7 ?
    just enable it and dont turn it off :)
    problem solved
  2. What do you mean work without using the command? When do you want it to work, and for what players?
  3. Ok so I'm not going to read through the 1000+ replies to see if I can resolve this problem. When I have vanish on and I "disappear" I definitely can't be seen but my shadow is still there. Will this be seen by others and know that "someone" is around?
  4. no one can see your shadow
  5. nevermind it is working now!!!
  6. No your shadow isn't there :) Nothing about you can be seen, unless you start dropping items, or attacking things (then people will have a clue someone is there)
  7. I have the plugin installed and when i try to give me the oxide.grant user Airborne vanish.use it says that it does not exist
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    When a permission "doesn't exist", then it generally means the plugin is not installed or isn't loaded.
  9. Hello @Wulf i have problem some commands in hurtstore plugin not working i replace hurt.SendChatMessage(session, message) to hurt.SendChatMessage(session, null, message) that's fix shop commands but this comand like /shop food not working and they give this error hurtstore.jpg
  10. but i have the plugin installed and have all of the other commands working like vanish.damagebuilds and all of that but i can just not do /vanish
  11. If you install server FPS-1, then this information appears

    (18:02:52) | Calling 'CanNetworkTo' on 'Vanish v0.4.2' took average 5597ms
  12. if u cant vanish it means u dont have the permission to vanish.
  13. but i cant give myself the permission to do /vanish
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  15. what do u mean by that
  16. Server administration is not for you. Just be a player this is obviously above your IQ level
  17. shut the fuck up im new to all of this and just because i dont know something ur being a dick about it thanks dude love this fucking website
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Let's keep it civil guys, no need for this.

    @420blazingcopscantcatchme, the tutorial I linked (Using the Oxide permission system | Oxide) tells you how you use the permissions system in Oxide. It has everything in there that you've asked for so far.
  19. its not the oxide its the plugin when ever i try to give me the command vanish.use it wont work but with vanish.damagebuilds work it just wont work for vanish.use