
Allows players with permission to become truly invisible

Total Downloads: 22,657 - First Release: Nov 3, 2015 - Last Update: Jan 9, 2018

5/5, 75 likes
  1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The plugin is conflicting with the other plugin you have installed per the warning.
  2. Hi Wulf,

    I see lot of plugins on my modded server with garbage collect for CanNetworkTo or OnTick hooks like Vanish, FurnaceSplitter, and players had random lags/freeze.

    Do you know if Vanish removed can fix issue ? Or it's about server perf?
  3. (16:03:47) | Failed to load plugin 'vanish' (no source found) when it loads.. fresh install and new server. everything else seems to be loading.
  4. this plugin does work as ive been using it in the last hour.

    Try oxide.reload Vanish

    U need to spell it.same name as the plugin folder.

    > oxide.reload Vanish
    Unloaded plugin Vanish v0.4.1 by Wulf/lukespragg
    Loaded plugin Vanish v0.4.1 by Wulf/lukespragg
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2017
  5. no it is doesn't have error but its bugged. When u vanish and then turn vanish off it still has the symbol of the ghost and there is a UI of cold on the screen . then when u revanish it goes away. so its bugged.........for sure.

    AND Wulf if u can fix it i would be very happy i use it a lot. ............thanks in advance.
  6. and yet my symbol disapears when i /vanish to turn off
    I am not experiencing the same issues as u.
  7. Works here.. though I don't have a "ghost" symbol anymore.. probably due to a conflict with another plugin..
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Not possible to conflict, just enable it in the config.
  9. thanks.. oops.. it was on previously and didn't check the config. I sent you a donation for your work on the plugins here. I would suggest maybe some others might do the same. Thanks!
  10. hi there i have all rights on my group why can i not damage on barrels ?
  11. Hi,
    I have lag concerns on my server falling framerate drops from 290fps+ to 100fps just when the Vanish is active, each lag corresponds to the error message:
    Calling 'CanNetworkTo' on 'Vanish v0.4.1' took 1089ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]

    It seems that this comes from the function that test if can be seen or not (players and entities):

            // Hide from other players
            private object CanNetworkTo(BaseNetworkable entity, BasePlayer target)
                var player = entity as BasePlayer ?? (entity as HeldEntity)?.GetOwnerPlayer();
                if (player == null || target == null || player == target) return null;
                if (config.VisibleToAdmin && IsAdmin(target)) return null;
                if (IsInvisible(player)) return false;            return null;
    I do not know how to fix this but this plugin is a primary tool to administer servers without it is complicated to monitor the behavior of some players ...
    Thanks for your help.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2017
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That method is what makes the plugin possible, so you can't really remove it or do without it. The hook is resource intensive, so it can cause warnings, but there are some improvements that will likely need to be made in Oxide for hook calling
  13. I cant damage players but have permissions.
    oxide.grant group Admin vanish.damagebuilds
    oxide.grant group Admin vanish.invulnerable
    oxide.grant group Admin vanish.hurtanimals
    oxide.grant group Admin vanish.hurtplayers
    oxide.grant group Admin vanish.teleport
  14. i have this too its fail
  15. remove 'oxide.grant group Admin vanish.hurtplayers' that one is actually stopping you damage them not letting you damage them if i remember correctly
  16. Hey, the new Voice system without P2P, does that maybe mean we could potentially hear players while vanished?
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You already can.
  18. Nice!! SInce when is that?