
Adds various custom elements to the user interface

Total Downloads: 14,032 - First Release: Aug 20, 2016 - Last Update: Sep 3, 2017

5/5, 39 likes
  1. Small bug thought i'd post. You can still see the ui when you scope in with a bolty were as all other in game UI disappears
  2. Any ETA on the facing direction and coords?
  3. Hi, possibility to add a section on the top of the clock, online players, and sleepers sections ? A long horizontal section like de size of the level section with a configurable text in it (and background colors) ? Scheduled messages/colors ?
    Good idea ?
  4. please add chat commands.
    /uiplus hide | show

    Alot of players want to disable hud to take a good screenshot, please add ability for players to hide thier own.
  5. Yeah it's very good idea, when I want to take good screenshots or videos the GUI stay on the screen I must remove the plugin and re-add it after
  6. Update the version in the code, the Updater is flagging it as it's still on version 1.0.0 in code. :)
  7. Now that the XP bar is removed the bar needs to be positioned down.
    Is there a way I can manually do this?
  8. "Offset": "81 72" -> "Offset": "81 28"
  9. How to set the coordinates on the screen or how to find them?

    Please update your plug-in
    or help to create.
  10. Жесть, там делать то блин 5 минут и все на своих местах...
  11. Ill make you a config tonight
  12. Be aware that your building priv goes there unless you have a way of moving it
  13. Ya. thats the only reason I havent moved mine there.
    But if someone wants it, I dont mind giving it a go
  14. Where is version 1.1.2? From the main page I can download version 1.0.0.
    Even there is written 1.1.2
  15. The author didn't update the version to 1.1.2 but the latest is 1.1.2 even the file says 1.0.0
  16. When I upload it to the server updater ask me all the time to update to 1.1.2 :/
  17. just go and edit the file and change it to 1.1.2

    namespace Oxide.Plugins {
        [Info("UiPlus", "RedKenrok", "1.1.2", ResourceId = 2088)]
  18. No working images
  19. I Have this problem as well, Think rust update did something because it stopped Server Rewards Images And LustyMap And This Plugins Images from showing up in game.
    there is a bug with File Storage in Rust due to the last patch. Local images for GUI not loading | Oxide
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2016