

Total Downloads: 5,203 - First Release: May 26, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 31, 2016

4.85185/5, 27 likes
  1. i use /ticket list and it sends message saying list im an owner. any ideas? im trying to veiw tickets
  2. Try /ticket.
    If you only see /ticket message
    Pop up, you failed at giving yourself the needed permission.
    console command:
    grant user YourName isTicketsAdmin
  3. BaK


    How about this as an idea for a future update, the ability to 'reply' to messages, when the same steamID comes back online, the ticket system sends them the message. =]
  4. I can do that ;)
  5. Adding list after ticket just causes me to create a ticket. I know enough about Lua (which is still not much), so I just wanted to give you a quick fix for the next update. It was inefficient the way it was initially set up, so when creating a ticket (which I assume is where I put things) I made sure the first word isn't any of the admin commands. Starting at line 180
           if args[0] ~= {"view", "tp", "remove", "clear", "list"} then
            local Ticket = {}
            Ticket.uniqueId = TicketsData.lastId + 1
            TicketsData.lastId = TicketsData.lastId + 1
            Ticket.player = player.displayName
            Ticket.steamId = rust.UserIDFromPlayer(player)
            Ticket.message = allArgs
            Ticket.x = math.ceil(player.transform.position.x)
            Ticket.y = math.ceil(player.transform.position.y)
            Ticket.z = math.ceil(player.transform.position.z)
            Ticket.position = "X: " .. math.ceil(player.transform.position.x) .. ", Y: " .. math.ceil(player.transform.position.y) .. ", Z: " .. math.ceil(player.transform.position.z)        table.insert(TicketsData.Tickets, Ticket)
            local players = global.BasePlayer.activePlayerList:GetEnumerator()
            while players:MoveNext() do
                local currentUid = rust.UserIDFromPlayer(players.Current)
                if permission.UserHasPermission(currentUid, "isTicketsAdmin") then
                    rust.SendChatMessage(players.Current, "<color=cyan>Tickets</color><color=white>", "</color>A new ticket has been made! Type /ticket view <color=cyan>" .. Ticket.uniqueId .. " </color>to view it!")
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2015
  6. Its known to me. But when you got the permission, the admin command is prefered before the message it would send. It should not send the message "list" if you got the permission. This is not blocked because I don't want to block messages if they may start with one of those words.
  7. I'm still getting it even though I'm permitted, without my failed fix. :( Maybe state the length? Or define the commands through string.sub? I would like to help you with ideas, but my version of learning Lua wasn't through actual Lua, but a mere branch-off; and so forth my knowledge is "scrambled".
  8. its working fine for me. What do you get if you type /ticket?
  9. All 6 commands. I've been messing around with the plugin so I wouldn't be the necessary candidate for that, though it seems I'm not the only one who has this problem. Even if it does work for most people, fail proofing it will add that extra reassurance it's the user's error.
  10. The command to set an Ticket Admin doesn't working.

    oxide.grant user PlayerName isTicketAdmin

    I become:
    Permission 'isTicketAdmin' doesn't exist

    Plugin is loaded.
  11. -> isTicketsAdmin
  12. Thank you :) My mistake ^^
  13. The teleport to the ticket does not work properly, please fix.
    You see where you are asleep when you get up you're back at the old place.
  14. Yea, forget to fix it, Sorry.
  15. jeah. its not fixed. i keep taking the coords....
    and its the same tp issue like blinkarrow in hunt., rubberbanding effekt.... and i find nothing to fix -.-
  16. fixing tomorrow or in the next hour. Sorry
  17. Same here.
    @LaserHydra your probably know what is causing it but its very similiar with the same bug that caused,two patches ago, @Mughisi teleport plugin to not work and roleback players :)

    Hope it helps, cheers
  18. I know it. I fixed it in Portals already. I just came back home. Going to fix it as soon as I can.
  19. LaserHydra updated Admin Tickets with a new update entry:


    Try the latest version
  20. I can't load the latest version at all.

    [Oxide] 7:44 AM [Info] Unloaded plugin Admin Tickets v1.5.6 by LaserHydra
    [Oxide] 7:44 AM [Error] Failed to load plugin admintickets
    File: admintickets.lua Line: 88 'then' expected near 'BasePlayer':
      at NLua.Lua.ThrowExceptionFromError (Int32 oldTop) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at NLua.Lua.LoadString (System.String chunk, System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Ext.Lua.Plugins.LuaPlugin.Load () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Ext.Lua.Plugins.LuaPluginLoader.Load (System.String directory, System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.LoadPlugin (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0