Stack Size Controller

Allows you to set the max stack size of every item.

Total Downloads: 39,342 - First Release: Feb 10, 2017 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 50 likes
  1. Alrighty thank you so much bud!
  2. No problem.
  3. Great support Canopy Sheep ! :)
  4. Hi i just download your Plugin and i have read how to use it before i ask u why he didn't wrok for me ? I got a Rust Server by VeryGame and i put my Plugin on the FTP and i try to config them by modifying the .JSON on the config folder but they reset all time why ?? did i need to write the stack i want for all items on the console ???

    Thank you !
  5. If the config resets then you have an error in it before uploading your config check it on this site The JSON Validator.
  6. Thank for your reply ! i have validate my JSON and he was correctly updated on my /config folder but nothing change InGame the stack are by default.
  7. Did you unload the plugin first before uploading the config
  8. Oohh you need to unload the plugin every time you need to change the config ?
  9. You need to reload it after you change the config, you can use this:
    oxide.reload "StackSizeController"
    If you use the ingame commands, it won't require a reload to update the stack sizes.
  10. Hey, new update is working great for me, but i have one thing im having an issue with, Torches. I tried the key command, and editing the json file, i have everything stacking properly the way i like but it seems that torches just dont want to stack? is there another item name for them maybe rather than Torch or torch? (i used both but neither seem to work :s
  11. Items with health cannot stack manually over 1.
  12. Ahh ok cool, thanks! never thought of that. :)
  13. yeah not working for me either.
  14. What won't work, the commands or stacking torches?
  15. That work fine now i just delete the .CS of my plugin folder and i update the .JSON on the config folder after this i reupload the plugin :) Thank you !!!!
  16. You don't have to reupload the plugin every time you change the config, just use that command after reuploading the config.
  17. Still getting this same error after I reload the plugin:
    Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'StackSizeController v1.9.3' (InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.)

    Why does it happen? I have tried to delete old config file too, but it seems to not to be any solution :(
  18. What oxide build and Rust build are you running?
  19. Remember to Reinstall Rust:IO! The plugin apperentlly does NOT work with out it.
  20. Rust IO is not a dependency for this plugin, and should work completely fine without it.