1. Hi,

    How can I auto generate trees, stones and animals without shoot ?
    For example I restart my server and then everything is here ?

    Thanks :)
  2. I have not added autorespawn for resources and animals, but if u spawn tree and then save the map may be it will be saved (i don't know :D)
  3. That plugin also caused massive lag on the server, this plugin doesnt cause any lag at all. Something like that is a bad idea.
  4. c# = no lags ;)
  5. That would be interesting to see if there was no lag if the mobs respawned, because that other plugin was bad.
  6. Anyway to spawn barrels?
  7. i don't understand the instructions on the spawner plugin.
    • /espawn [entity_name] [health] [true/false](sleeping?) [player_name] -- Activate spawner mod
    • /espawn false -- Deactivate spawner mod
    • could you give me an example?
    • thank you in advance
  8. the provided list on your main page is no longer valid. most the entities have changed names.
  9. plugin won't even load now
  10. Same problem, entities names as changed.

    Please upgrade :)
  11. Check Build plugin, it is faster(c#) and supports more functionality now.
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin