Download SteamCMD
Open SteamCMD
type: login anonymous
type: app_update 405100
This will download it into the steamcmd directories
\steamapps\common\Hurtworld Dedicated Server
Edit host.bat
Hurtworld.exe -batchmode -nographics -exec "host 12871;servername My Oxide Server;addadmin 7656XXXXXXXXXXXXX;maxplayers 50"
Setting up a Hurtworld server on Windows
Discussion in 'Guides and Tips' started by virobeast, Dec 6, 2015.
Hi , and thanks for the information... i got a problem ; When execute the batch whit :Hurtworld.exe -batchmode -nographics -exec "host 12871;queryport 12881;servername My server ;addadmin 7988989898955;maxplayers 150" -logfile "gamelog.txt" .
it runs perfectly but soon the process is closed and do not know why....
fail -
Can u help me please ? Thanks -
Did you load the oxide mod on it ? or just vanilla ?
Wulf Community Admin
Thanks all !! Solved
Now to only figure out the int that Tag requires to become official
Wulf Community Admin
Also if I set maxplayers over 50 , it seems to just show 60 max? I'm using hurtworldservers to check on the player count, so not sure if it's them or just a safety net by the devs.
If I were to decompile the assembly.dll, change server config int32 maxplayers to say 100, would I get blacklisted?Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2015 -
anyone else permissions not working? also this tut helped me
Wulf Community Admin
If you find holes, they would get patched.
Wulf Community Admin
Debug.Log("Loaded autoexec.cfg") [...] Singleton(Of ConsoleManager).Instance.ExecuteCommand(text3) Catch ex_153 As Exception Debug.LogError(String.Format("Error executing autoexec.cfg, line failed at '{0}'", text3)) [...]
Code:' GameManager Public Sub SetAdmin(newAdmin As CSteamID) Me._admins.Add(newAdmin) End Sub
Code:' GameManager Private _admins As HashSet(Of CSteamID)
Code:' GameManager Public Overrides Sub Awake() Me._gameState = EGameState.None Me._isLoading = False Me._sceneTime = 0 Me._lastUpdate = NetworkTime.serverTime [...] End Sub
Code:addadmin <playerid> Adds a player as admin to the local server for the current session only
((Wulf if posting this code is not allowed just snip it out, not sure about it.))Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2015 -
Wulf Community Admin