

Total Downloads: 10,608 - First Release: Aug 29, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 53 likes
  1. Sadly still cant get my server to start up with this installed :(
    Have attached the log where it stops

    Attached Files:

    • log.txt
      File size:
      7.8 KB
  2. Sorry, bud. It doesn't tell my anything usefull. Could you post/pm oxide log?
  3. Sadly no logs have anything about this plugin trying to start. Its so weird. I'm going to try on a test server now and see what happens
  4. baton256 updated GUI Help with a new update entry:


  5. Did the tests. It is working fine ! ;-)
  6. Having an issue since the update, set up the new config but we can only still see the first tab and nothing else...
    [DOUBLEPOST=1441207294][/DOUBLEPOST]In fact the same occurs with the default config... no other tabs except the first one?
  7. baton256 updated GUI Help with a new update entry:


    Should be fine after update to 0.1.5 ;)
  8. Works fine now, thanks... removing my example config!
  9. I am having a problem I can't figure out, and it seems nobody else here has had it lol. Basically, when ever I load into my server, the info doesn't popup like it is supposed to. And when I type "/info" it just says: "[GUI Help] You don't have allowed info to see." Any idea why that is?

      "Tabs": [
          "Name": "Welcome",
          "Pages": [
              "TextLines": [
                "Welcome to my server! This server isn't some large official server for tons of people,",
                "but it is here for anyone to join.",
                "You should know that this server is running off of my machine so it is not always on.",
                "Check the next page of this tab to see more about me, the server owner/admin.",
                "Now check out some other tabs in this menu to see what kind of stuff this server offers!",
                "type <color=red> /info </color> to open this window"
              "TextLines": [
                "I am the server owner/admin, <color=green>JTrocks55</color>. I try to be a fair and fun admin!",
                "I wanted to create a server because I have a hard time finding a server with",
                "all of the things I like in one place. I figured this would be the easiest way",
                "to fix that problem.",
                "The next few tabs will be all about the server's plugins.",
                "So thanks for joining!"
          "HeaderAnchor": 4,
          "HeaderFontSize": 32,
          "TextFontSize": 16,
          "TextAnchor": 3,
          "OxideGroup": "player"
          "Name": "HuntRPG",
          "Pages": [
              "TextLines": [
                "This tab is dedicated to the HuntRPG Plugin, one of the most badass plugins I have seen.",
                "With hunt, you can truly level your player and get better stats.",
                "I will place basic info here, but you can type in chat '/hunt' to get the full info and how to use its commands.",
                "This page will explain skills.",
                "There are 5 skills:",
                "--Lumberjack : Increases the gather rate for wood",
                "--Miner : Increases the gather rate for ores and stones",
                "--Hunter : Increases the gather rate from animals resources",
                "--Researcher: Allow you to research items you have to generate the Blueprint, each skill point",
                "unlocks new types of items you can research and decreases the cooldown.",
                "--Blacksmith - Increases the melting rate, every time a furnace fuel is consumed your furnace got",
                "a chance to produce X more result (Ex: metal frag). The x depends on skill level as well as the chance %.",
                "Click on 'Next Page' to see more info on this."
              "TextLines": [
                "This next page will explain stats.",
                "There are 5 stats:",
                "--Agility (Agi): This will affect your chance to dodge attacks.",
                "--Strength (Str): This will increase your max health.",
                "--Intelligence (Int): This will decrease crafting time, but this server has instant, so it won't",
                "matter in that regard, but it is still used for the Research skill.",
                "The next page will explain levelling."
              "TextLines": [
                "This next page will explain levelling.",
                "It's pretty simple actually, just mine ores, cut trees, harvest corpses, build structures, or craft to gain XP to level up.",
                "When you gain levels, you gain 3 Stat points to spend, and 1 point is also auto added to each stat.",
                "Each level, you gain one skill to spend. Nothing is auto there though, that's all you."
          "HeaderAnchor": 4,
          "HeaderFontSize": 32,
          "TextFontSize": 16,
          "TextAnchor": 3,
          "OxideGroup": "player"
          "Name": "Homes/TP",
          "Pages": [
              "TextLines": [
                "For homes, just type '/sethome [home name] to set a place as your home.",
                "Use '/listhomes' to see available homes.",
                "Use '/home [home name]' to TP to that home.",
                "Use '/removehome [home name]' to remove that home.",
                "Use '/tpr [player name]' to send a tp request to that person.",
                "Use '/tpa' to accept someone's request to you."
          "HeaderAnchor": 4,
          "HeaderFontSize": 32,
          "TextFontSize": 16,
          "TextAnchor": 3,
          "OxideGroup": "player"
          "Name": "Remove",
          "Pages": [
              "TextLines": [
                "If you screw up your buildings a lot like I do, you will want this! Type '/remove [optional: time]' while",
                "near an authorized tool cupboard to remove parts of your house to restart. Hit with a tool to remove. So '/remove' will grant you 30",
                "seconds to remove as much stuff as you want. '/remove 60' will do the same thing but with 60 seconds instead of 30."
          "HeaderAnchor": 4,
          "HeaderFontSize": 32,
          "TextFontSize": 16,
          "TextAnchor": 3,
          "OxideGroup": "player"
          "Name": "Kits",
          "Pages": [
              "TextLines": [
                "Kits have always been one of my favourite plugins in this game!",
                "Type '/kits' to see available kits. Be wise when you use which one, some are limited or have a cooldown.",
                "Type '/kit [kit name]' to take the kit."
          "HeaderAnchor": 4,
          "HeaderFontSize": 32,
          "TextFontSize": 16,
          "TextAnchor": 3,
          "OxideGroup": "player"
          "Name": "Quick Sort",
          "Pages": [
              "TextLines": [
                "With quick sort, looting and storing is very easy and quick. Just open a container, and use the GUI as you wish."
          "HeaderAnchor": 4,
          "HeaderFontSize": 32,
          "TextFontSize": 16,
          "TextAnchor": 3,
          "OxideGroup": "player"
          "Name": "Sign Artist",
          "Pages": [
              "TextLines": [
                "With this you can add an image to your signs via URL. Just look at a sign and type '/sil [URL]'"
          "HeaderAnchor": 4,
          "HeaderFontSize": 32,
          "TextFontSize": 16,
          "TextAnchor": 3,
          "OxideGroup": "player"
          "Name": "Player List",
          "Pages": [
              "TextLines": [
                "With this you can type '/who' to see what players are online and '/online' to see how many."
          "HeaderAnchor": 4,
          "HeaderFontSize": 32,
          "TextFontSize": 16,
          "TextAnchor": 3,
          "OxideGroup": "player"
          "Name": "Other Info",
          "Pages": [
              "TextLines": [
                "This will be plugins that aren't using commands and are just here.",
                "--For one, building cannot take damage from players, there will be no raiding that way. Now",
                "if you leave your front door open or unlocked or didn't put a roof on your house, then I ENCOURAGE they raid you.",
                "--PVP/PVE Switch. I have a command that can switch the server from PVE to PVP and Vise-Versa.",
                "--Better Loot. I have made the loot a little better, 'cause why not!",
                "--I have also increased the mac stack size of most items to 1,000,000",
                "--There is no decay as well. So buildings should pretty much be permanent until wipe.",
                "--Crafting is instant.",
                "--There is better gathering of resources. Also because they are higher, Hunt will make them REALLY high.",
                "--Finally, I have set some custom commands. Try these: '/killAdmins'   '/killAdminsReal'   '/DontGiveAFuck'"
          "HeaderAnchor": 4,
          "HeaderFontSize": 32,
          "TextFontSize": 16,
          "TextAnchor": 3,
          "OxideGroup": "player"
      "ShowInfoOnPlayerInit": true,
      "TabToOpenByDefault": 0,
      "Position": {
        "MinX": 0.15,
        "MaxX": 0.9,
        "MinY": 0.2,
        "MaxY": 0.9
      "ActiveButtonColor": "#00FFFFFF",
      "InactiveButtonColor": "#7F7F7FFF",
      "CloseButtonColor": "#7F7F7FFF",
      "BackgroundColor": "#191919FF"
  10. Check your OxideGroup settings in each tab. I've added "player" group as it is default to all players. It means tab will show only to player group. Try setting it all of your groups, separated by comma.
  11. Ok thanks. I will try that! Also thanks for the quick reply.
    Would it be like:

    "OxideGroup": "player, moderator, admin"
  12. Yep, exactly
  13. Have you managed to have a look at making certain pages only viewable by owners, admins and moderators?
  14. It's implemented based on oxide groups.
  15. It still didn't work, but it was valid, then I realized I forgot about owner group lol.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1441231814][/DOUBLEPOST]Nope. Still doesn't work. I thought that would fix it.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1441231910][/DOUBLEPOST]What is the exact line to type if I wanted to include all groups? I am an owner.
  16. Cannot get the text to display at all now, seriously complicated config imo :(

    Have used JSONLint to verify and made sure Im in the right groups..
    [DOUBLEPOST=1441232358][/DOUBLEPOST]also, it spams the console so badly!
  17. baton256 updated GUI Help with a new update entry:


    Now it is empty string - ""
    Removed spamming and hopefully fixed your issue
  18. I'm not sure how to use the permission, I've set 3 different tabs to the permissions 'owner' 'admin' 'moderator' but the tabs don't show at all
  19. Afaik oxide creates 3 default groups: admin, moderator, player. No owner group. If you set yourself as owner it doesn't add you to any of these groups.
    The plugin uses oxide groups, not rust authentication levels. Check your files: oxide/data/oxide.groups.json and oxide/data/oxide.users.json

    Also this article may be helpful: Using Oxide's permission system | Oxide
  20. It all works now. Thanks for the help guys! Also thanks for such quick replies.