Rules GUI

This plugin displays the rules on connect.

Total Downloads: 9,363 - First Release: Jul 19, 2015 - Last Update: Feb 3, 2017

5/5, 25 likes
  1. This maybe a hack but it works (for me) I used info posted by Kayzor here: OnPlayerInit: What happend? | Oxide

    Attached Files:

  2. PaiN updated Rules GUI with a new update entry:


  3. 3 letter update. LOL

    Attached Files:

  4. with your file, it works again. As against the message appears after we got up ... which does not encourage players read ... is this normal or only mine?
  5. PaiN updated Rules GUI with a new update entry:


  6. it seems it interrupts the plugin Notifier
  7. Hi how to put my image ?
  8. Replace line 41-44 with
    Replace URL with the img url from the internet.
                                        ""imagetype"": ""Tiled"",
                                        ""color"": ""1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0"",
                                        ""url"": ""{URL}"",
  9. where is line 44 ?? can you put .json for me :/
  10. Plugin file not config.
  11. How ok thank's :')
    now my image is to hight in luminosity, how to low this ?
  12. I dont recommend you to use images bcs people are using different resolution... so you will have to find the perfect img resolution.
  13. hi wen i type /rule nothing hapens and wen i typer /rulesto nick i get the rules not him
  14. PaiN updated Rules GUI with a new update entry:


  15. is it possible to add a timer until players can skip rules ?
  16. can someone help ? it didnt work when im wrtiting into my config.

    "DisplayOnEveryConnect": "true",
    "RulesMessage": "<color=cyan>Welcome!</color> \n <color=red>Try /help for some helpful informations about the use of some Plugins on this server</color> \n <color=green>Have fun and stay stoned.</color>"

    [Oxide] 7:08 PM [Error] RulesGUI.cs(165,79): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `target'
  17. Did you edit the plugin .. ?
  18. at first i only changed the json file. nothing hapend.
    after that i changed the text inside of the plugin. nothing hapend.
  19. Is it possible to add a button for an agreement with the rules. And that when you click on it, it throws with Server?
  20. I dont understand you...