Rules GUI

This plugin displays the rules on connect.

Total Downloads: 9,363 - First Release: Jul 19, 2015 - Last Update: Feb 3, 2017

5/5, 25 likes
  1. Thats wwhat i expected.. "I use multiplay" Well.. many server owners that arent hosting on multiplay are using the plugin perfectly. I think they chhaange the code sometimes.. askk them.
  2. yeah i know, theyre very protective, i can do .cs plugins fine, they hate luas and pys
  3. Would it be possible to show the rules on the first three connects? Just so there is a slightly better chance they read it but isn't there in perpetuity?
  4. Once i get some time i will do this.
  5. Great, thank you.
  6. I like this plugin but when I type /rule the "I agree" text isn't on the button.
  7. Hey!

    Nice Plugin. But since the last update the rules will no longer displayed when connecting.
  8. Can any1 confirm that :x ? Because i dont think that something changed about the GUI
  9. Hello could need some help to.

    My problem is that it dont display when connecting.
    So nice if some1 could help me, please!
  10. I will test later.
    Show me your config
  11. Hey thx for the help, but i got it working. Dont now how, just renew it. It works perfectly fine now.

    Thx and sorry for the circumstances
  12. Broken with latest update.
  13. (11:41:31) | [Oxide] 10:41 AM [Error] RulesGUI plugin failed to compile!

    (11:41:31) | [Oxide] 10:41 AM [Error] RulesGUI.cs(197,132): error CS1503: Argument `#4' cannot convert `string' expression to type `Facepunch.ObjectList?'
  14. PaiN updated Rules GUI with a new update entry:


  15. Display on every connect : not working
  16. Yeah it works if you type /rule but I don't see it on login.
  17. Waiting for a normal production version, with otobrazhenie when connecting))
  18. I cant understand you.
  19. Waiting for a normal production version, with display rules when connecting to the server. This plugin now does not show.
  20. You are wrong there.... it depends on the player's pc how fast he loads. I've already made one which should always work.