
Adds a GUI that allows players to quickly sort items into containers

Total Downloads: 14,542 - First Release: Jul 26, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 31, 2017

5/5, 44 likes
  1. yes I think in that ... will be a lot easier with a command... and I think the good @Wulf can do it for the kids! think in the kids @Wulf.
  2. Okay I have a quick question when my players try to deposit their c4 using quick sort it disappears. Any idea on whats causing this
  3. Hey is there a chance to add a "component" button? greets!
  4. what is the command for all players?thx
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  6. I got permission but not me there insert the commands to all players
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    grant group default PERMISSIONNAME
  8. thank you very much
  9. How come the loot all button is missing from mine . i placed the updated version in and poof no more loot all button .
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It requires the permission listed on the Overview.
  11. can you add me on steam?
  12. Hey Wulf, can u add a component button for the QuickSort? Would help a lot ! TY!
  13. or reverse solution is less work? do a group with like example: noquickperm group and move the bad guy inside this group then remove him from default maybe work?
  14. I feel dumb lol , i had plugin before i did a fresh install and totally forgot all about that . thanks tho . man i feel stupid
  15. Hey, is there a way to set a left justification over your player image? This way you could free up quick crafting, any issues with looting players, as well as keeping the item info section clear. Thx :)
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That should already exist in the actual plugin; just set the style to "lite" in the config.
  17. Oh you worked it into the main one? :D
  18. I tried setting it to "lite" but it looked the same as "center". Given enough time, I probably could code in a "left" on my own, but I am not familiar with the language enough to do it properly or efficiently.
  19. Can someone tell me how I can put it like the picture?

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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2017