
Creates quests for players to go on to earn rewards, complete with a GUI menu

Total Downloads: 9,364 - First Release: May 31, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 11, 2018

5/5, 53 likes
  1. Last time I heard from him he was working on it... Maybe anything new @isuelt ? :)
  2. can you include an option that i can use targets insteadt of people ?

    problem , they dont get killed , only knocked down

    thanks anyway
  3. Is there anyway to add cooldowns to quests. Say like you can do this quests only once per day?
  4. Hey guys.

    Should it be possible to do a Heli takedown quest?

    I have
    "patrol heli takedown ": {
                "Amount": "1",
                "description": "Get revenge on a Patrol Helicopter!",
                "Objective": "patrolhelicopter.prefab",
                "Reward": "autoturret",
                "RewardAmount": "1",
                "Type": "kill"
    in my json but it never shows it /quests list.
    Thanks in advance for any help.
  5. did you trying /quests list 2? like for me i have alot of quests 2 full pages
  6. I did, but thank you.
    I had issues with duplicate quests showing on reload, so I actually cut it back to three in total.
    That heli option never showed up.
  7. Yea the duplication sucks, normally when i add quests i shut down the server add them and then restart
    If you wanna see some of the quests i have i added my json file

    Attached Files:

  8. Ah, thank you Sir. :)

    If restart makes it run smoother, I can live with that. Ty.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1460153801][/DOUBLEPOST]Thanks again - server restart did, indeed, work as far as adding new quests.
    Unfortunately the hell quest as coded above didn't work. It shows progress 0/1.

    Ah well. If someone knows why I'd be grateful but if not no problem. :)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1460232534,1460150831][/DOUBLEPOST]It'd be great if there was a way to add quests in game rather than by editing json, like the server rewards plugin.
    Also, if progress didn't reset on server restart that'd be perfect.

    Still though, great plugin. :)
  9. This still work?
  10. Should have the update for this done over the weekend. Includes new quest types kill, gather, loot, craft, delivery(requires NPCs), and a gui quest menu to track your active quests and view available ones
  11. Thanks k1 !
  12. Very nice! Will there be any change to add/remove process? I have found quests to be very 'delicate' so far.
  13. Most likely do it with chat commands, editing will be similar to kits
  14. That'd be lovely.
    If I can help at all with testing or feedback, please let me know. :)
  15. Hey K1,

    Hows it going now? manage to do a GUI? Or perhaps NPC Core connectivity?
  16. It's mostly done, I got a bit sidetracked on the weekend with EventManager and all the events. GUI is done but I decided I'm going to change it up a bit. I got a few things I need to do before I finish this though
  17. Ahh! Thanks for your hard work though, people need their rest! And you've done a blast even though it was the weekend >_<! Can't wait to see this app grow!

    Good luck :D
  18. Big +1. Your work is hugely appreciated!
    [DOUBLEPOST=1462389838,1462199130][/DOUBLEPOST]Just thinking, can tokens be awarded for quest completion?

    I'm using ServerRewards and trying to make as many things as possible give currency/tokens for that.
  19. [Oxide] 03:24 [Error] QuestPlugin plugin failed to compile!
    [Oxide] 03:24 [Error] QuestPlugin.cs(584,23): error CS1501: No overload for method `GiveItem' takes `3' arguments
  20. same issue