

Total Downloads: 12,036 - First Release: Oct 23, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 12, 2018

5/5, 33 likes
  1. actually. Pls help
  2. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Is raiderBlock enabled?
    It does block the second time. The messages wont show unless its a new block.
  3. It is enabled. I tested it enabled both with and without blockAll enabled, but it doesn't seem to have any change. everything else works perfectly, just that the player initiating damage doesn't seem to be blocked, but everyone else is blocked just fine. I hate to be so annoying, I just can't seem to get it working properly. My config is the same as my previous posts, besides being updated to the most recent version.
  4. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    I'm not able to reproduce this, it works when I test it with blockAll and/or raiderBlock. Are you sure the people in questions aren't friends, clan-mates, or admins?
  5. It seems raidblock isn't working for me at all, not even clanshare. and I'm not currently running admin, and the STRUCTURE i'm damaging is not owned by any clan mate, and i'm not using the friendsAPI plugin. Does it not block teleports if the owner of the building you're damaging is not within the distance or offline? It's not blocking me or my clanmate now, and the last version was working but not blocking the player doing the damage, now it doesn't seem to be blocking any of us. here's a copy/paste of my current config.

      "blockAll": true,
      "cacheMinutes": 1.0,
      "clanCheck": true,
      "clanShare": true,
      "combatBlock": true,
      "combatBlockNotify": true,
      "combatBlockNotifyMessage": "You are combat blocked for {time}",
      "combatDuration": 180.0,
      "combatMessage": "You may not teleport while a in combat ({time})",
      "combatOnHitPlayer": true,
      "combatOnTakeDamage": true,
      "damageTypes": [
      "friendCheck": false,
      "friendShare": false,
      "ownerBlock": true,
      "raidBlock": true,
      "raidBlockNotify": true,
      "raidBlockNotifyMessage": "You are raid blocked for {time}",
      "raidDistance": 100.0,
      "raidDuration": 300.0,
      "raiderBlock": true,
      "raiderClanShare": true,
      "raiderFriendShare": true,
      "raidMessage": "You may not do that while raid blocked ({time})",
      "unblockOnDeath": true,
      "VERSION": "0.2.3"
  6. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    After reading this comment, I checked again and you are in-fact mostly correct. If blockAll is disabled, offline players and dead players will not trigger a raiderBlock. For that matter, clanShare will also not trigger an ownerBlock if the owner is offline/dead. I'll try and fix this in the next version.
  7. No. Second block dont work after 5 min and after 30 min and after 1 hr
  8. Code:
      "blockAll": true,
      "cacheMinutes": 1.0,
      "clanCheck": true,
      "clanShare": true,
      "combatBlock": true,
      "combatBlockNotify": false,
      "combatBlockNotifyMessage": "You are combat blocked for {time}",
      "combatDuration": 60.0,
      "combatMessage": "<color=#3F6EB7>[Anti-TP]</color> <color=red>Combat blocked for</color> {time}",
      "combatOnHitPlayer": true,
      "combatOnTakeDamage": true,
      "damageTypes": [
      "friendCheck": true,
      "friendShare": true,
      "ownerBlock": true,
      "raidBlock": true,
      "raidBlockNotify": true,
      "raidBlockNotifyMessage": "<color=#3F6EB7>[Anti-TP]</color> <color=red>Blocked for:</color> {time}",
      "raidDistance": 100.0,
      "raidDuration": 300.0,
      "raiderBlock": true,
      "raiderClanShare": true,
      "raiderFriendShare": true,
      "raidMessage": "You may not do that while raid blocked ({time})",
      "unblockOnDeath": true,
      "VERSION": "0.2.3"
    Still not blocking the one doing the C4. If you like we can test it our server.
    maxaki is my ingame name.
  9. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Calytic updated NoEscape with a new update entry:


    [DOUBLEPOST=1457749901][/DOUBLEPOST]Alright guys, thanks for all the feedback! Let me know if you run into any issues with this version. v 0.2.4 should address most, if not all, of the issues described.
  10. pls make configurable time format for cd tp timer. i need to translate it for my server :(
  11. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    I'll add proper lang support next version for you. Thanks for the feedback.
  12. Hey Calytic, is there a way to allow /remove when the raidblock flag is active. Current config is below.

      "blockAll": true,
      "cacheMinutes": 1.0,
      "clanCheck": false,
      "clanShare": false,
      "combatBlock": false,
      "combatBlockNotify": false,
      "combatBlockNotifyMessage": "You are combat blocked for {time}",
      "combatDuration": 180.0,
      "combatMessage": "You may not do that while a in combat ({time})",
      "combatOnHitPlayer": true,
      "combatOnTakeDamage": true,
      "damageTypes": [
      "distance": 100.0,
      "duration": 180.0,
      "friendCheck": false,
      "friendShare": false,
      "message": "You may not teleport while a raid is happening nearby",
      "ownerBlock": true,
      "raidBlock": true,
      "raidBlockNotify": true,
      "raidBlockNotifyMessage": "You are raid blocked for {time}",
      "raidDistance": 100.0,
      "raidDuration": 180.0,
      "raiderBlock": false,
      "raiderClanShare": false,
      "raiderFriendShare": false,
      "raidMessage": "You may not teleport while a raid is happening nearby",
      "unblockOnDeath": true,
      "VERSION": "0.2.4"
  13. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Currently permissions apply for both raidBlock and combatBlock equally. I will consider splitting them up in the future. Thanks.
  14. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Calytic updated NoEscape with a new update entry:


  15. Sry for noob question, but permission need for plugin work or what? if i grant all perm to Player group what is happen?
  16. Read the overview and it tells you
    • (blocks home/tpr near raid)
      Ex. grant user Calytic
      Ex. revoke user Calytic

      Ex. grant group player
    • (blocks remove near raid)
      Ex. grant user Calytic
      Ex. revoke user Calytic

      Ex. grant group player
    • noescape.combat.tpblock (blocks home/tpr in combat)
      Ex. grant user Calytic noescape.combat.tpblock
      Ex. revoke user Calytic noescape.combat.tpblock

      Ex. grant group player noescape.combat.tpblock
    • noescape.combat.removeblock (blocks remove in combat)
      Ex. grant user Calytic noescape.combat.removeblock
      Ex. revoke user Calytic noescape.combat.removeblock
      Ex. grant group player noescape.combat.removeblock
  17. Pic

    How to translate it? And in minute 60 seconds, not 100 :D
  18. Calytic

    Calytic Community Admin Community Mod

    Calytic updated NoEscape with a new update entry:


  19. Calytic, can you add function to block teleportation in "Building blocked" zone?
  20. r] NoEscape plugin failed to compile!
    23:18 [Error] Compiler disconnected.
    23:18 [Info] NoEscape was compiled successfully in 2508ms
    23:18 [Info] Loaded plugin NoEscape v0.2.6 by Calytic @