
Can change magazines, ammo and condition for most projectile weapons

Total Downloads: 2,894 - First Release: Jun 10, 2016 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

5/5, 14 likes
  1. :p Its magic...Just kidding.

    In truth, if you deleted all 3 files (the plugin, the config and the datafile ), and do a reboot, then it must afterwards return server defaults...
    But if you have maybe ItemConfig active, and did after Un-Install of MagazinBoost and before restart a recreation of the Itemconfig setup, then this one saves the values for the server-sided settings, and MagazinBoost would take then this again into its own config.
  2. Anyone got a fix for this for the November 3rd update yet?
  3. [11/06/2016 16:02:27] [Oxide] 16:02 [Debug] at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ReadAsBoolean () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.ReadForType (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonContract contract, Boolean hasConverter) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.PopulateObject (System.Object newObject, Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonObjectContract contract, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonProperty member, System.String id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    i get this when i reload the plugin, it doesnt seem to want to work and i have set the permissions any help
  4. You posted the debug information only, you missed that line above describing the error you did cut ;)
  5. I just want to tell the developer this..
    This plug-in is so freaking awesome..!!! Thank you so much for this plug-in... This along with Betterloot are some of the few plug-ins that should be on all modded servers..
  6. Yea it's a small tiny plugin...Thx a lot.
  7. Fujikura updated Magazin Booster with a new update entry:


  8. [Oxide] 21:17 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnItemAddedToContainer' on plugin 'MagazinBoost v1.5.0' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.)
    [Oxide] 21:17 [Debug] at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object].get_Item (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.MagazinBoost.OnItemAddedToContainer (.ItemContainer container, .Item item) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.MagazinBoost.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  9. Which weapon or item did cause this? Did you edit the config?
  10. Code:
      "CheckRights": {
        "checkForRightsInBelt": true,
        "removeSkinIfNoRights": true
      "Permissions": {
        "permissionAll": "magazinboost.canall",
        "permissionAmmoType": "magazinboost.canammotype",
        "permissionMaxAmmo": "magazinboost.canmaxammo",
        "permissionMaxCondition": "magazinboost.canmaxcondition",
        "permissionPreLoad": "magazinboost.canpreload"
      "Weapons": {
        "Data": {
          "bow.hunting": {
            "ammotype": "arrow.wooden",
            "displayname": "Hunting Bow",
            "maxammo": 1,
            "maxcondition": 50.0,
            "preload": 0,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "arrow.wooden",
            "servermaxammo": 1,
            "servermaxcondition": 50.0,
            "serverpreload": 0,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "crossbow": {
            "ammotype": "arrow.wooden",
            "displayname": "Crossbow",
            "maxammo": 1,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 0,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "arrow.wooden",
            "servermaxammo": 1,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 0,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "lmg.m249": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.rifle",
            "displayname": "M249",
            "maxammo": 100,
            "maxcondition": 500.0,
            "preload": 15,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.rifle",
            "servermaxammo": 200,
            "servermaxcondition": 500.0,
            "serverpreload": 200,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "pistol.eoka": {
            "ammotype": "",
            "displayname": "Eoka Pistol",
            "maxammo": 1,
            "maxcondition": 50.0,
            "preload": 1,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "",
            "servermaxammo": 1,
            "servermaxcondition": 50.0,
            "serverpreload": 1,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "pistol.revolver": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.pistol",
            "displayname": "Revolver",
            "maxammo": 8,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 4,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.pistol",
            "servermaxammo": 10,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 10,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "pistol.semiauto": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.pistol",
            "displayname": "Semi-Automatic Pistol",
            "maxammo": 10,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 4,
            "serveractive": false,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.pistol",
            "servermaxammo": 15,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 15,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "rifle.ak": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.rifle",
            "displayname": "Assault Rifle",
            "maxammo": 30,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 4,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.rifle",
            "servermaxammo": 30,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 30,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "rifle.bolt": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.rifle",
            "displayname": "Bolt Action Rifle",
            "maxammo": 4,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 2,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.rifle",
            "servermaxammo": 6,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 6,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "rifle.lr300": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.rifle",
            "displayname": "LR-300 Assault Rifle",
            "maxammo": 30,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 4,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.rifle",
            "servermaxammo": 40,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 40,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "rifle.semiauto": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.rifle",
            "displayname": "Semi-Automatic Rifle",
            "maxammo": 16,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 6,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.rifle",
            "servermaxammo": 20,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 20,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "rocket.launcher": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.rocket.basic",
            "displayname": "Rocket Launcher",
            "maxammo": 1,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 0,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.rocket.basic",
            "servermaxammo": 2,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 0,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "shotgun.double": {
            "ammotype": "",
            "displayname": "Double Barrel Shotgun",
            "maxammo": 2,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 1,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "",
            "servermaxammo": 4,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 4,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "shotgun.pump": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.shotgun",
            "displayname": "Pump Shotgun",
            "maxammo": 6,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 4,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.shotgun",
            "servermaxammo": 8,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 8,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "shotgun.waterpipe": {
            "ammotype": "",
            "displayname": "Waterpipe Shotgun",
            "maxammo": 1,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 1,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "",
            "servermaxammo": 1,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 1,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "smg.2": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.pistol",
            "displayname": "Custom SMG",
            "maxammo": 24,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 8,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.pistol",
            "servermaxammo": 30,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 30,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "smg.mp5": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.pistol",
            "displayname": "MP5A4",
            "maxammo": 30,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 8,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.pistol",
            "servermaxammo": 40,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 40,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
          "smg.thompson": {
            "ammotype": "ammo.pistol",
            "displayname": "Thompson",
            "maxammo": 20,
            "maxcondition": 100.0,
            "preload": 7,
            "serveractive": true,
            "serverammotype": "ammo.pistol",
            "servermaxammo": 30,
            "servermaxcondition": 100.0,
            "serverpreload": 30,
            "serveractive": false,
            "skinid": 0
    Somehow, in the kit the kit was issued from thepistol.semiauto with 15 bullets, although the permissions was not
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2016
  11. ??? kit <<<
    This did not answer my question i need to identify any possible issue.
    Did you edit the config, and if yes, did you already try with a clean config?
  12. For starters thanks for the plugin a really nice idea inplemented well good work.
    I would like to know if it would be possible to have different settings for differnet groups because i got multiple groups that need different skins and traights. I would love to see an update like that. But for now would it be possible to run multiple instances of the plugin to achive that ? (By changing its id and where it stores its data and config file...etc)
  13. I do not plan to implement some more deeper setting ,the plugin has already enough support for different VIP/group stages. Runnig different stages of the plugin would'nt really work unlees you know exactly what you do...
  14. The automatic new weapon inclusion works fine, sup
    [MagazinBoost] Added NEW weapon 'M92 Pistol (pistol.m92)' to weapons list
  15. nc plugin mate.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2016
  16. It only works on Ak 47. But i can change the other weapons magazine... and i have same assets in each
  17. What exactly "does only work on AK47", plz??
  18. so does this work only on crafted items? or am i missing a step or something.trying to set it so spawn guns are boosted as well.

    edit:nevermind,didn't read the full description apparently lol
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2016
  19. .... ;)