

Total Downloads: 55,748 - First Release: Sep 25, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 13, 2018

5/5, 160 likes
  1. Is there a way I can create a command to turn on or off only one of the docks? the /ipanel hide/show turns it all on or off
  2. Look at the config
  3. hi, ok that comment is a bit unhelpful.. I've looked at the config? so I'm still confused as to how to make a command turn on or off one of the actual panel's or docks.

    I was looking at the api on the front page thinking I might have to use something from that...???

            /// <summary>
            /// Hide or show the panel
            /// </summary>
            public void Blink()
                    IsActive = false;
                    InfoPanel.Call("HidePanel", "ApiTest", "BlinkPanel");
                    IsActive = true;
                    InfoPanel.Call("ShowPanel", "ApiTest", "BlinkPanel");
    A pointer in the right direction would be useful :D

    Ps. I am aware of the autoload function but how would I turn off a single panel?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2018
  4. My radiation icon is not working. its constantly on yellow.

    the heli and air drop icons work but not the radiation.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2018
  5. Thats how it was originally designed to work by the original developer. It shows the global option, not the player status ;)
  6. Why are there some addons without ID?
  7. open the config file with notepad++ you will see how to turn it off its not hard to work out
  8. I am getting this line in console 4 times:
    NetworkData.Write - no handler to write Facepunch.ObjectList -> Facepunch.ObjectList
    While my versions are

    Protocol: 2081.160.1
    Build Date: 04/12/2018 17:17:58
    Unity Version: 2017.1.3f1
    Changeset: 26442
    Branch: release

    No addon with ID is outdated. I have around 98 adons, and 4 without ID.
  9. This plugin does not use "ObjectList".
  10. Love this plugin. We are having an issue however with the CUI elements preventing access to buttons on the G map in game. Is there a solution to this? Thanks.
  11. anyone care to upload their files? wanting to test out some new fresh layouts.
  12. On my server the new CH47 isn*t detected by the plugin. Is this a normal behavior?
  13. @FuJiCuRa Is it possible to add a dock for a book text field and permanent please ?
  14. Will Ch47 icon be added?
  15. Can someone help me with my config please? This is exactly how I want the positioning but I want there to be a perfect background box with a light color shade like the health and food levels in the bottom right. Just one single rectangle that that goes behind all 3 of them.

    "CompassDirections": {
    "e": "East",
    "n": "North",
    "ne": "Northeast",
    "nw": "Northwest",
    "s": "South",
    "se": "Southeast",
    "sw": "Southwest",
    "w": "West"
    "Docks": {
    "BottomLeftDock": {
    "AnchorX": "Left",
    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
    "Available": false,
    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0",
    "Height": 0.03,
    "Margin": "0.005 0.162 0.005 0.005",
    "Width": 0.18
    "BottomRightDock": {
    "AnchorX": "Right",
    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
    "Available": false,
    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0",
    "Height": 0.03,
    "Margin": "0.005 0.005 0.005 0.165",
    "Width": 0.19
    "TopLeftDock": {
    "AnchorX": "Left",
    "AnchorY": "Top",
    "Available": true,
    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0",
    "Height": 0.03,
    "Margin": "0.005 0.175 0.005 0.005",
    "Width": 0.175
    "TopRightDock": {
    "AnchorX": "Right",
    "AnchorY": "Top",
    "Available": false,
    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0",
    "Height": 0.03,
    "Margin": "0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005",
    "Width": 0.39
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    "AnchorX": "Left",
    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
    "Available": false,
    "BackgroundColor": "0.203 0.596 0.858 0.6",
    "Height": 0.03,
    "Margin": "0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005",
    "Width": 0.99
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    "BackgroundColor": "0.203 0.596 0.858 0.6",
    "Height": 0.03,
    "Margin": "0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005",
    "Width": 0.99
    "Time": {
    "AnchorX": "Left",
    "AnchorY": "Top",
    "Available": true,
    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0",
    "Height": 0.02,
    "Margin": "0.002 0.003 0.005 0.035",
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    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0",
    "Height": 0.02,
    "Margin": "0.003 0.0281 0.002 0.0695",
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    "Height": 0.02,
    "Margin": "0.003 0.058 0.002 0.20",
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    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0",
    "Height": 0.03,
    "Margin": "0.005 0.197 0.005 0.196",
    "Width": 0.018
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    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0",
    "Height": 0.03,
    "Margin": "0.005 0.2199 0.005 0.2215",
    "Width": 0.03
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    "AnchorY": "Top",
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    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0",
    "Height": 0.03,
    "Margin": "0.005 0.2545 0.005 0.3",
    "Width": 0.2
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    "AnchorX": "Left",
    "AnchorY": "Top",
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    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0",
    "Height": 0.03,
    "Margin": "0.005 0.359 0.005 0.2525",
    "Width": 0.5
    "Messages": [
    "Respect all players",
    "Pizza is good",
    "x25 gather bonus",
    "Tip: press F1 and type bind b",
    "Fishing is available"
    "Panels": {
    "AirdropEvent": {
    "AnchorX": "Left",
    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
    "Autoload": true,
    "Available": false,
    "BackgroundColor": "0.203 0.596 0.858 0.6",
    "Dock": "Airdrop",
    "FadeOut": 0.0,
    "Height": 0.95,
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    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
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    "Available": false,
    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0.4",
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    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
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    "Width": 0.8
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    "Dock": "Time",
    "FadeOut": 0.0,
    "Height": 0.95,
    "Margin": "0 0 0 0",
    "Order": 1,
    "PanelSettings": {
    "ClockUpdateFrequency (seconds)": 20,
    "TimeFormat": "HH:mm"
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    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
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    "Order": 0,
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    "Width": 1
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    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
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    "Available": false,
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    "Dock": "BottomRightDock",
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    "Order": 1,
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    "Order": 2,
    "Width": 0.76
    "Width": 0.5
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    "Width": 0.5
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    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
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    "Available": false,
    "BackgroundColor": "0.203 0.596 0.858 0.6",
    "Dock": "Helicopter",
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    "Height": 0.95,
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    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
    "Available": false,
    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0.4",
    "Height": 1.3,
    "Margin": "0 0.12 -0.2 0.13",
    "Order": 1,
    "Url": "",
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    "Available": true,
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    "Height": 0.95,
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    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
    "Available": true,
    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0.4",
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    "Width": 1
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    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0.4",
    "Height": 0.8,
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    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
    "Autoload": true,
    "Available": true,
    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0",
    "Dock": "Sleepers1",
    "FadeOut": 0.0,
    "Height": 0.95,
    "Image": {
    "AnchorX": "Left",
    "AnchorY": "Bottom",
    "Available": true,
    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0.4",
    "Height": 0.55,
    "Margin": "0 0.001 0.23 0",
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    "Margin": "0 0 0 0.005",
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    "Text": {
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    "FontColor": "1 1 1 1",
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    "Height": 1.0,
    "Margin": "0 -0.15 0 -0.12",
    "Order": 2,
    "Width": 0.775
    "Width": 1
    "ThirdPartyPanels": {},
    "TimeFormats": [
    "h:mm tt"
  16. Or if that can't be done does anyone know a way to make the images and text translucent?
  17. I think i need to re-ask the question because I still don't know, how do I make a command turn off a single part of the infopanel? (I don't want to disable a part of the panel completely, I want a command to turn part of it on/off) if that makes sense? All I can think of doing now is looking at the cs file for the /infopanel command and copy it, rename it but change it/somehow only link it to part of the panel?

    Maybe it's simple to you Resistance but everyone has different levels of knowledge and your comments don't give any advice as to how to solve the problem?
  18. Hi, I know that if you change this line:

    "BackgroundColor": "0 0 0 0.4",

    This will change the transparency of the background atleast, i think 0.2 is more transparent and 0.6 is less transparent (might be wrong)

    there is also a font color
    "FontColor": "1 1 1 1",

    Changing this may change the font transparency.

    Hope that helps!
  19. Configuration:
    Available: (Default: true), With this option u can turn on or off a panel.

    Dock: (Default: BottomPanel) , With this option u can choose the dock panel.
    Order: With this option u can set the order of the panels. (Panels with the same dock and AnchorX)
    AnchorX: (Default: Left), You can pull the panel to the left or right side of the dock. (Left/Right)
    AnchorY: (Default: Bottom), You can pull the panel to the top or bottom of the dock/screen. (Top/Bottom)
    Width: Panel width. (0-1)
    Height: Panel height. (0-1)
    Margin: (Default: 0 0 0 0.005) Panel margin (Top,Right,Bottom,Left)
    Autoload: (Default: true) If u turn this off (false). The panel not will be displayed automatically. But other plugins can trigger it.