HitMarker GUI

Informs the attacker/player on the screen if someone is hit

Total Downloads: 6,873 - First Release: Jul 17, 2015 - Last Update: Jul 7, 2016

5/5, 13 likes
  1. Thanks thought I updated that plugin
  2. PaiN updated HitMarker GUI with a new update entry:


    [DOUBLEPOST=1439048403,1439038874][/DOUBLEPOST]Well.. can someone tell me if the new stuff are working ?
  3. It's not working PaiN... :(
  4. I will test it later with someone. Sorry.
  5. PaiN updated HitMarker GUI with a new update entry:


  6. Not working.
  7. Well i've tested it... some info please ?
  8. I have no info. I get no errors, nothing in console or in my log files. Simply isn't working for me. I've uninstalled it, reinstalled it, rebooted, everything.
  9. Can anyone confirm that the plugin isnt working ?
  10. Plugin is working fine for me but I have to do a /hitmarker everytime I reconnect to the server to turn it back on, is there a way to enable it by default?
  11. Download the latest version please.
  12. Yeah I was already running 1.0 I updated right after you pushed it yesterday because I thought it was broken too. I can test it again shortly but everyone on my server in teamspeak is telling me they still have to toggle it on every join.
  13. I have players type /hitmarker and still no avail. I've also deleted the plugin, config, rebooted, installed, rebooted, just to make sure it was pure and no avail for me.
  14. For the server that i'm working on works perfectly guys.
    ..I really dont know what is wrong. Are you on multiplay ?
  15. I just redid it all, got it working. I can confirm that players have to turn it on every time they connect.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1439249599][/DOUBLEPOST]And no, not Multiplay shit. My players would kindly ask to fix the having to turn it on every time they connect. <3
  16. HitMarker no good working. Once again it is starting to server after restarting the plugin. During the fighting, it appears that is displayed with lags.
  17. PaiN updated HitMarker GUI with a new update entry:


  18. Does this plugin load the url everytime on playattack or is the image cached? Im worried about lag.
  19. It loads on every attack. But it wouldnt cause lag.. it only loads for 0.5secs
  20. Every millisecond counts in a busy server..perhaps you can keep that in mind for next update? Also i loaded the plugin on the fly, does this mean players have to re-connect to see the new GUI?