

Total Downloads: 59,074 - First Release: Oct 23, 2014 - Last Update: Aug 27, 2017

4.93893/5, 131 likes
  1. Players also tell me the cactus are not harvest-able. this all started when i updated TruePVE and GatherManager.
  2. I have same issue. Players cannot harvest Cactus with Hatchet....put yet they can harvest Cactus if they are using the Salvage Axe.
    Very odd.
  3. I have bin editing the GatherManager.json this is my config:

      "Messages": {
        "Dispensers": "Resource Dispensers",
        "HelpTextAdmin": "To change the resources gained by gathering use the command:\r\ngather.rate <type:dispenser|pickup|quarry|survey> <resource> <multiplier>\r\nTo change the amount of resources in a dispenser type use the command:\r\ndispenser.scale <dispenser:tree|ore|flesh> <multiplier>",
        "HelpTextPlayer": "Resources gained from gathering have been scaled to the following:",
        "HelpTextPlayerDefault": "Default values.",
        "HelpTextPlayerGains": "Resources gained from {0}:",
        "InvalidArgumentsDispenser": "Invalid arguments supplied! Use dispenser.scale <dispenser:tree|ore|flesh> <multiplier>",
        "InvalidArgumentsGather": "Invalid arguments supplied! Use gather.rate <type:dispenser|pickup|quarry|survey> <resource> <multiplier>",
        "InvalidDispenser": "{0} is not a valid dispenser. Check gather.dispensers for a list of available options.",
        "InvalidModifier": "Invalid modifier supplied! The new modifier always needs to be bigger than 0!",
        "InvalidResource": "{0} is not a valid resource. Check gather.resources for a list of available options.",
        "MiningQuarries": "Mining Quarries",
        "ModifyDispenser": "You have set the resource amount for {0} dispensers to x{1}",
        "ModifyResource": "You have set the gather rate for {0} to x{1} for {2}.",
        "NotAllowed": "You don't have permission to use this command.",
        "Pickups": "pickups",
        "SurveyCharges": "Survey Charges"
      "Options": {
        "GatherDispenserModifiers": {
          "Tree": 3.0,
          "Ore": 3.0,
          "Flesh": 3.0
        "GatherResourceModifiers": {
          "Wood": 3.0,
          "Stones": 3.0,
          "Cloth": 3.0,
          "Raw Wolf Meat": 3.0,
          "Raw Chicken Breast": 3.0,
          "Bone Fragments": 3.0,
          "Animal Fat": 3.0,
          "Metal Ore": 3.0,
          "Sulfur Ore": 3.0,
          "Water": 3.0
        "PickupResourceModifiers": {
          "Cloth": 3.0,
          "Stones": 3.0
          "Wood": 3.0,
          "Sulfur Ore": 3.0,
          "Metal Ore": 3.0,
        "QuarryResourceModifiers": {
          "Stones": 3.0
          "Wood": 3.0,
          "Sulfur Ore": 3.0,
          "Metal Ore": 3.0,
          "Ore": 3.0
        "SurveyResourceModifiers": {
          "Stones": 5.0,
          "Metal Ore": 3.0,
          "Sulfur Ore": 3.0,
          "Ore": 3.0
      "Settings": {
        "ChatPrefix": "Gather Manager",
        "ChatPrefixColor": "#008000ff"
    The problem is none of them are working and I do not know why anyone help me please.
  4. Here is your fix

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2017
  5. Whats the command you type into chat to see the list of commands? I don't see that listed on the mod page. It just says there is one single command to type into chat?
  6. @Ryan
    Any chance we can add gutting fish to the gather bonus?
    Or even multiply the amount of fish caught even.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2017
  7. What is the Command to change value of sulfur ore and Metal Ore

  8. I'm also did not find that in description
    it looks like you can only change all types of ore by one command
  9. i got it all Thx
  10. we used it for a while great plugin, but now we moved to a other server location I set exactly the desame config but now the high quality metal only gives 4 instead of 200 we have everything x100

    this is our config:
      "Messages": {
      "Dispensers": "Resource Dispensers",
      "HelpText": "/gather - Shows you detailed gather information.",
      "HelpTextAdmin": "To change the resources gained by gathering use the command:\r\ngather.rate <type:dispenser|pickup|quarry|survey> <resource> <multiplier>\r\nTo change the amount of resources in a dispenser type use the command:\r\ndispenser.scale <dispenser:tree|ore|corpse> <multiplier>\r\nTo change the time between Mining Quarry gathers:\r\nquarry.tickrate <seconds>",
      "HelpTextMiningQuarrySpeed": "Time between Mining Quarry gathers: {0} second(s).",
      "HelpTextPlayer": "Resources gained from gathering have been scaled to the following:",
      "HelpTextPlayerDefault": "Default values.",
      "HelpTextPlayerGains": "Resources gained from {0}:",
      "InvalidArgumentsDispenserType": "Invalid arguments supplied! Use dispenser.scale <dispenser:tree|ore|corpse> <multiplier>",
      "InvalidArgumentsGather": "Invalid arguments supplied! Use gather.rate <type:dispenser|pickup|quarry|survey> <resource> <multiplier>",
      "InvalidArgumentsMiningQuarrySpeed": "Invalid arguments supplied! Use quarry.rate <time between gathers in seconds>",
      "InvalidDispenser": "{0} is not a valid dispenser. Check gather.dispensers for a list of available options.",
      "InvalidMiningQuarrySpeed": "You can't set the speed lower than 1 second!",
      "InvalidModifier": "Invalid modifier supplied! The new modifier always needs to be bigger than 0!",
      "InvalidResource": "{0} is not a valid resource. Check gather.resources for a list of available options.",
      "MiningQuarries": "Mining Quarries",
      "ModifyDispenser": "You have set the resource amount for {0} dispensers to x{1}",
      "ModifyMiningQuarrySpeed": "The Mining Quarry will now provide resources every {0} seconds.",
      "ModifyResource": "You have set the gather rate for {0} to x{1} from {2}.",
      "ModifyResourceRemove": "You have reset the gather rate for {0} from {1}.",
      "NotAllowed": "You don't have permission to use this command.",
      "Pickups": "pickups",
      "SurveyCharges": "Survey Charges"
      "Options": {
      "GatherDispenserModifiers": {},
      "GatherResourceModifiers": {
      "*": 100.0
      "MiningQuarryResourceTickRate": 1.0,
      "PickupResourceModifiers": {
      "*": 100.0
      "QuarryResourceModifiers": {
      "*": 100.0
      "SurveyResourceModifiers": {}
      "Settings": {
      "ChatPrefix": "Gather Manager",
      "ChatPrefixColor": "#008000ff"
  11. How do i make a 1000x config?

    Do i just add the dispenser / pickup commands into the console or is it not that simple?

    I cant seem to get a 1000x config working, or im doing something wrong..

    Only plugin is Gather Manager.

      "Messages": {
        "Dispensers": "Resource Dispensers",
        "HelpText": "/gather - Shows you detailed gather information.",
        "HelpTextAdmin": "To change the resources gained by gathering use the command:\r\ngather.rate <type:dispenser|pickup|quarry|survey> <resource> <multiplier>\r\nTo change the amount of resources in a dispenser type use the command:\r\ndispenser.scale <dispenser:tree|ore|corpse> <multiplier>\r\nTo change the time between Mining Quarry gathers:\r\nquarry.tickrate <seconds>",
        "HelpTextMiningQuarrySpeed": "Time between Mining Quarry gathers: {0} second(s).",
        "HelpTextPlayer": "Resources gained from gathering have been scaled to the following:",
        "HelpTextPlayerDefault": "Default values.",
        "HelpTextPlayerGains": "Resources gained from {0}:",
        "InvalidArgumentsDispenserType": "Invalid arguments supplied! Use dispenser.scale <dispenser:tree|ore|corpse> <multiplier>",
        "InvalidArgumentsGather": "Invalid arguments supplied! Use gather.rate <type:dispenser|pickup|quarry|survey> <resource> <multiplier>",
        "InvalidArgumentsMiningQuarrySpeed": "Invalid arguments supplied! Use quarry.rate <time between gathers in seconds>",
        "InvalidDispenser": "{0} is not a valid dispenser. Check gather.dispensers for a list of available options.",
        "InvalidMiningQuarrySpeed": "You can't set the speed lower than 1 second!",
        "InvalidModifier": "Invalid modifier supplied! The new modifier always needs to be bigger than 0!",
        "InvalidResource": "{0} is not a valid resource. Check gather.resources for a list of available options.",
        "MiningQuarries": "Mining Quarries",
        "ModifyDispenser": "You have set the resource amount for {0} dispensers to x{1}",
        "ModifyMiningQuarrySpeed": "The Mining Quarry will now provide resources every {0} seconds.",
        "ModifyResource": "You have set the gather rate for {0} to x{1} from {2}.",
        "ModifyResourceRemove": "You have reset the gather rate for {0} from {1}.",
        "NotAllowed": "You don't have permission to use this command.",
        "Pickups": "pickups",
        "SurveyCharges": "Survey Charges"
      "Options": {
        "GatherDispenserModifiers": {
          "Tree": 1000,
          "Ore": 1000,
          "Flesh": 1000
        "GatherResourceModifiers": {
          "Wood": 1000,
          "Stones": 1000,
          "Cloth": 1000,
          "Raw Wolf Meat": 1000,
          "Raw Chicken Breast": 1000,
          "Bone Fragments": 1000,
          "Animal Fat": 1000,
          "Metal Ore": 1000,
          "Sulfur Ore": 1000,
          "Water": 1000
        "MiningQuarryResourceTickRate": 1000,
        "PickupResourceModifiers": {
          "Cloth": 1000,
          "Stones": 1000,
          "Wood": 1000,
          "Sulfur Ore": 1000,
          "Metal Ore": 1000
        "QuarryResourceModifiers": {
          "Stones": 1000,
          "Wood": 1000,
          "Sulfur Ore": 1000,
          "Metal Ore": 1000,
          "Ore": 1000
        "SurveyResourceModifiers": {
          "Stones": 1000,
          "Metal Ore": 1000,
          "Sulfur Ore": 1000,
          "Ore": 1000
      "Settings": {
        "ChatPrefix": "Gather Manager",
        "ChatPrefixColor": "#008000ff"
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2017
  12. How do you install plugins on a rust server?
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  14. Hello, I can not set my Sulfur ore to more, it lists the error, I am higher than 0 and it is not

    (01:05:02) | Invalid modifier supplied! The new modifier always needs to be bigger than 0!
    what exactly do I write? I try by the swing and it is not.
  15. what is the command to just turn everything into 5x gather
    without doing the dispenser quarry thing ?
  16. Still not sure why 1000x gather config not working, thought this was a support thread to get support, or maybe wrong place to post..
  17. Can I adjust how much scrap people pick up with this plugin? If so what is the command and where do I put it
  18. Hi guys, downloaded a vanilla plugin file and did not made any edits, launched the server just today, all plugins work except this one. Throws an error:
    Failed to initialize plugin 'GatherManager v2.2.6' (InvalidCastException: Value is not a convertible object: System.Double to System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[System.Object, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]])
      at System.Convert.ToType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider, Boolean try_target_to_type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at System.Double.System.IConvertible.ToType (System.Type targetType, IFormatProvider provider) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at System.Convert.ToType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider, Boolean try_target_to_type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at System.Convert.ChangeType (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.GatherManager.GetConfigValue[Dictionary`2] (System.String category, System.String setting, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 defaultValue) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.GatherManager.LoadConfigValues () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.GatherManager.Init () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.GatherManager.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.HandleAddedToManager (Oxide.Core.Plugins.PluginManager manager) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    Unloaded plugin Gathering Manager v2.2.6 by Mughisi
    No previous version to rollback plugin: GatherManager
    Any ideas?
  19. Hi, how do you increase High Quality Metal Ore gather rate?

    Tried this, but no joy
      "Options": {
        "GatherDispenserModifiers": {
          "Tree": 5.0,
          "Ore": 5.0,
          "Flesh": 5.0,
          "Sulfur Ore": 5.0,
          "High Quality Metal Ore": 5.0
  20. Anyone?