1. do you know why when i try to paste my fortify buildings in here it tells me file doesnt exist but the json is clearly there in the data folder for copypaste. the same files have been spawned in on my other server i played on by theowner there so i know the files are ok
  2. It could be the filename. Names with spaces need to be in quotes: /paste "example base"
  3. ty some of the files had spaces and also had to fix the json files inside fortify as well but works great now thanks
  4. Ignore this. Thanks.
  5. i have a question i was messing around with the free version that was posted on reddit. v. 1.56 but is there no way to take the text file and import into rust copy-paste?
  6. I believe you'll have to use the current version on steam.
  7. where do i find other peoples shared files to put into my server