

Total Downloads: 10,603 - First Release: Dec 16, 2014 - Last Update: Apr 19, 2018

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  1. Just thought i'd let you guys know for those interested in making headshots do normal damage as well as making players take bleed damage. To make headshots do normal damage, on line 422 of the EventManager.cs file, change the "damageAmount *= 2" to "damageAmount *= 1" under "if (info.isHeadshot)". To re-enable bleeding, comment out lines 470 and 471 of the "else" statement "metabolism.bleeding.value = 0f".
    Now working on a way to be able to loot bodies since the allow lootable bodies is not working. The corpse will spawn with all the loot but it will instantly disappear and leave an empty backpack.
  2. So, lag issues. We get pretty bad lagging, on the server side, when events are live. We thought it was the arena size, so reduced it, but no change. Has anyone else found an optimum size to reduce lag?
  3. Wow man. Thank you!! I trying to find this bug 2 days!!!! Thank you again!!!
    [DOUBLEPOST=1501052517][/DOUBLEPOST]I have configured TeamDeathmath.
    TeamA kill all players in TeamB.
    TeamB respawned on SpawnFileB
    But TeamA stays on arena, not spawned on SpawnFileA.
    What i can fix this? I need every new round spawn TeamA and TeamB at the starting positions.
  4. Hi does someone know how to force players to join, so no normal gameplay?

    thanks guys!
  5. [Event Manager] Error generating a default event config for game: GunGame
    Invalid spawnfile selected

    how can i fix it?
  6. hello, i use older version from EventManager 2.0.24 and Team Deathmatch 0.2.21, it works fine for me but i have a question about damage to entity (buildings, animals, etc) which hook handel it can i remove it or config the damage to true ? the thing is that, if i start a game on the airfield nobody can destroy the wooden barricade which blocks the entry to the tower or inside the building. how i can fix it. thanks
  7. ZoneManager - undestr false

  8. thx but i dont use it, just
          "Flags": "AutoLights, NoBuild, NoGather, NoDecay, NoKits, NoPlayerLoot, NoSuicide, KillSleepers, NpcFreeze, NoStability, NoPickup, NoCollect"
    there are just a hook in the eventmanager or TDM which blocks damage to building parts or animals and i want know it :D
  9. It seems the event Vote system is not working. Tested it last night and it would not start an event...
  10. I thought that was just me and it glitching out. I set the auto events to min 2 players, 2 players join and the event cancels?!?
  11. All I have is GunGame setup. The config file is correct and shows auto events to be true. in EMInterface it says auto-events launched. Nothing launches or I have got it to launch auto and it works for one or two games then it stops working automatically. What should I upload to you guys to help? Logs, config files?
  12. Can you show me :
    your config file(EventManager.json) and data file(EventsConfig.json )
  13. Thanks for your help
    [DOUBLEPOST=1502715796][/DOUBLEPOST]Like I said, it'll run once or twice but then doesnt seem to run automatically again. Using EMInterface is how I set it up automatically.

    Attached Files:

  14. you have in EventManager.json "EventPrestartTimer: 30," & in EventsConfig.json "GameInterval": 30,"
    put EventManager.json "EventPrestartTimer: 15," reload EventManager plugin and try game
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2017
  15. I have edited the files, I see what happened there. I have reloaded EventManager but cannot test until after work.
  16. My event is crazy, I put the gungame, play normal, but in exit of event, some times returm urong itens to me, example, in first slot of my belt, I have one bolt, but after event, transform in one metal door, and the bolt is lost. any help? I dont modific anyting of gungame and the event manger. thx
  17. Does anyone know how to open ServerRewardShop during the event?

    Even if you type / s during the event you will not be able to purchase "You can not use the store in the arena".
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2017
  18. We've got an issue where players are stashing stuff from the kit in various places (recyclers, etc) during the event, and are then able to retrieve the items after the event ends. Is there a way to prevent this (aside from choosing a location w/ no loot storage). Is that what 'disable pickup' does? If not, what does that do?
  19. Build your own arena instead of using existing Landmarks?
  20. Right, that would be the work around. I was wondering if there was an option to prevent placement of items during an event.