

Total Downloads: 4,114 - First Release: Aug 27, 2016 - Last Update: Mar 24, 2018

5/5, 14 likes
  1. Hello,

    This error is always spamming my console:

    (18:37:53) | [Oxide] 18:39 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for 1
  2. Thanks. Webrequest print that error. Maybe toprustserver or rust-server was down? Do you still get this error?
    Double-check that your ID and KEY is correct!
  3. Exel80 updated EasyVote with a new update entry:


  4. [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for 1
    get this error by the hundreds. seems toprustserver.com is usually down :(
  5. Awesome thank you for you!!
  6. Okay, i removed that printwarning. You can found pre-release here, Release Version 1.1.2 · exel80/EasyVote · GitHub
  7. Would be nice if you add a message for ppl trying to call the /reward again after already claiming it. Right now it does nothing.
    Other than that, awesome plugin, THANKS!
  8. Its should say something, make sure that you use latest version. If you dont have anything to claim, it said
    "NoRewards": " You do not have any new rewards avaliable \n Please type <color=yellow> /vote </color> and go to the website to vote and receive your reward",
  9. something is wrong with the plugin, getting this spammed on console and lags my server with 150+ players...

    (20:01:14) | [Oxide] 20:58 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for Tortijayy
    (20:01:14) | [Oxide] 20:58 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for [Rektum] [USSR] Crumpet
    (20:01:14) | [Oxide] 20:58 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for [CANDY] Evander
    (20:01:14) | [Oxide] 20:58 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for «•LGBT•»
    (20:01:14) | [Oxide] 20:58 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for [bb] laf397
    (20:01:14) | [Oxide] 20:58 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for [Ramen] Battousaibear
    (20:01:14) | [Oxide] 20:58 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for [NN] TheDustyGamer
    (20:01:14) | [Oxide] 20:58 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for TannerDarks
    (20:01:14) | [Oxide] 20:58 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for [Patricia] PlanB
    (20:01:14) | [Oxide] 20:58 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for [Rektum] TheCivilColonel
    (20:01:14) | [Oxide] 20:58 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 0 - Couldn't get an answer for [NN] HickeryDickery
  10. TopRusServer is most likly crashed. I release today 1.1.2 which will stop that spam. You can always disable Interval by replace numbers to false.
  11. Hey,

    /reward list is not working. It will just clear chat and nothing shows up.. Any ideas?

    Couldn't get an answer error is related to this command
  12. There is now a new error which is appearing in console:

    (16:18:15) | [Oxide] 16:19 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 500 - Couldn't get an answer for [Mince] Peks

    And it does this for all players.
  13. Maybe your config file is corrupted. Check your config file here, JSONLint - The JSON Validator.
    HTTP Error 500 Internal server, most likly some vote site is down. But make sure that ID and KEY is correct
  14. It is correct
  15. (17:44:59) | [Oxide] 17:44 [Warning] [EasyVote] Error: 500 - Couldn't get an answer for [STG] Сын Божий

    Still getting it after update. only have rust-servers key and its correct
  16. Its shouldn't printwarning anymore when its "checking status". Only when player use /reward command.
    Try vote your self and try /reward

    I check what is the problem.
  17. I cant get this error. But as i said, error comes when player try claim his reward.
    Player still got reward if he try later /reward.

    I will add new language "ClaimError" for this, so player will know why he didn't received hes reward.
  18. /reward list still doesn't work

    I tested .json and its valid

    "Reward": {
    "vote1": [
    "hatchet: 1",
    "pickaxe: 1",
    "chicken.cooked: 20"
    "vote2": [
    "supply.signal: 1",
    "largemedkit: 1"

    "vote3": [
    "lock.code: 1",
    "largemedkit: 2"


    "vote4": [
    "lantern: 2",
    "largemedkit: 3"

    "vote5": [
    "ammo.pistol: 100",
    "largemedkit: 4"

    "vote6": [
    "fat.animal: 300",
    "largemedkit: 5"
    "vote7": [
    "cloth: 300",
    "largemedkit: 6"

    "vote8": [
    "rifle_bolt: 1",
    "largemedkit: 7"

    "vote9": [
    "syringe_medical: 5",
    "largemedkit: 8"

    "vote10": [
    "metal.fragments: 3000",
    "largemedkit: 9"
    "vote15": [
    "rifle.ak: 1",
    "largemedkit: 10",
    "explosives: 100"

    "vote20": [
    "metal.facemask: 1",
    "metal.plate.torso: 1",
    "rifle.ak: 1",
    "ammo.rifle: 200",
    "explosives: 300"
    "Settings": {
    "BeancanID": "",
    "BeancanKEY": "",
    "GlobalAnnouncment": "true",
    "Interval": "60",
    "Prefix": "<color=cyan>[EasyVote]</color>",
    "RustServersID": "88006",
    "RustServersKEY": "lbwc7wfcuxq5ak4gte1afyx8nvabtomkj",
    "TopRustServersID": "",
    "TopRustServersKEY": ""
    "Variables": {
    "addgroup": "addgroup {playerid} {value} {value2}",
    "addlvl": "xp addlvl {playername} {value}",
    "grantperm": "grantperm {playerid} {value} {value2}",
    "money": "eco.c deposit {playerid} {value}",
    "rp": "sr add {playername} {value}",
    "zlvl-mg": "zlvl {playername} MG +{value}",
    "zlvl-s": "zlvl {playername} S +{value}",
    "zlvl-wc": "zlvl {playername} WC +{value}"
  19. You reward list is too long for one SendReplay.
    I working on to split it, but its not going to happen in next update.