1. [Oxide] 4:28 PM [Info] Pastarino killed Pastarino (Unknown) with a hit to their (body )at 0m
  2. or
    oxide.reload r-deathmessages

    Murder sleeping displayed as the murder of living
  3. i have the plugin:
    self.Config.naturalcausesdeath = false
    and writes chat...
    configuration is removed, the latest version, etc.
  4. dont work playerDeathWhileSleepingMessage
  5. yeah ... sorry ... everything just changed how it works ... didn't made the bleeding optional
    [DOUBLEPOST=1418947437][/DOUBLEPOST]and i know sleepers kill don't work ... i need to look into that also :/
  6. Reneb updated Death Messages with a new update entry:

    sleepers kill fix

  7. WORK!

    Please fix:
  8. bleeding is NOT a natural cause!
    bleeding in the players (pvp) deaths causes.
  9. damn, no! Fucking translator!
    I mean, I had to plug off the display of deaths from drowning, starvation, poisoning, etc.
    But I stillit is displayed!
  10. what do i use for these
    $db_name = 'DATANAME';
    $db_user = 'USERNAME';
    $db_pass = 'PASSWORD';
    $db_host = 'HOST';

    would host be the website address?
  11. $db_host = 'localhost'; - if you are using a database of your website
  12. i have no idea how to port this to the website, someone please help..
    is there anychance if i post my configs and data if someone could help me


    Thanks to M@CH!N3 to let me use his images.
    1) Download the plugin and put it inside your plugins folder
    2) Download the stats.zip, and unzip it in your website. (link is on the 2nd page of the discussion part)
    3) Create the database called: deathmessages:
    Code (Text):
    SET time_zone = "+00:00";

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `deathmessages` (
    `id` int(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `killer` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    `killer-id` varchar(17) NOT NULL,
    `killed` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    `killed-id` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    `weapon` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    `bodypart` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
    `distance` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
    `time` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
    `type` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    4) Set in both index.php and stats.php your database informations:
    $db_name = 'DATANAME';
    $db_user = 'USERNAME';
    $db_pass = 'PASSWORD';
    $db_host = 'HOST';
    5) set in your receive/deathmessages.php your database informations
    $db_name = 'DATANAME';
    $db_user = 'USERNAME';
    $db_pass = 'PASSWORD';
    $db_host = 'HOST';
    the key must be the same as the one in your r-deathmessages config file.
    6) set your r-deathmessages config file to send informations to the receive/deathmessages.php page, and also set the key (same as above)
    7) hope i was clear enough

    i have no idea how to port this to the website, someone please help..
    is there anychance if i post my configs and data if someone could help me
  13. Code:
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `deathmessages` (
      `id` int(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `killer` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
      `killer-id` varchar(17) NOT NULL,
      `killed` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
      `killed-id` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
      `weapon` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
      `bodypart` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
      `distance` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
      `time` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
      `type` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    in website wwwdir/stats.php
    $db_name = 'rust';
    $db_user = ''; // login MYSQL here
    $db_pass = ''; // password MYSQL here
    $db_host = 'localhost';
    $key = "RUST";   $killer = $_GET['killer'];
       $killer_id = $_GET['killer-id'];// + 76561197960265728;
       $killed = $_GET['killed'];
       $killed_id = $_GET['killed-id'];// + 76561197960265728;
       $weapon = $_GET['weapon'];
       $distance = $_GET['distance'];
       $bodypart = $_GET['bodypart'];
       $type = $_GET['type'];
       $time = date("d.m.Y H:i");if($_GET['killer']){
       $sql = "INSERT INTO `deathmessages` (`id`, `killer`, `killed`, `weapon`, `bodypart`, `distance`, `time`, `killer-id`, `killed-id`, `type`) VALUES ('0', '{$killer}', '{$killed}', '{$weapon}', '{$bodypart}', '{$distance}', '{$time}', '{$killer_id}', '{$killed_id}','{$type}')";
       $dbconnect = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass);
      //mysqli_set_charset($dbconnect, "utf8_unicode_ci");
       mysql_query("$sql", $dbconnect);

        "key": "RUST",
        "uploadpage": "http://localhost/stats.php"

    if protection key
    $db_name = 'rust';
    $db_user = ''; // login MYSQL here
    $db_pass = ''; // password MYSQL here
    $db_host = 'localhost';
    $key = "RUST";   $killer = $_GET['killer'];
       $killer_id = $_GET['killer-id'];// + 76561197960265728;
       $killed = $_GET['killed'];
       $killed_id = $_GET['killed-id'];// + 76561197960265728;
       $weapon = $_GET['weapon'];
       $distance = $_GET['distance'];
       $bodypart = $_GET['bodypart'];
       $type = $_GET['type'];
       $time = date("d.m.Y H:i");//if($_GET['killer']){
    if($_GET['key'] and $_GET['key']==$key) {
       $sql = "INSERT INTO `deathmessages` (`id`, `killer`, `killed`, `weapon`, `bodypart`, `distance`, `time`, `killer-id`, `killed-id`, `type`) VALUES ('0', '{$killer}', '{$killed}', '{$weapon}', '{$bodypart}', '{$distance}', '{$time}', '{$killer_id}', '{$killed_id}','{$type}')";
       $dbconnect = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass);
      //mysqli_set_charset($dbconnect, "utf8_unicode_ci");
       mysql_query("$sql", $dbconnect);

    in website create index.php
    $db_host = 'localhost';
    $db_user = 'LOGIN;
    $db_pass = 'PASSWORD';$dbconnect = mysql_connect("$db_host", "$db_user", "$db_pass") or die (mysql_error ());
    mysql_select_db("rust") or die(mysql_error());
    $strSQL = "SELECT * FROM `deathmessages` WHERE type='pvp' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 20";
    $rs = mysql_query($strSQL);echo "<table>";
    echo    "<tbody><tr>";
    echo        "<th style=width:100px>Date</th>";
    echo        "<th>Killer</th>";
    echo        "<th></th>";
    echo        "<th>Killed</th>";
    echo        "<th>Bodypart</th>";
    echo        "<th>Weapon</th>";
    echo        "<th style=width:30px>Dist</th>";
    echo        "</tr>";while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {if($row['weapon'] == "") {$row['weapon'] = 'unknown';}
    if($row['bodypart'] == "") {$row['bodypart'] = 'unknown';}echo    "<tr>";
    echo    "<td>".$row['time']."</td>";
    echo    "<td><a href=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/".$row['killer-id']." target=_blank><font color=#90EE90>".$row['killer']."</font></a></td>";
    echo    "<td>killed</td>";
    echo    "<td><a href=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/".$row['killed-id']." target=_blank><font color=#FF6A6A>".$row['killed']."</font></a></td>";
    echo    "<td>".$row['bodypart']."</td>";
    echo    "<td>".$row['weapon']."</td>";
    echo    "<td>".$row['distance']."m.</td>";
    echo    "</tr>";
    echo "</tbody></table>";
    [DOUBLEPOST=1419058195,1419029540][/DOUBLEPOST]By the way, after last updated the "webrequests.EnqueueGet" stopped work or do I think?
  14. It's been an issue since the First version of oxide 2. Only way is to restart the server.
  15. Rebooting did not help. No data from the server.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1419118617,1419075875][/DOUBLEPOST]Hmm If at least one plug-critical, stops working)
  16. It works for me on FPS101 rust server. FYI you need to set your uploadpage to:-

    "uploadpage": "h**p://fps101.com/stats/receive/deathmessages.php[/URL]",
    ( for example this is my settings)

    The only issue I have with the web stats is when I click on a players name it goes to stats.php to retrieve their information and all I get is a blank page. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks
  17. Why "[/url]"?

    in website create stats.php
    $db_host = 'localhost';
    $db_user = 'LOGIN;
    $db_pass = 'PASSWORD';$dbconnect = mysql_connect("$db_host", "$db_user", "$db_pass") or die (mysql_error ());
    mysql_select_db("rust") or die(mysql_error());
    $strSQL = "SELECT * FROM `deathmessages` WHERE type='pvp' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 20";
    $rs = mysql_query($strSQL);echo "<table>";
    echo    "<tbody><tr>";
    echo        "<th style=width:100px>Date</th>";
    echo        "<th>Killer</th>";
    echo        "<th></th>";
    echo        "<th>Killed</th>";
    echo        "<th>Bodypart</th>";
    echo        "<th>Weapon</th>";
    echo        "<th style=width:30px>Dist</th>";
    echo        "</tr>";while($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {if($row['weapon'] == "") {$row['weapon'] = 'unknown';}
    if($row['bodypart'] == "") {$row['bodypart'] = 'unknown';}echo    "<tr>";
    echo    "<td>".$row['time']."</td>";
    echo    "<td><a href=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/".$row['killer-id']." target=_blank><font color=#90EE90>".$row['killer']."</font></a></td>";
    echo    "<td>killed</td>";
    echo    "<td><a href=http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/".$row['killed-id']." target=_blank><font color=#FF6A6A>".$row['killed']."</font></a></td>";
    echo    "<td>".$row['bodypart']."</td>";
    echo    "<td>".$row['weapon']."</td>";
    echo    "<td>".$row['distance']."m.</td>";
    echo    "</tr>";
    echo "</tbody></table>";
  18. the stats page is already their ... did you download the zip file on the 2nd page of the discussion?