Hey, I'm finding your plugin extremely useful for my Rust balance overhaul project. I hope this doesn't come across as asking too much, considering that you're already offering your work for free, but is there a way you could only block twig foundations? I believe this is the best way to nerf the current meta without detracting from useful raid applications that it has.
Building Blocker
Fully prevents building in the building blocked zone. Fixes the "Devblog 158 of 4th may"
Total Downloads: 5,889 - First Release: May 4, 2017 - Last Update: Sep 29, 2017
- 5/5, 48 likes
Great Plug in! Thanks Vlad-00003! Now back to the old Rust!
If I use this plugin the tool cupboard well be like the old update.
thanks. -
Hi , building block only worked broken. Mostly we cant build in cupboard blocked areas but tha only on one point i can place ledders or twig foundations. maybe its a bug. could u fix that pls? or give me a tip how to fix it
best regards -
at first, sorry for my broken englich
I installed the builfing blocker a few weeks ago. After that, it was not possible to place ladders or foundations in blocked areas as desired. After the last rust update somehow has to be a small bug in it. He still shows that it is blocked but in one place you can build anyway without permission.
I hope this is something better to understand
best regards -
dose anyone else have a problem with this plugin interfering with no escape?
players are able to tp home and to other players in building blocked zones and raid blocked zones.
i know it shouldnt effect raid blocked but some reason since i updated it seems to have .. -
After todays update, my players are being kicked when placing a vending machine within their build range. Places fine outside of range. Here is what rcon is giving me..
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Socket_Base.CheckSocketMods (.Placement placement) Construction.UpdatePlacement (UnityEngine.Transform transform, .Construction common, .Target& target) Planner+Guide.Update (.Target& placement, .Construction currentComponent) Planner.UpdateGuide () Planner.OnFrame () BasePlayer.HeldEntityFrame () BasePlayer.ClientUpdateLocalPlayer () BasePlayer.ClientCycle (Single deltaTime) Client.Update ()Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2017 -
Are you sure that this is caused by building blocker? Did you tried to disable it for a test? -
Yes, they place fine when the mod is off. Its an odd error as it doesnt reference the problem plugin. I thought it was player specific at first but numerous players were able to recreate the error.