

Total Downloads: 11,691 - First Release: Jul 31, 2017 - Last Update: Jul 27, 2018

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  1. @Steenamaroo i will have someone on server test that now

    @trixxxi is correct, they dont move and are easy to pick off
  2. Thank you, folks. :)
    [DOUBLEPOST=1523037521][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok, looks like you can customise the range using

    The default is 160m.
    Obviously there's a limit to how much we can increase this before we may as well have it disabled, but it might be useful to some of you. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2018
  3. I believe you can already do this by adjusting the convar aimanager.ai_to_player_distance_wakeup_range which is set to 160 by default.

    Edit: Steenamaroo was faster which makes my post obsolete
  4. Thanks regardless, @chadomat
    [DOUBLEPOST=1523038174][/DOUBLEPOST]I'll look into the possibility of having a bot ignore the dormancy range if he's fired upon.
    Not sure if it's possible, but it would be nice.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1523038839][/DOUBLEPOST]Doing some testing here.
    Looks like there were 41 default Rust bots on my server - Where, I'm not sure.
    I killed them all via code then reloaded BotSpawn with ai_dormant false.

    I'm seeing approx 180-200FPS with 115 BotSpawn bots where I was seeing lows of 130FPS before,
    so still a performance hit, but nowhere near as bad as it was.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2018
  5. With BotSpawn unloaded, I can fill my server back up with almost a thousand zombies through halloween.murdererpopulation, but when I load BotSpawn, I have to reduce everything just for a handful of scientists everywhere
  6. BotSpawn bots will always be more intensive that Rust bots because BotSpawn bots have additional checks running all the time.

    I'm not seeing a meaningful performance hit with around 100 bots now, and I don't think that's too bad, but I'll be keeping performance in mind moving forward.

    The biggest performance hit probably comes from the code which keeps them near their spawn point.
    I should look into this again and see if anything has changed.
  7. Thank you. Also can I get the command you use to kill all the default rust bots? I've been flying around killing them all manually -_-
  8. Wouldn't they respawn anyway?
  9. Sorry, I didn't use a command - I wrote some additional code into BotSpawn while testing.

    Have you any way of confirming you had as many as a thousand murderers?
    I find it hard to believe you had no performance hit with that many - Did you actually see them?

    From another thread - Untested.

  10. This has given me two things to think about:
    1. Could it be possible to somehow use in-game voice chat for bots to use a text-to-speech engine? I know it is a bit of a stretch... but would be nice both for player-friendly NPCs and enemies.
    2. It looks like Facepunch is starting to focus more on bots themselves. Now it seems they have ideas for a special monument for scientists. I wonder if, eventually, this plugin might become even obsolete. But I guess it will always be useful for customizing PVE. BotSpawn could become more of a BotManager. :p
  11. Hey,
    1: I'm not sure I follow but I think anything audio-related in Rust is very limited.
    2: I doubt it. BotSpawn gives you a way to manage kits, spawn locations (custom and default), accuracy, damage amount, names, roam range etc.
    If Facepunch introduced bots per monument with a customisable spawn amount, it still wouldn't scratch the surface of the control you have here.
    Even simply giving bots a kit is enough to warrant the existence of the plugin, I think.

    What's more likely is that Facepunch will introduce new abilities and features, giving us more tools to play with and abuse in here. ;)
  12. I assume you're already adding the option to spawn bots at ch47 crate drop? ;)
  13. They will drop at monuments where there already can be bots spawned.
  14. Assuming everyone has bots at every monument?
  15. That said, yes... having a custom event at it wouldn't hurt. Hard to imagine what tho. It has that 15 minute timer.
  16. I'd like some sort of wave attack of bots - then the plugin could have options for number of bots per wave, time between waves and everything we already have...

    No idea how possible that'd be, just putting it out there :p
  17. @Rebajas Pretty sure that's an event manager mode.
  18. shit, really? Cool!
  19. Not sure what you mean by that - is that something we could have now?
  20. Remember one thing. Junkyard has those barbwire thingies. Bots get killed on them all the time. I ended up disabling them on that monument.
    Junkyard is kind of a weird one.