

Total Downloads: 5,652 - First Release: Oct 6, 2017 - Last Update: Feb 19, 2018

5/5, 23 likes
  1. o.grant group default blueprintmanager.all
    o.grant group default blueprintmanager.noworkbench
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2017
  2. I had a request if there's a way, to make blueprints shareable between friends/clans? So if one person in say, a clan, get a blueprint, the others get it too? Just thought I'd make the request on their behalf.
  3. Hiya
    Can i set up this plugin so all the BP would be available for everyone all the time ?
  4. No workbench function seems temperamental depending on elevation/terrain on Hapis.
  5. By temperamental, I suppose I meant that it barely functions at all on Hapis.

    edit: Indicating the noworkbench function.
  6. You saved me a shiton of time. Thank you.
  7. But look at the bright side, no workbench needed! It's just a dumb flickering thing that happens. You get used to it.
  8. What is the command to reset my blueprints? I want to wipe all the learned blueprints with the monthly server wipe so the players have to re-learn it all over again. Is there a command for that?
  9. The plugin was only designed to clear blueprints for one user at a time. Right now you can delete the users folder in your server folder to clear all blueprints.
  10. noworkbench don't work. I can't build anything what require workbench.
    Can't also build workbench tier 2 and 3 :(
  11. How can I lock an item for everyone ? Ex ak47 or rocket
  12. I don't think you can with this plugin right now - but that would be a good suggestion to its creator.
  13. how do i unlock blueprints for all players
  14. with permission
  15. I guess the plugin is unmaintained if no one acknowledges the same issue that multiple people are having with workbenches.
  16. I sugest using NoWorkbench plugin for Rust. It's almost same thing and it is working just fine.
  17. Hey bro, the noworkbench thing doesn't work well at all. It keeps disconecting me from the workbench as I walk, and its really hard for me to find a place that shows Workbench Level 3 available. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks for the great plugin!