

Total Downloads: 26,142 - First Release: Apr 21, 2015 - Last Update: Jan 12, 2018

4.9898/5, 98 likes
  1. I know that but what file would it be i'm in the data folder
    this one. see that? yes that.
  3. Is there a way have my admins chat and not show their name like just have it say "admin" or something?
  4. in betterchat.json in data folder edit file with notepad++
    "Format": {
          "Chat": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}",
          "Console": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}"
    "Format": {
          "Chat": "{Title} {Message}",
          "Console": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}"
    then upload the file reload plugin
    test see if that works
  5. Hm I should have clarified. I mean an easy way for them to switch back and forth between their actual name and another name.
  6. Thats not what you asked try being clear when asking a question next time and to your question no you cant
  7. I've searched recent pages but don't see an answer. I'm trying to make the player's title AND name show up in the same color. The title/prefix is the correct color (in this case it's #800080 purple) but the player's name remains in the default #55aaff blue.

        "GroupName": "royalty",
        "Priority": 0,
        "Title": {
          "Text": "[Royalty]",
          "Color": "#800080",
          "Size": 15,
          "Hidden": false,
          "HiddenIfNotPrimary": false
        "Username": {
          "Color": "#800080",
          "Size": 15
        "Message": {
          "Color": "white",
          "Size": 15
        "Format": {
          "Chat": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}",
          "Console": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}"
  8. The only two things that need fixed are
    "HiddenIfNotPrimary": false (set to true)
    Priority fixed for each group
  9. How come whenever i set the colors or change anythign it auto removes PlayerChallenges titles from my name.

    I have to reboot server and then start game for them to reappear
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2017
  10. There is a bug in Hurtworld if you use BetterChat 5.0.14, that the chat messages stop updating.
    After some tests, i've noticed that if you send to the chatbox the font size like default <size=15>
    That is what makes the chat freeze.

    So i've created some exceptions to fix this problem, removing the size part
    I've also attached the fixed file

    LINE 60:
      ["Username"] = $"[#{Username.GetUniversalColor()}][+{Username.Size}]{Player.Name}[/+][/#]",
    New LINE 60:
    #if RUST
      ["Username"] = $"[#{Username.GetUniversalColor()}][+{Username.Size}]{Player.Name}[/+][/#]",
     ["Username"] = $"[#{Username.GetUniversalColor()}]{Player.Name}[/#]",
    LINE 62:
      ["Message"] = $"[#{Message.GetUniversalColor()}][+{Message.Size}]{Text}[/+][/#]",
    New LINE 62:
    #if RUST
      ["Message"] = $"[#{Message.GetUniversalColor()}][+{Message.Size}]{Text}[/+][/#]",
     ["Message"] = $"[#{Message.GetUniversalColor()}]{Text}[/#]",
    LINE 230:
      select $"[#{g.Title.GetUniversalColor()}][+{g.Title.Size}]{g.Title.Text}[/+][/#]")
    New LINE 230:
    #if RUST
      select $"[#{g.Title.GetUniversalColor()}][+{g.Title.Size}]{g.Title.Text}[/+][/#]")
      select $"[#{g.Title.GetUniversalColor()}]{g.Title.Text}[/#]")
    LINE 508:
      return $"[#{primary.Username.GetUniversalColor()}][+{primary.Username.Size}]{player.Name}[/+][/#]";
    New LINE 508:
    #if RUST
      return $"[#{primary.Username.GetUniversalColor()}][+{primary.Username.Size}]{player.Name}[/+][/#]";
     return $"[#{primary.Username.GetUniversalColor()}]{player.Name}[/#]";

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2017
  11. Hey how can i add a permission for a special chat group ? im using SteamGroups and want to add if a player joining my steam group they should get added in the steam BetterChat group

    sorry for the bad english..
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2017
  12. Create oxide group like this for ex
    Code: add myspecialgroup
    Configure config\SteamGroups.json like this
    "Group Setup": [
      "Steam": "mysteamgroup",
      "Oxide": "myspecialgroup"
    Last configure data\BetterChat.json like this
      "GroupName": "myspecialgroup",
      "Priority": 2,
      "Title": {
      "Text": "[Steam]",
      "Color": "#ff9900",
      "Size": 15,
      "Hidden": false,
      "HiddenIfNotPrimary": false
      "Username": {
      "Color": "#55aaff",
      "Size": 15
      "Message": {
      "Color": "white",
      "Size": 15
      "Format": {
      "Chat": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}",
      "Console": "{Title} {Username}: {Message}"
  13. @Wulf This one seems to be broke as well.
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Can't help without details.
  15. Well, ever since the oxide update. This plugin broke and the config isnt loading. Idk what happened.
    Cancel that. It works.
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Sounds like you're a build behind on Oxide where users weren't added to the default groups.
  17. Nah i just had to reload the plugin. :)
  18. New players does not seem to be in any BetterChat group-
    using plugins default group! This should never happen!
    Please make sure you have a grroup called 'default'.

    I get this message when new players use the chat..
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Update Oxide.

  20. thanks for your reply i mean if a player joins the steam group that he got automaticly added in the betterchat steam group without any actions from myself

    so i need a permission for the betterchat group you know what i mean ?