1. Well yeah, thanks for your help I just mean

      "ShowTimedCommands": "true",
      "TimedCommands": [
          "say 'Automatic Restarts: 17:45, 20:30, 5:00, 6:00 (GMT + 3:00)",
          "say 'Server AUTOMATIC restart in 1 HOUR!!!'",
          "say 'Server AUTOMATIC restart in 10 MINUTES!!!'",
          "oxide.reload p-TimedExecute",
    You mean like this?
  2. One thing before i go .... If u want Ask this guy .. http://oxidemod.org/threads/timedexecute.7611/page-2#post-81569 he managed to make this the same way like u want :)
  3. nono, what you do now, is reseting the timer BEFORE the restart even happened, so it would never reach restart. Also as PaiN said, restart will reset the timer
  4. Yeah, LOL I didn't think about that in first place so I don't really have to worry about the reseting the timer because restart will reset it, I will do it like this I think
      "ShowTimedCommands": "true",
      "TimedCommands": [
          "say 'Server RESTARTS every 5 hours, you get 2 warnings before the restart!",
          "say 'Server AUTOMATIC restart in 1 HOUR!!!'",
          "say 'Server AUTOMATIC restart in 10 MINUTES!!!'",
    This should work now, as the timer resets with the restart and once it's back up it just does the same cycle again. Sorry guys for making it so hard for you guys :D I just got confused quite many times but I think this should work. I will stop posting soon :D
  5. Well im not sure about this but actually I think that "Server restarts in 5 hours" will happen around 10 times, as it repeats in a 1800 interval until the restart happens
  6. Hello from the swimming pool xD
  7. PaiN for something like this you should add support for timmer.once means add a possibility to add something like this:
    "say Heeeeeey :3",

    and add a console command like
    to reset the timers
    Dayum son
  8. There is a problem... timer once is useless... BUT i think after executing the commands u can set the reset command to start again
  9. mate, at exactly THIS situation its much better to use then timer.repeat so its defnitly not useless. Think bout it before positing As I said, add that console command to reset the timers
  10. When i will come back home i will look into it .. now im just chilling
  11. xD do that - need to put something here to be the message more than 10 chars lol
  12. The once option would fix the whole issue, reasons: It would give opportunity to reload the plugin after the restart and give warnings every hour. Enjoy the sun ;)
  13. TY i will try to code on my phone JOKE
    I have a paeudo code in my mind
  14. At server restarts i got this error:

    6:01 AM [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'TimedExecute'
    File: p-TimedExecute.lua Line: 39 invalid arguments to method call:
      at NLua.Lua.ThrowExceptionFromError (Int32 oldTop) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at NLua.Lua.CallFunction (System.Object function, System.Object[] args, System.Type[] returnTypes) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&)
      at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    Rust, Oxide and this AddOn are Up2Date.
  15. Show me your config
  16. Here it is

    I know you've asked last time why i need to send this in intervals, but i dont know why my server doesnt save this settings or removing them so i have no choise or knowing other ways to do so.

    Attached Files:

  17. Can you post the code ? Im on my phone and i cant open .json with it
  18. Code:
      "ShowTimedCommands": "true",
      "TimedCommands": [
          "ownerid 76561198001500181",
          "oxide.usergroup add 76561198001500181 admin",
          "oxide.usergroup add 76561198007995275 moderator",
          "oxide.usergroup add 76561198126456936 moderator",
          "oxide.usergroup add 76561198003802425 vip",
          "oxide.usergroup remove 76561198001500181 player",
          "oxide.usergroup remove 76561198007995275 player",
          "oxide.usergroup remove 76561198126456936 player",
          "oxide.usergroup remove 76561198003802425 player",
          "oxide.reload updater",
    thx for your help
  19. http://oxidemod.org/threads/timedexecute.7611/page-3 ...
    [DOUBLEPOST=1433683487][/DOUBLEPOST]I've made the timer that everyone wanted... but now the Repeater is not working.. i will fix it and update the plugin
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2015