1. So Event.run is not supported for airdrop anymore, how do I trigger an airdrop?
  2. Download eazy airdrop plugin, and type this command: airdrop
  3. Hi! Would someone let me know if my config is correct? I want to have server restarts every 6 hours, helicopters every 2 hours and the server save every 5 minutes. The setup has been working great, but every so often my server is not joinable after an automated restart.

    Thanks in advance!! Please let me know if I am doing this right, I need to make sure that I've set it up as efficiently as possible. :)

      "EnabledRealTime-Timer": false,
      "EnableTimerOnce": false,
      "EnableTimerRepeat": true,
      "RealTime-Timer": {
        "17:00:00": "say <color=yellow>Tell</color>"
      "TimerOnce": {
        "reset.oncetimer": 181,
      "TimerRepeat": {
        "server.save": 300,
        "callheli": 7200,
        "say <color=orange>SERVER RESTART IN 1 HOUR!</color>": 18000,
        "say <color=orange>SERVER RESTART IN 45 MINUTES!</color>": 18900,
        "say <color=orange>SERVER RESTART IN 30 MINUTES, THE RAID CAN WAIT!</color>": 19800,
        "say <color=orange>SERVER RESTART IN 15 MINUTES, GET BACK TO YER BASE!</color>": 20700,
        "say <color=orange>SERVER RESTART IN 10 MINUTES, STOP KILLING NAKEDS AND GO HOME!</color>": 21000,
        "say <color=orange>SERVER RESTART IN 5 MINUTES, GO HIDE IN A BUSH!</color>": 21360,
        "say <color=orange>Server saved for restart</color>": 21590,
        "server.save": 21591,
        "restart": 21600
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2015
  4. do like i do.

      "TimerRepeat": {
        "heli.call": 7200,
        "global.restart": 21600,
        "say DATA SAVED!": 21591,
  5. So use global.restart instead of restart?
  6. global.restart making a 60 seconds countdown and then restarting :)
  7. Awesome thank you! Ill give it a shot :D
  8. no problem :)
  9. Shouldn't this work?

    "TimerRepeat": {
    "global.airdrop": 3600,
    "callheli": 7200,
    "server.save": 300
  10. put this code, and it's will working.
    oh and download "Easy Airdrop" plugin.
      "EnabledRealTime-Timer": false,
      "EnableTimerOnce": false,
      "EnableTimerRepeat": true,
      "RealTime-Timer": {
        "16:00:00": "say 'The gate for the event is open!'",
        "16:30:00": "say 'The gate for the event just closed'",
        "17:00:00": "say 'Restart in 1 HOUR'",
        "18:00:00": "say 'The server is restarting NOW.'"
      "TimerOnce": {
        "reset.oncetimer": 181,
        "say 'Dont forget to like our fanpage!'": 60,
        "say 'Follow us on Twitter!'": 120,
        "say 'You can donate via PayPal!'": 180
      "TimerRepeat": {
        "airdrop": 3600,
        "server.save": 300,
        "heli.call": 7200
  11. I did this but airdrops don't seem to be spawning.
  12. Hi! Can you add a timed commad at one specific hour (gamehour!)
    "GameTime-timer": {
    "18:00:00": "say game time 18:00 night comming soon "
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2016
  13. Hello! How to use this plugin with only 12hr time fotmat? example: 22:30 dont work, but 10:30 will execute command at 10:30 and 22:30!
  14. @PaiN

    NOTE(RealTime-Timer): The time MUST look like "HH:mm:ss" ex. "18:30:00".
    • Any chance we can get the RealTime-Timer to accept:
    1. "Day HH:mm:ss" for Daily at the specified time
    2. "Mon HH:mm:ss" for a command to be executed on a specific day and time
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2016
  15. Hello,

    Can someone tell me where I am going wrong.

    I am trying to use the 6 hr restart config by Arru but nothing happens.

    When I load it.. I see

    [Oxide] 8:56 AM [Info] Loaded plugin Timed Execute v2.6.0 by PaiN
    [Oxide] 8:56 AM [Info] [Timed Execute] Timer-Once is OFF
    [Oxide] 8:56 AM [Info] [Timed Execute] Timer-Repeat is OFF
    [Oxide] 8:56 AM [Info] [Timed Execute] RealTime-Timer is OFF

      "EnableTimerOnceCommands": "true",
      "EnableTimerRepeatCommands": "false",
      "OnceCommands": [
          "command": "say 'Server <color=orange>AUTOMATIC</color> Restart in 5 hours!'",
          "seconds": 350
          "command": "say 'Server <color=orange>AUTOMATIC</color> Restart in 4 hours!'",
          "seconds": 3600
          "command": "say 'Server <color=orange>AUTOMATIC</color> Restart in 3 hours!'",
          "seconds": 7200
          "command": "say 'Server <color=orange>AUTOMATIC</color> Restart in 2 hours!'",
          "seconds": 10800
          "command": "say 'Server <color=orange>AUTOMATIC</color> Restart in 1 hour!'",
          "seconds": 14400
          "command": "say 'Server <color=orange>AUTOMATIC</color> Restart in 30 minutes!'",
          "seconds": 16200
          "command": "say 'Server <color=orange>AUTOMATIC</color> Restart in 15 minutes!'",
          "seconds": 17100
          "command": "say 'Server <color=orange>AUTOMATIC</color> Restart in 5 minutes!'",
          "seconds": 17700
          "command": "server.save",
          "seconds": 17998
          "command": "say 'Server is Restarting <color=red>NOW</color>!!!'",
          "seconds": 17999
          "command": "restart",
          "seconds": 18000
          "command": "reset.oncetimer",
          "seconds": 18001
      "RepeaterCommands": []
  16. The plugin config is not structured this way anymore. The FAQ of this plugin is outdated. You'll have to delete that config and reload the plugin to have the plugin function again.
  17. Ahh I did wonder that I noticed the commands were different from the new config. Thanks for the info buddy. I can get the plugin working just couldn't get that config to work.. Now I know why. Thanks again.
  18. @PaiN

    What do you think ?
  19. Could anyone give me an example config that will restart daily and run a heli every few hours?
  20. Code:
      "EnabledRealTime-Timer": false,
      "EnableTimerOnce": false,
      "EnableTimerRepeat": true,
      "RealTime-Timer": {
        "16:00:00": "say 'The gate for the event is open!'",
        "16:30:00": "say 'The gate for the event just closed'",
        "17:00:00": "say 'Restart in 1 HOUR'",
        "18:00:00": "say 'The server is restarting NOW.'"
      "TimerOnce": {
        "reset.oncetimer": 181,
        "say 'Dont forget to like our fanpage!'": 60,
        "say 'Follow us on Twitter!'": 120,
        "say 'You can donate via PayPal!'": 180
      "TimerRepeat": {
        "heli.call": 10800,
        "global.restart": 86400