1. Does your server automatically restart after it all though? Or does it just shut down and stay down?
  2. As long have you have your batchfile setup appropriately or some sort of monitoring service, it will come back online. If you're using managed hosting, it should reboot automatically.
  3. I'm hosted through gameservers... I don't think they allow me access to the batchfile, and the watchdog feature they have checks on it and acts after 20 minutes of scan failures. Is this essentially something I can't use then because of the hosting method?
  4. Unsure, haven't hosted with them since legacy. However if your server comes back online after the "global.restart/restart" command, it will come back online with the "global.quit/quit" command.
  5. I had to manually restart the server after using the restart command. It didn't come back online. I'll run a support ticket with them and see what happens. Thanks for the information - I just wish I could have this as I can't always be online at the right time to manually restart the server.
  6. I had a server on GameServers.. and yes once you execute the command and the server goes down it will come up again. You just have to wait a bit..
  7. Any idea how long Pain? I know the watchdog feature takes about 20 minutes for it to do that... They have a single auto-reset time, but with my server population lately, I need a second one closer to prime time.
  8. It's also dependent on your entity count. Since you're under managed hosting with gameservers, you can't actually close out the server directly.

    The more entities you have, the longer it will take to restart/shut your server down.
  9. So what your saying is, I should try the restart, and just wait and see how long it takes? Maybe I just didn't wait long enough?
  10. If it's taken more than 20-30 minutes, you may have to boot it yourself.

    I've noticed it takes about 15 minutes to delete around 190k entities and have the server booted back up.
  11. How do I get helicopter call working?
    I have the latest TimedExecute.cs and HeliControl.cs
    I have tested

    "TimerRepeat": {
    "heli.call": 900,


    "TimerRepeat": {
    "callheli": 900,

    in TimedExecute.json. But no helicopters is spawning :(
    In the log its running the command but no errors.
    [12/14/2015 11:02:31 AM] [Oxide] 11:02 AM [Info] [Timed Execute] ran the command || heli.call

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2015
  12. This plugin just executes the command.. it doesnt edit/modify the commands or something like that.
    If you put a command like "youcanguessthatcommandbro" it will run it even if doesnt exist.
  13. Code:
      "EnabledRealTime-Timer": false,
      "EnableTimerOnce": true,
      "EnableTimerRepeat": true,
      "RealTime-Timer": {
        "16:00:00": "say 'Join us on teamspeak: ts.gaminghangout.tk!'",
        "16:30:00": "say 'Dont forget to upvote on Rust-servers.net!'",
        "17:00:00": "say 'Join our steam group: Rustlantis Official!'",
        "18:00:00": "say 'If you like the server, please consider donating!'"
      "TimerOnce": {
        "reset.oncetimer": 451,
        "say 'Join our steam group: Rustlantis Official!'": 150,
        "say 'Dont forget to upvote us on rust-servers.net!'": 300,
        "say 'If you like the server, please consider donating!'": 450
      "TimerRepeat": {
        "heli.call": 7200
    Runs the command but does nothing. that is the same command found when searching with "find heli", yet it doesn't call the heli in when it runs the command. Am I missing something?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2015
  14. This plugin just executes the command. I think there is a plugin named Heli Control or something like that which contains the "callheli" command.
  15. yeah but people are saying that plugin isn't working properly. I'll just manually call it for now at least until there is a fix for it, since it seems to be more an issue on the facepunch side since even the RCON tool can't seem to run the command, only via the in-game console can I get the command to run.
  16. Someone said that it doesnt work when you execute from this plugin but as a player.. maybe it has a Player check.
  17. One request: Custom avatar or 64-bit steamprofile for "global.say" messages. That would be rad.
  18. Hi,
    i want to know how i change the config and put this things?
    Helicopter - every 3 hours
    Airdrop - every 2 hours
    Auto Restart - every 24 hours
    auto save - every 1 hour

    i would like for help! :)
  19. what is wrong?
    The command show the messages and restart, however the server.save command is not working.
    When the server returns is to rollback of 5 minutes.

      "EnabledRealTime-Timer": true,
      "EnableTimerOnce": true,
      "EnableTimerRepeat": true,
      "RealTime-Timer": {
        "00:00:00": "say '<color=#d55763>ATENÇÃO</color>: Servidor Reiniciara em <color=#a2d557>7</color> horas'",
        "02:00:00": "say '<color=#d55763>ATENÇÃO</color>: Servidor Reiniciara em <color=#a2d557>5</color> horas'",
        "04:00:00": "say '<color=#d55763>ATENÇÃO</color>: Servidor Reiniciara em <color=#a2d557>3</color> horas'",
        "06:00:00": "say '<color=#d55763>ATENÇÃO</color>: Servidor Reiniciara em <color=#a2d557>1</color> horas'",
        "06:30:00": "say '<color=#d55763>ATENÇÃO</color>: Servidor Reiniciara em <color=#a2d557>30</color> minutos'",
        "06:40:00": "say '<color=#d55763>ATENÇÃO</color>: Servidor Reiniciara em <color=#a2d557>20</color> minutos'",
        "06:50:00": "say '<color=#d55763>ATENÇÃO</color>: Servidor Reiniciara em <color=#a2d557>10</color> minutos'",
        "06:55:00": "say '<color=#d55763>ATENÇÃO</color>: Servidor Reiniciara em <color=#a2d557>5</color> minutos'",
        "06:58:00": "say '<color=#d55763>ATENÇÃO</color>: Servidor Reiniciara em <color=#a2d557>2</color> minutos'",
        "06:58:10": "say '<color=#57d58a>ATENÇÃO</color>: Voltamos ONLINE dentro de <color=#a2d557>5 minutos, Aguarde!'",
          "06:58:30": "server.writecfg",
        "06:59:00": "restart",
         "06:59:40": "server.save"
      "TimerOnce": {  },
      "TimerRepeat": {  }
  20. Someone please help!