Stack Size Controller

Allows you to set the max stack size of every item.

Total Downloads: 39,342 - First Release: Feb 10, 2017 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 50 likes
  1. What message returns when you run the command? Does this happen with any other resource?
  2. Can some one pleas help me i cant get it to work at all...
  3. Are you getting any errors? If so, what errors? What version are you running?
    Just tested this with wood, it seems to be working. Are you still having issues?
  4. Can u type the command...
    Since no matter what i do it wont work... i just download the new one to a total new server i got.
  5. [02/10/2017 23:04:02] OnInputText: (TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'UGC.Libiray.Network.Client' from assembly 'UGC.Libiray, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.)
  6. Ingame "/stack wood [number]"
    Console "stack wood [number]"
    Please read the plugin description.
    Do you have any context? Are you sure that's for this plugin? How do you get this error, when the plugin loads or when you run a command?
  7. Em stacksizecontroller is gone? how do i change the stacksizes then???
  8. Do you have any errors preventing the plugin from loading?
  9. Yes. It gives me this text: Error while compiling StackSizeController.cs(176,20): error CS1061: Type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' does not contain a definition for `isAdmin' and no extension method `isAdmin' of type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1486759984][/DOUBLEPOST]And it tells me i have no permission to view the page where its downloaded from here on oxide.
  10. You are using an outdated version, download the latest version.
  11. where... i cant access the page
  12. Do I have to run a serrrrver to use this?>?
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, the client does not use plugins.
  14. Can you elaborate on that for me please?
  15. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You need a server to use plugins. You cannot install plugins on your client.
  16. Do you have to have a pvp enabled only server to install the plugins on the client?
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Plugins are not installed on the client, they are installed on a server that you manage.
  18. Man, I don't think I'm ready to use plugins. Could you direct me to a information context on server plug-ins?