1. Now I know this is a typical problem. But this seems to be an oxide related issue according to my current host. As stated by them:
    "I've run some tests and was able to find the server with Oxide disabled, but when reactivating the mods the server is no longer listed. There may be some conflicts with the active plugins, or possibly an issue with the backend service itself."

    I haven't been able to test this yet myself because whenever I go to try it out I have players on the server, so I don't know if it's BS or not.

    This is all on top of the hot mess that is my current server. And the new drama I'm going through with the provider I'm attempting to migrate to. But that's a whole other story. I've got the list of plugins I'm running here, if anyone knows about any conflicts that might cause my server to be hidden.
    pluginsListing 69 plugins:
      01 "AbsolutSorter" (1.1.1) by Absolut (0.04s) - AbsolutSorter.cs
      02 "AlphaChristmas" (1.0.1) by redBDGR (1.16s) - AlphaChristmas.cs
      03 "AlphaLoot" (1.9.3) by Fujikura (15.33s) - AlphaLoot.cs
      04 "AntiBarricadeStacking" (0.1.0) by k1lly0u (6.00s) - AntiBarricadeStacking.cs
      05 "Backpacks" (2.0.8) by LaserHydra (1.01s) - Backpacks.cs
      06 "BarrelPoints" (2.0.6) by redBDGR (2.06s) - BarrelPoints.cs
      07 "BotSpawn" (1.2.2) by Steenamaroo (526.17s) - BotSpawn.cs
      08 "Building Grades" (0.3.11) by bawNg / Nogrod (0.00s) - BuildingGrades.cs
      09 "CarCommander" (0.1.82) by k1lly0u (6.23s) - CarCommander.cs
      10 "Rust:IO Clans" (1.7.3) by playrust.io / dcode (0.01s) - Clans.cs
      11 "Copy Paste" (3.4.1) by Reneb (0.01s) - CopyPaste.cs
      12 "Crafting Controller" (2.4.7) by Mughisi (0.00s) - CraftingController.cs
      13 "CustomAI" (1.1.4) by serezhadelaet (55.22s) - CustomAI.cs
      14 "Death Notes" (5.2.13) by LaserHydra (3.32s) - DeathNotes.cs
      15 "Enhanced Hammer" (1.3.4) by Fuji/Visa (0.01s) - EnhancedHammer.cs
      16 "Fishing" (1.2.3) by Colon Blow (0.01s) - Fishing.cs
      17 "FriendlyFire" (1.6.0) by playrust.io / dcode (1.55s) - FriendlyFire.cs
      18 "Furnace Splitter" (2.1.2) by Skipcast (10.67s) - FurnaceSplitter.cs
      19 "Gathering Manager" (2.2.6) by Mughisi (0.20s) - GatherManager.cs
      20 "Give" (2.1.6) by Reneb (0.00s) - Give.cs
      21 "Healthy Guns" (2.0.0) by Wulf/lukespragg (693.91s) - HealthyGuns.cs
      22 "HelpText" (2.0.5) by Calytic/Domestos (0.00s) - HelpText.cs
      23 "HitIcon" (1.5.5) by serezhadelaet (0.09s) - HitIcon.cs
      24 "HomesGUI" (1.1.8) by PsychoTea (2.80s) - HomesGUI.cs
      25 "ImageLibrary" (2.0.8) by Absolut & K1lly0u (0.55s) - ImageLibrary.cs
      26 "LustyMap" (2.1.36) by Kayzor / k1lly0u (5.15s) - LustyMap.cs
      27 "InfoPanel" (0.9.5) by Ghosst / Nogrod (6.97s) - InfoPanel.cs
      28 "Item Skin Randomizer" (1.3.2) by Mughisi (0.00s) - ItemSkinRandomizer.cs
      29 "Kits" (3.2.9) by Reneb (29.59s) - Kits.cs
      30 "MagicCraft" (0.3.1) by Norn (0.04s) - MagicCraft.cs
      31 "NightLantern" (2.0.8) by k1lly0u (7.03s) - NightLantern.cs
      32 "NightVision" (1.0.1) by Jake_Rich (1.47s) - NightVision.cs
      33 "NoDecay" (1.0.13) by Deicide666ra/Piarb (4.49s) - NoDecay.cs
      34 "OilCrate" (0.6.5) by Kaleidos (8.25s) - OilCrate.cs
      35 "OldSchoolQuarries" (1.0.5) by S0N_0F_BISCUIT (4.39s) - OldSchoolQuarries.cs
      36 "PilotEject" (1.0.21) by redBDGR (7.30s) - PilotEject.cs
      37 "PlayerDatabase" (1.5.7) by Reneb (0.01s) - PlayerDatabase.cs
      38 "PlayerInformations" (1.2.9) by Reneb (0.02s) - PlayerInformations.cs
      39 "PlayerManager" (1.0.10) by Reneb (0.00s) - PlayerManager.cs
      40 "Playtime Tracker" (0.1.6) by k1lly0u (0.14s) - PlaytimeTracker.cs
      41 "Popup Notifications" (0.1.3) by emu / k1lly0u (0.23s) - PopupNotifications.cs
      42 "QuickSmelt" (3.0.3) by Wulf/Fujikura (1.34s) - QuickSmelt.cs
      43 "RainOfFire" (0.2.51) by emu / k1lly0u (12.75s) - RainOfFire.cs
      44 "RandomSpawns" (0.1.9) by k1lly0u (0.05s) - RandomSpawns.cs
      45 "RemoveAAA" (0.4.6) by Tuntenfisch (0.03s) - RemoveAAA.cs
      46 "RemoverTool" (4.1.11) by Reneb (0.10s) - RemoverTool.cs
      47 "Replenish" (1.3.2) by Skrallex (1.20s) - Replenish.cs
      48 "Rewards" (1.3.10) by Tarek (0.14s) - Rewards.cs
      49 "RGive" (2.1.1) by LaserHydra (0.01s) - RGive.cs
      50 "RotatingPickups" (0.2.52) by k1lly0u (3.99s) - RotatingPickups.cs
      51 "SecurityLights" (1.1.0) by S0N_0F_BISCUIT (5.32s) - SecurityLights.cs
      52 "AdvanceGather" (0.1.1) by Hougan (0.14s) - AdvanceGather.cs
      53 "Sign Artist" (0.3.3) by Nogrod / Bombardir (0.00s) - SignArtist.cs
      54 "Skins" (1.2.9) by MalkoR (14.87s) - Skins.cs
      55 "SkipNightVote" (0.1.4) by k1lly0u (0.10s) - SkipNightVote.cs
      56 "SleeperAnimalProtection" (1.0.0) by Fujikura (1.49s) - SleeperAnimalProtection.cs
      57 "Spawns" (2.0.35) by Reneb / k1lly0u (0.01s) - Spawns.cs
      58 "Stack Size Controller" (1.9.6) by Canopy Sheep (0.02s) - StackSizeController.cs
      59 "StartupCommands" (1.0.7) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.03s) - StartupCommands.cs
      60 "TeleportGUI" (1.4.5) by PsychoTea (2.15s) - TeleportGUI.cs
      61 "Timber" (0.1.11) by Mattparks (3.35s) - Timber.cs
      62 "Timed Execute" (0.7.3) by PaiN (9.46s) - TimedExecute.cs
      63 "Trapper" (1.0.9) by redBDGR (0.00s) - Trapper.cs
      64 "TreasureBox" (0.2.2) by k1lly0u (1.18s) - TreasureBox.cs
      65 "Vanish" (0.4.1) by Wulf/lukespragg (0.00s) - Vanish.cs
      66 "Wounded Screams" (2.1.4) by Skipcast (6.83s) - WoundedScreams.cs
      67 "ZoneManager" (2.4.3) by Reneb / Nogrod (14.39s) - ZoneManager.cs
      68 "ServerRewards" (0.4.6) by k1lly0u (0.95s) - ServerRewards.cs
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Oxide does not control your server listing, that is all handled by the Rust client and Steam. The only thing Oxide does is add the "modded" and "oxide" tags, which Rust's client uses to place your server in the Modded category.

    Plugins also have no relation or connection to how your server is listed and one plugin conflicting with another would also have no effect on your server listing.
  3. I thought it sounded off. So why would it show only if they disable oxide but it's not showing while it's running? I mean I get it will show in community without oxide running. I guess I just need to keep an eye on the server for some downtime and see what else I can do to get it listed again.
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I don't really know how the Rust client handles it other than that, but that's the only relation Oxide has to it.
  5. Understood. And thank you.
  6. So I think I figured out why it wasn't listing. Players weren't being allowed to enter for some EAC error and were getting FlyHack violations for crouching and walking on rocks. So I disabled security. I think that got me removed from the list. Enabled security and I'm back on. So hopefully people aren't going to have the same issues as before. Including myself. I could fly all over the map. But be damned if I walk on some random rock.

    Edit: entered "antihack.flyhack_protection 0" and still listed.
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yeah, disabling protection may cause it to not be listed, but I don't think that specific protection setting would prevent it from being listed, only server.secure false I think.
  8. That's all I did and it got me back on the list. It was true that disabling Oxide put me back on the list. Even with the security off. Re enabled oxide and I was off the list. Shut rust down. Fired it back up. Still off the list. Kept refreshing for a while and nothing. Changed the security settings on a random thought and I popped up on the list. It's possible that Steam/Facepunch doesn't like the combination of mods and no security.
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Rust won't list any servers if EAC is disabled, but running Oxide with it shouldn't matter. Confirmed the same with Facepunch as well.
  10. That makes sense. But then why would it list if I was just running Vanilla with the same configuration? Does Oxide have its own settings that it holds and when I run Vanilla it defaults back to what I had before? Not that any of this really matters now that the server is listed. I'm just stumped.
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    No, like I said, the only thing that changes with the server listing is the added "oxide" and "modded" tags, which Rust's client uses the "modded" tag to move the server to the Modded section fo the client.
  12. Okay. I'll just let this one go. I can't understand what happened every time. :)
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'm looking into it more too, talking with Alistair trying to work out why it may be happening. I'll post if I figure out more. :)
  14. remove any antihack settings in your bat file or wherever you put them
  15. There's nothing in the command line anymore aside from my standard settings. I ran antihack.flyhack_protection 0 server.writecfg through the console and restarted so it may or may not have stuck. But I'll set it to true right now. I hope to have this server closed by the 2nd anyway.
  16. You dont do server.writecfg after that command just best to delete the line from wherever you have it then restart server
  17. Noted. But no place to delete it from. Just ran it through the console. I've set it to true. I just have to wait for the current players to finish up what they are doing and I'll run the reset.
  18. Well servers back to normal. Players are getting kicked for FlyHack violations :) What's the difference in numbers mean and is there a list somewhere? I'm not seeing it in the Oxide docs. Though I doubt it would have any place there anyway.
  19. Do you have anything in the server.cfg file inside the cfg folder if you could post it if you have also post what you have in your bat file just hide the rcon password as no one else is getting this problem it is something causing it so we need to rule a few things out.

    Also do you allow players to have noclip or a plugin that allows them to fly like a heli
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That isn't anything from Oxide, that's a Rust setting.