1. Okay cool! Got it all working thanks.
  2. When I restart my server my server url and my header image is always cleared do you know how I could prevent that?
  3. Use server.cfg instead of serverauto.cfg.
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Any commands you enter into the Rust console are temporary. You'd need to use server.cfg (not serverauto.cfg, it resets) or your command-line.
  5. how to stop restarting the server
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Stop it how? If you don't want it to autorestart, just remove that feature from the .bat file.
  7. I'm pretty sure:


    Would save all of those command entered options.

    Was there an option to start the server on a higher priority Wulf? Never tried it before but I like my server set to high, seems to maintain over 500fps easier.
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You can use Windows or Linux features to set the process priority.
  9. Yeah but that's only after its running, it doesn't remember past instances because the ids change.
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    No, you can set it via command-line arguments and start it with that.
  11. timed.execute i have no permissions to read or show ? :(

  12. If you are having a problem with a plugin try posting in the plugin topic for support also read the overview of the plugin
  13. Where do I find the server.cfg file? I see serverauto.cfg. I am trying to get the server image and description to stick. I am renting this server from survialservers, just fyi.
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Make the file in the same location where serverauto.cfg is.
  15. That worked!

    Thank you a ton
  16. Does this tool still work?
  17. You should just use the _start-example included in the oxidemod download it has a auto restart function.

    @echo off
    echo Starting server...RustDedicated.exe -batchmode -nographics +server.ip +rcon.ip +server.port 28015 +rcon.port 28016 +rcon.password "changeme" +server.maxplayers 10 +server.hostname "My Oxide Server" +server.identity "my_server_identity" +server.level "Procedural Map" +server.seed 12345 +server.worldsize 4000 +server.saveinterval 300 +server.globalchat true +server.description "Powered by Oxide" +server.headerimage "http://i.imgur.com/xNyLhMt.jpg" +server.url "http://oxidemod.org"echo.
    echo Restarting server...
    timeout /t 10
    goto start
  18. Tool still working?