Rust:IO Clans

Allows your players to form and manage clans with Rust:IO

Total Downloads: 43,590 - First Release: Mar 17, 2015 - Last Update: May 1, 2017

4.91489/5, 47 likes
  1. Thank you very much. Do you also own a server? If so, what is the name? I would like to check it out.
  2. it's currently being built, but feel free to visit my youtube channel vkay and leave a comment and i'll get back to you once its open
  3. Awesome. Mine is Jungle Fewer - modded. Whats your game name? (South African) Please pop in tomorrow night.
  4. should be the same as oxide
  5. Not just sure if it's me but the clan tags dont seem to show when the players type. I'm also using betterchat.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2018
  6. Do you have the Required Dependencies needed if yes then try this plugin Clans
  7. I type /clan create nothing happens what can i do to fix this
  8. try reading and following overview
  9. F0x


    Hi, since the last Oxide update i have strange behaviours on my server with the GetClanOf hook. All plugins calling GetClanOf with a ulong SteamID64 are not working, the hook is never triggered.

    To fix that i temporary converted all ulong SteamID64 to string in my plugins.

    For example:

    // Not working (returns null), ownerId is a ulong SteamID64
    var clanName = Clans?.Call("GetClanOf", ownerId);// Working
    var clanName = Clans?.Call("GetClanOf", ownerId.ToString());
    Affected plugins
    • AutomaticAuthorization
    • AntiOfflineRaid
    • LustyMap (clan mates not appearing on map)
    • SharedDoors (you can't open doors placed by clan mates)
    Not working with:
    • ulong SteamID64
    Working with:
    • String SteamID64
    • BasePlayer
    Anyone have the same issue ? Thank you.
  10. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, it will be fixed in the next Oxide update.
  11. F0x


    Thank you for the quick reply !
    Any ideas when the next Oxide update will be released ?
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Later today.
  13. Was having the same issue with the latest version of Oxide, added your fix and worked perfect. Thanks!
  14. F0x


    Hi, happy to see that my temporary fix helped. with the latest build of oxide (Release build changelog) this fix is not needed anymore :), update your server oxide, and revert plugins changes.
  15. People keep randomly getting removed from clans. I see no errors the players say they are not leaving and the leaders are not kicking. Any idea where to even start to see why this occurs. It is happening at random times to random people.
  16. deleted
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2018
  17. Clans aren't automatically adding people to friends, even though in config it is set to True.
  18. Is there a way to block certain clan tags?
  19. Hi, Im very new to owning my server and currently trying to set things up. Not easy for me so please try and explain best you can. I have installed IO which seems to be working fine but how do i get clans to work? I placed the CS file into my oxide/plugins folder but im guessing this isnt right?
  20. cant seem to figure out why clan tags are not showing in chat