
Building and entity removal tool

Total Downloads: 63,252 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: Feb 7, 2018

5/5, 105 likes
  1. Does not work with flame turrets.
  2. Reneb updated R-Remover Tool with a new update entry:


  3. After the hotfix patch i get this error

    Error while compiling RemoverTool.cs(1336,21): error CS1061: Type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' does not contain a definition for `connection' and no extension method `connection' of type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  4. Error
    Error while compiling RemoverTool.cs(1336,21): error CS1061: Type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' does not contain a definition for `connection' and no extension method `connection' of type `ConsoleSystem.Arg' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Update your plugin, you're using an old version.
  6. Hello,

    I'm having an issue on my server where any players can /remove other peoples bases. I have BuildingOwners and I never assigned perms to any group that would allow players to have some sort of "admin" privs to remove any base. I attached my config below, would anyone kindly take a look or provide me their setup?

    Thank you!

    Attached Files:

  7. Hi, I've been struggling for several hours trying to get this plugin to work.
    The /remove command works, however I wish to remove any cost/price involved but keep the refund at 100% so if someone places an item wrong they can remove it.
    Every time I change to "Remove - Normal - Price": {}, the file gets edited back to normal. In RustAdmin it says RemoverTool V4.0.11:Failed to load config file (is the config file corrupt?) (After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: ". path '[remove - normal - price]', line 183, position 4.)

    Can anyone help, this is driving me crazy.

    Thank you.
  8. You can take my set up if you want, they can remove their own building in building blocked, no one can, friends can´t too.

    Attached Files:

  9. Thanks Pingamisil, ill check it out!
  10. You only need to edit the refund for stone, wood or what you want. Np
  11. How do I remove it so that even if they own their building, if someone de-auth's them from tool cupboard, they can't build? Some are complaining that when they take over a base, and they de-auth everyone from the tool cupboard, they shouldn't have auth access - they can't build or /remove (Building Owner or not)
  12. Could we get a config option that when containers are removed, all the items spill out instead of getting destroyed with the container?
  13. my remove tool is completely broken get the same error as others apparently multiplay say they tried updating to latest version and still nothing, tried the config pingamisil suggested still nothing, all my pluggins completely broke after updates iv spent almost 3 days back and forth with multiplay trying to fix them all now this is the last one im stuck with.
  14. Seems for some reason this does not work on sheet metal. Anyone else experiencing this?
  15. LOOL multiplays excuse why this plugin wont work, other servers may be using a hotfix smh, as i stated to them if there was a hotfix it would be in with the plugin from the creator time for a new server provider, nothing but issues anyone recommend a good server provider?
  16. hello I just recently rented a rust server and wanted to try my hand at the mods. I have downloaded the building owners plugin and the remove tool plugin. I have added both to my server via ftp into the plugins folder but when I try the remove command it just says unknown command remove. Any advice would be appreciated I am very new to this process so its probably a simple fix im just not seeing.
  17. @Gigabite Is your oxide actually working? type oxide.version via rcon and check if it spits out a version number. If not, oxide ain't installed properly, if oxide is installed correctly show me your oxide/compiler logs
  18. thx for the quick response I found my problem shortly after I posted though was placing the files in the wrong location... but I fixed it and then the mods worked just like they should. Now I have a new issue when i add the remover mod it seems to take away all the crates from the rad towns. Any ideas?
  19. RemoverTool does not handly anything loot-related. You might have for sure another issue coming up this moment of a change before to another plugin.
  20. Thats what i thought i tried to scan the file for anything loot related but didnt find anything but aslong as i dont have the plugin on everything is fine its only when i add the remove plugin that the crates disappear