

Total Downloads: 57,447 - First Release: May 27, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 13, 2018

5/5, 106 likes
  1. Simple question I think for you, but I cannot find the solution, In the cs file, I don't the config by default,
    I only want to increase the speed of melting my small ovens twice as fast.
    Where do you found this in the cs file ?? or put it in the cs file? but where ? Thank you !
    Translated in English by google translate.

    "ByproductModifier": 5.0,
    "ByproductPercent": 100,
    "CharcoalMultiplier": 5,
    "CharcoalPercentLoss": 25,
    "CookedModifier": 100.0,
    "CookedPercent": 100,
    "CookInFurnaces": false,
    "CookTimes": {
    "can_beans_empty": 30.0,
    "can_tuna_empty": 30.0,
    "chicken_raw": 30.0,
    "crude_oil": 10.0,
    "fish_raw": 20.0,
    "hq_metal_ore": 20.0,
    "humanmeat_raw": 30.0,
    "meat.bear.raw": 30.0,
    "meat.pork.raw": 30.0,
    "meat.wolf.raw": 30.0,
    "metal_ore": 10.0,
    "sulfur_ore": 5.0
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2017
  2. Hello we recently installed this and wanted everything to be 5times fast so I set the multiplier to 5 yet now wood goes SUPER fast but other stuff is still despite being set to 1 in cook times and 5 in furnace multiplier
  3. Not working.
  4. i can not get this to work, when i type in quicksmelt it say
    > quicksmelt.allow
    Command 'quicksmelt.allow' not found, can some one help me ?
  5. Thats the permission, not a command.
  6. But Why dosent IT Work:s i have write on the json file But It dosent burn quicker :(
  7. That is a permission. In your F1 console or in Rusty you have to type exactly this: oxide.grant group default quicksmelt.allow

    This allows everyone to be able to use quick smelt I believe. You may think it's not working because the default settings in QuickSmelt are a tiny bit faster than if you had a Vanilla server.
  8. Gone try this later . Hope it works, i have change the json file to 3X insted of 1X
  9. hello guys i need help what i need to change only for double fast smelting not for more become on furnace ? :(
    can anyone send me config line what i need to change ?? :p


    [i change the smelt speed and nothing works hmmm still vanilla]
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2017
  10. Can anyone help? Can't get it to work. After the Update.
  11. I have tried messing the the CS file and the JSON file and everything i try either doesnt work or barley works.
  12. Can someone please give me the json file as some reason it got deleted, ty
  13. Code:
    oxide.reload QuickSmelt
  14. Wow thank you dude
  15. Does this plugin work after the changes to smelting last patch? I can't seem to get this to work; everything is still running at vanilla speeds. I've done hours of testing configurations, checking permissions, and the necessary JSON validation, but it still hasn't worked for me.

    Here's my config file:
    "AmountsOfBecome": {
    "can_beans_empty": 15,
    "can_tuna_empty": 10,
    "chicken_cooked": 1,
    "chicken_raw": 1,
    "crude_oil": 3,
    "fish_cooked": 1,
    "fish_raw": 1,
    "hq_metal_ore": 1,
    "humanmeat_cooked": 1,
    "humanmeat_raw": 1,
    "meat.bear.cooked": 1,
    "meat.bear.raw": 1,
    "meat.pork.burned": 1,
    "meat.pork.cooked": 1,
    "meat.pork.raw": 1,
    "meat.wolf.cooked": 1,
    "meat.wolf.raw": 1,
    "metal_ore": 1,
    "sulfur_ore": 1
    "CharcoalPercentLoss": 0,
    "CookTimes": {
    "can_beans_empty": 1.0,
    "can_tuna_empty": 1.0,
    "chicken_cooked": 1.0,
    "chicken_raw": 1.0,
    "crude_oil": 1.0,
    "fish_cooked": 1.0,
    "fish_raw": 1.0,
    "hq_metal_ore": 1.0,
    "humanmeat_cooked": 1.0,
    "humanmeat_raw": 1.0,
    "meat.bear.cooked": 1.0,
    "meat.bear.raw": 1.0,
    "meat.pork.burned": 1.0,
    "meat.pork.cooked": 1.0,
    "meat.pork.raw": 1.0,
    "meat.wolf.cooked": 1.0,
    "meat.wolf.raw": 1.0,
    "metal_ore": 1.0,
    "sulfur_ore": 1.0
    "OvenMultipliers": {
    "campfire": 5.0,
    "ceilinglight.deployed": 1.0,
    "furnace": 5.0,
    "furnace.large": 5.0,
    "jackolantern.angry": 1.0,
    "jackolantern.happy": 1.0,
    "lantern.deployed": 1.0,
    "refinery_small_deployed": 10.0,
    "tunalight.deployed": 1.0
    "OvercookMeat": false,
    "UsePermissions": true
    If it's an easy solution and I'm just dumb, I apologize in advance. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  16. To which changes do you refer to?
  17. Not being able to split stacks. The only reason I mentioned anything is because they may have changed the way furnaces work as a whole, and that I can't think of anything besides an error on my part that could be the cause of this plugin not working. Regardless, any input on why the plugin isn't working for me?
  18. Furnace storage works like any other storage in the game, and i cannot see there something what would prevent furnaces from working.
    The easiest way to increase speed is changing the "OvenMultipliers".
  19. If you looked at my config file and original post, you'll see that the "OvenMultipliers" are already changed, and that I had messed around with the configuration for several hours trying to get it to work. From my experience, changing any of the values in this configuration file does nothing. Furnaces act exactly like they do in regular Rust even after changing their values in the config file. Cook times stay at their default values even after setting them to the lowest value (1), multipliers aren't speeding any of the configured ovens up, and "AmountsOfBecome" does nothing as well.

    Again, if it's a problem with my configuration, please let me know. But otherwise, this plugin doesn't seem to be working after the patch on 3/23. And 3 other people have commented with the same issue.
  20. Did you "grant" the permission? ;)
    Cause you have:
      "UsePermissions": true