1. I recently started getting requests from people to make a Server manager for Hurworld similar to this: Rust Server Manager for Rust | Oxide

    Before I start making one I want to do some research and it would be helpful if some server owners could help me out.

    1. How do you currently manage your server?
    2. What branch is your server running on?
    3. How do you update your server?
    4. If it's possible I would love to look at your start script.
    5. What're the recommended ports you use?
    6. Whats the minimum specs for a server?
    7. How many plugins do you guys have on your server?
    8. What languages do you speak and what language do you want to see Hurtworld Server Manager in?
    If some server owners could possibly answer some of those questions it would help a lot. Thanks.
  2. 1.typing in-game commands
    3.user lsgm
    1. Host through HostHavoc, I do most of my file managing via FTP
    2. V2
    3. Host has an easy button to do it. It also has an easy button to update Oxide, but I prefer to do that manually via uploading oxide myself.
    4. I use the autoexec file for this since my server is not hosted on my own computer
    5. 12871 and 12881 (you will need both if you intend on using workshop mods)
    6. V1 : Windows 7, 8, 8.1, Server 2008, Server 2012 (64-Bit only)
      Quad core processor: 2 GHz
      Memory: 4 GB RAM
      Graphics: GeForce 460/Radeon HD 5850/Intel HD 4600 with at least 1024 MB video RAM
      2 GB available space

      V2 : I don't know every requirement, but I do know you need at least 6GB of ram, a bit more space, and a bit more CPU power

    7. I had 38 on my V1 server, significantly less now that I'm on V2 as the plugin development for V2 has basically just started
    8. English - however I'd recommend such a feature expand to other languages, over time, as well
  3. True I'm hosting a rust server with host havoc by my self to and I'm very happy about it,


    If you wanted to run a rust server on your own pc and its recommend that you've enough space end enough ram on it,
    you can handle it with 8 gigs of ram but the recommend is 16 gig of ram,
    So a friend of my he runs a rust server on his own server pc and I told him that its recommend having a ram of 16 gigs because it needs to run the windows to and the players base as well,
    and he haves 2TB hard disk with is enough to get your server on and he gots a CPU i5 3gen with 3.30GHZ windows 10 pro,
    So let us know which one you want,
    And if of choose for self-hosting then please post your specs in here,
    So one of us can decide if you got the right specs for it
  4. Thanks for this but I already know all this. I'm the developer of Rust Server Manager. I was wondering more about Hurtworld as you can see in what section this is.
  5. Hurtworld doesn't needs that much to host you can host a hurt world server already with 8 gigs of ram,
    the ports for hurtworld are 12881 UPD and 12871TCP and yeah you know how to login on steam cmd,
    after that use app_update, 405100 validate this will update the lasted version from hurtworld
    now comes the funniest part you can choose about v1 or v2 if you're totally new to hurtworld go ahead and try v2
    So and this part to download v2 you have to use app_update 405100 -beta itemv2 validate this will download the whole newst version of hurtworld itemv2, afther this you have to greate a host.bat file and place this into it,
    Hurtworld.exe -batchmode -nographics -exec "host 12871 ;queryport 12881;servername [NL/EU]<color=#00FFFF>RelaxGamingItemV2</color>;addadmin 76561198119298561;maxplayers 50" -logfile "gamelog.txt".
    [ps just change the steamid and server name and player lots if you want]
    do you also want to have oxide on it on itemv2 then go to this website AppVeyor
    , not al the plugins will work from hurtworld self so its recommend using the universal plugin page
    if you want to add admins or mods simply create a file that's called autoexe.cfg open this as notepad++ otherwise it won't work,
    you can find those mods on the page from steam it self
    and to ad admins on your server just open the autoexe.cfg and place there addadmin steamid
    to install mods same way open the autoexe.cfg place there loadmod modnumber
    If you have more questions about hurtworld just ask here I can help you alot with it or other people can help aswell