Player Challenges

Allows titles to be set when certain criteria are met, with a UI Leader board

Total Downloads: 5,647 - First Release: Nov 11, 2015 - Last Update: May 5, 2018

5/5, 20 likes
  1. post your config
  2. Probably a dumb question that I'm just not seeing the answer for.. but how do we clear the data and the PC titles when we want to do a full wipe? I've tried deleting the data folders and files, but that seems to just break the plugin...

    Ahh, PC_Wipe. I see that a few pages back.

    Can you add that to the overview please? That's a great thing to know :)

    Thanks for the great plugin.
  3. For some reason since the latest update the player tags don't seem to be working for me.. not sure if this or betterchat..
  4. removed better chat still no tags
  5. Could you fix when changing stuff not to show up on the config the GUI does not have space the Kill tables along all the pages please
  6. you are rigth
    im with the old BetterChat yet :(
  7. @Wulf

    Again the same Crash problem,
    I installed and configured the new BetterChat
    Works great ... then I deleted all the PlayerChallenge data config all
    I install the new PlayerChallenge, go to game, put the command /pc and works great.
    I check general working: FINE...
    then I go for the translate it.
    I copied the en lang file to es, and put my translation.
    I saved, then I reloaded the Plugin.
    Go to Game, put the command: /pc
    CRASH the server.

    take my translation:

      "newLeader": "{playername} es el Nuevo TOP de la Categoría {ctype}",
      "UIDisabled": "La interfaz se desactivo por un problema en la configuracion. Por favor avise a un administrador",
      "dataWipe": "Se han limpiado todos los datos de los rankings",
      "AnimalKills": "Animales Matados",
      "ArrowKills": "Muertes con Flechas",
      "ClothesCrafted": "Ropas Creadas",
      "Headshots": "HeadShots",
      "PlantsGathered": "Plantas Cosechadas",
      "PlayersHealed": "Jugadores Curados",
      "PlayersKilled": "Jugadores Matados",
      "MeleeKills": "Muertes cuerpo a cuerpo",
      "RevolverKills": "Muertes con Pistolas",
      "RocketsFired": "Misiles Lanzados",
      "RocksGathered": "Piedras Picadas",
      "BladeKills": "Muertes con Espadas",
      "StructuresBuilt": "Estructuras Construidas",
      "StructuresRepaired": "Estructuras Reparadas",
      "ExplosivesThrown": "Explosivos Usados",
      "WeaponsCrafted": "Armas Creadas",
      "WoodGathered": "Madera Leñada",
      "PVEKillDistance": "Distancia de Cazería animal más larga",
      "PVPKillDistance": "Distancia de Muerte más larga",
      "QuestsCompleted": "Misiones Completadas"
  8. There is a bug with the Enabled FLAG,
    with config as:
    "ClothesCrafted": {
    "Enabled": false,

    Its still showing the Tag on betterchat
  9. Is it just me or is Structures built not working?
  10. the plugins is having many bugs, we need wait to the dev for a check it...

    I can do some list of them:

    Maybe Bugs:
    - Structures are not showing in tag
    - Handyman are not showing in tag
    - When you put Enable:false some tags still appearing
    - Translations Crash the server
    - When you shot somebody get Wounded and you do TP get a bugged distance (explained here: Player Challenges | Page 12 | Oxide)

    Some improvements:
    - Add SIZE to the tags, at least a general config for all tags.
    - Add Colour selection on tag

    I know you can do something like this:
    "BladeKills": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Priority": 10,
    "Title": "<size=12><color=cyan>BladeMan</color></size>",
    but is better to have this config appart I think for new admins is easier.
    I tested again Architect and is showed.
  11. Wierd it wont track on my server ill have to do some more testing tomorrow
  12. anyway to allow auth 2 to be in the lists?
  13. It would be nice if it could export all statistics to sql db
  14. How to translate the names of challenge types to other languages ? I`m tryed do this in .cs files bat it stop working... Can you make an able to translate it via lang files, please ?
  15. PlayerChallenges is realy bugged by now, I uninstall it for the moment
  16. is there a way to change challenges titles in GUI I tried with lang file but didnt work.
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    What steps did you take to edit it? Edit file > save file > reload plugin.
  18. yes I edited file lang file then reload plugin but I saw same title also "UITitle" changed but others same. I realized it gets title name from config names because when I change them in cs file I can change title names but it takes too long :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2017
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Next Oxide build should resolve it.